Soul Reaper, Shizukana Nyuji

BLEACH: The Twin Dragons

Username: UlquiHime

AFF acount:

Character Info!

Name: Shizukana Nyuji (Quiet Baby) [Given by Kenpachi Zaraki]

Real name: Fujiwara Yoichi (First son) [This is a boy name~!^^]

NickNames: Mute, Baby

DOB: December 3rd

Age: 19

Gender: Female


Style: She wears a standard shinigami suit but the black headband and choky remains. She always wear something black on her.


She’s a mute but is really caring. She’s nice to almost everyone and tried to stay out of trouble. She’s always ready for any mission and is very optimistic. She will risk her life for the people she cares for and won’t hesitate to kill you if you mess with her ‘family’. She’s outgoing if you count out the part that she doesn’t speak.

But despite that disadvantage, she’s quick at ‘saying’ things out from her mind. The only time you will see her angry is when certain people try to mess with her. Yamamoto sent her to 11th division because he believes that it will help give her more confidence and makes her stronger.

When she’s in love, she’ll ‘talk’ less often and whenever something related to love or the person she likes comes up, she’ll smile to herself and turn pinkish. So it will be quite obvious when she likes someone.






-Being alone

-Being with the people she trusts

-Seeing the person she admire/like/love/crush

-Playing with Yachiru

-Practicing with Kenpachi


-Fighting (But is really good at it)

-Cornered by people

-Being beaten

-People taking care of her



-Playing her violin

-Hanging out at the Shinigami’s Women association club

-Wearing black outfits

-Taking care of Yachiru when Kenpachi is out


-Biting her bottom lip when people don’t understand what she is ‘signing’ about

-Panicking silently when confusing someone

-Turning red when near someone she likes

-Turning left and right to avoid someone’s eye contact


-She can speak but doesn’t want to so people says she’s a mute

-She’s a ‘mute’ so she either ‘signs’ what she is saying, writing down what she wants to say on a notebook or uses her dark purple reiatsu to form sentences on thin air

-She rather uses sign language then ‘speaking’ using her reiatsu

-She has insomnia

-She sleeps on the roof of her barracks

-She likes to peep into other people’s rooms

-If she’s surprised, she’ll ‘meep!’ without opening .

-Her Shunpo is above average and she is able to keep up with Yorouichi’s speed.

-Her reiatsu is dark purple and is constantly being spewed out.

-She has a hard time with her Reiatsu control

Choose:(choose what you want to be)

[X] A Soul reaper

[ ] A Human with a gift

[ ] A Quincy

[ ] Arrancar


Soul reaper:

What division: 11th division, 4th seat (If available)


Name: Kaze Nijumaru

Zanpakuto spirit form:

Kaze Nijumaru is a blind handsome grown man around his 18’s. He is talkative and has quite a temper. Due to his long name, Nyuji decided to ‘call’ him Maru-kun (Devil). In return, he will call her ‘Baby’ and his thumb teasingly at her. He is annoyed at Nyuji because she refuses to speak, forcing him to speak for her. But they both depend on each other, Nyuji as his eyes and Nijumaru as . They both have a love-and-hate relationship with one another. He is extremely concerned for her because he knows that deep down, Nyuji is a fragile girl. That’s why he will go in arm’s way to protect her as she will protect him. He has a lousy sense of Reiatsu so he’s almost always releasing his reiatsu.

Shikai: Kaze Nijumaru (Double Wind Circle)

Nyuji’s sword splits and curls to form two chakrams. With this, Nyuji is able to cast out gushes of wind by swinging her Chakrams. She is also able to throw them and they will recoil back to her. Her shunpo is greatly needed in this form.

(She uses two of these on both hands)

Bankai: Saishu Kaze Ichimaru (Final Wind Circle)

In this form, her Nyuji’s chakram mold into one another to form a big chakram. She is able to swing it at a faster pace despite it’s big form. The chakram is able to create twisters is swinged and when Nyuji throws it, it is able to explode upon impact with it’s target and recoil back to her perfectly fine.


After her parent’s death, she roamed and scavenged around her area. After four years, she came across Yachiru who was lost after separated from Kenpachi. The both of them grew a bond together and Nyuji felt happy. When Kenpachi showed up, he taught that Nyuji was a dangerous person and started attacking her. Quickly, Nyuji grabbed a metal pole and defended herself. Kenpachi was impress because no girl was able to parry back to him. Kenpachi agreed to take care of her and decided to train her so that she is able to defend herself from other people.

Because Nyuji couldn’t tell Kanpachi her real name, Kenpachi named her Shizukana Nyuji, Quiet Baby because she was a mute and Kenpachi thought that the way she acted around Yachiru so comfortably is so babyish.

Family: Her parents were killed when she was 4 by the violent people in her District. She survived but she received a permanent trauma from it because she witness her parents death right before her eyes. She became mute after that.


Love life/social life:

Friends: Ikakku, Yumichika, Kenpachi

Best Frinds: Rukia, Nemu, Momo, Yachiru (Little Sister)


1st Ggio Vega

2nd Uryuu Ishida

3rd Byakuya Kuchiki

Ex-Lovers: NIL

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UlquiHime #1
How cute!!<br />
I always thought that Ichigo and Isshin's squabbles are cute~!^^
HinataSnow #2
Aigoo, Isshin is lying!!<br />
Of COURSE he can see ghosts!!! XD
ooh.. interesting.. i can't wait for more
UlquiHime #4
Oh Happy DAY!!!!<br />
Arigato for picking me!!!!<br />
HinataSnow #5
Woohoox~! <br />
Glad I got picked~!^^<br />
Can't wait for the story to start~!!!^^<br />
HinataSnow #6
OMG!!!! SHINEE!!! F(x)!!!! SNSD!!!! DBSK!!!! SS501!!! BIG BANG!!!! 2NE1!!!!!<br />
They all look soooo cute~!^^
UlquiHime #7
UlquiHime #8
This looks interesting~!^^<br />
Gonna apply for it soon~!^^