Arrancar, Ellaquina Jaegerjaquez

BLEACH: The Twin Dragons

Username: HinataSnow

AFF account:


Character Info!

Name: Ellaquina Jaegerjaquez (El-la-ki-na Ja-ger-jac-es)

NickNames: Ella, Princessa, Kitty, Squirt (By Ggio and Grimmjow)

DOB: July 31

Age: 18

Gender: Girl


She zips up the jacket when she wants to so she’s always seen ped. Her mask will be on top of her head.

Her hole is near her abdomen.

Style: She just wears a black jacket and shorts. But when she’s cold, she changes to wear jeans and a scarf.*qiekPQKvJ-BpE0SHb7tuiQ-WkPZ*vmmqDyyUZq3PweWRq6nXjkFfVelpu2ZpGIGEBqmfqIb3mpE8-j9/AnimeGirl.jpg?width=314



She’s quite the opposite of her brother if you first met her. She will not talk that much when meeting someone new but will warm up to you soon enough. But once you start to know her, she’s actually a little similar to her older brother, Grimmjow. They both share their love for fighting and are in a love-and-hate relationship with each other. Ella’s nice towards other girl Arrancars and clueless males (Wonderweiss). She talks but only when needed to and will not obey any rules. She is melancholic and barely smiles. She cares for her friends well-being but will not react irrationally. If she sees someone she loves dies, she'll sob quietly and think of revenge. Sweet Sweet revenge. If you mess with her or any of her friends, she'll act really cold to you.

Despite wishing that her brother will stop obsessing over her, she loves him with all her heart and will KILL anyone who hurts him. Overall, she's quite a caring badass.


-Staying quiet

-Being away from her brother when he’s obsessing


-Singing in secret

-Walking aimlessly

-Getting her brother into trouble

-Going to the rooftop of Las Noches

-Emo people (She fits right in)

-Drinking apple juice and/or sake

-Singing a lullaby with her brother before going to sleep

-Rapping duets with Grimmjow



-Her brother being obsess with her well being

-Noisy people

-People who think they’re all that

-Seeing the people she loves being hurt

-Weak people

-Being weak




-Singing a lullaby


-Helping out the girl Arrancars and clueless guys


-Playing her violin or flute



-She goes up to the roof of Las Noches to look at the moon when she’s feeling lonely or wants to be alone

-Walking down the hallways aimlessly (Knowing that Gin is changing the corriors)

-She has a thing for clueless Arrancars and usually helps them out when she feels like it (Eg. Playing catch with Wonderweiss)

-Slapping her brother’s head as a greeting

-Killing a hollow by piercing their stomach with her hand

-She can’t smile but when she does, it looks weird.



-She’s an O type

-She thought Luppi was a girl and changed in the same room as him. He passed out and Grimmjow laughed his pants off. (Which resulted in him having a bleeding nose and a black eye)

-She’s the fraternal twin of Grimmjow

-Younger then Grimmjow by half a minute -She's in a 'group' that consists of Grimmjow, her, Luppi, Ggio and Mila Rose

-Will only zip up her jacket when she’s cold, nervous, uneasy or embarrassed

-Her reiatsu is Dark Blue but Bright red when in Released form

-She and her brother both has a lullaby they usually duet together before going to sleep (This somehow is related when they were still living in the Real World)

-When she's at the top of the Las Noches, she'll start singing

-She'll usually team up with her brother whenever their group has Karaoke night and will rap a duet.


Choose:(choose what you want to be)

[ ] A Soul reaper

[ ] A Human with a gift

[ ] A Quincy

[X] Arrancar



Power: Her power is offensive. She is able to use her whip to paralyze them or just kill them. Her Cero is blue coloured but is red when in her released form. Her sonido is above expectations due to her short form. To activator her Released form, she'll touch the hilt of her sword and mutter 'Split, Latigo Doble' (Twin Whip)

Mask: On top of her head




Her sword name is Latigo Doble. Her sword splits and turns into two whips when she is in Resurrección form. The leather whip is held on her left hand while the metal steel whip is held on her right.

It has the ability to stretch to unknown lengths and recoil back fast. It also excretes red liquids that seeps into her enemies body, paralyzing them.

The metal whip is able to conflict more damage to her opponent but is slower than the leather whip. The metal whip is able to extend in length and is able to produce spikes that can be thrown towards the enemy.

Transformation form:

In her Resurrección form, her mask disappears to take form on both of her arms, her left is metal armored while her right leather covered.

Her eyes changed colour and her clothes dissolved into red clothing. Her hair also changes and is tied to a high ponytail.

Her Sonido and Cero are increased in power tenfold.


She did not remember her human life but she remembered when she was an Adjuchas. She was smaller compared to her brother when they were both Adjuchas. They stayed together and they hunted together. Grimmjow protected her from male Adjuchas and they both depended on together. When she was an Adjuchas, she was a tiger with slightly red stripes but she was cloaked. Grimmjow told her to be cloaked so that other Adjuchas will not think she’s a girl and not attack her.

One day, she was hunting on her own because she did not want to bother her brother. She came across a sleeping sabre-tooth Adjuchas (Ggio Vega). She hid to attack him but noticed a big Adjuchas advancing towards him. Not knowing what came over her, she quickly attacked the Big Adjuchas to save Ggio. Ggio woke up and they both attacked him together. The big Adjuchas fled and Ggio asked why Ell saved him. Ella shrugged and said “It seemed the right thing to do.” Ella then suggested that the both of them stick together to hunt.

Suddenly, they were ambushed by three other Adjuchas!! Seemed like the previous Adjuchas brought friends! Ggio and Ella quickly started attacking them. Boom!! Pow!! Roar!! They battled like no other! (Lol, sorry! Got carried away here!! XD)

In the battle, Ella’s cloak tore off and Ggio was stunned in shock. Ggio was injured at that moment and he passed out. Ella was cornered by the two remaining Adjuchas. She felt hopeless when suddenly, a blinding flash appeared and the two Adjuchas disappeared. Aizen, Gin and  Tosen appeared before her. Aizen gave her a choice, to join him and be stronger or die weak. She agreed to join him so that nobody she holds dear to will ever be injured again.

[Yikes! So long! Sorry! XP]


Love life/social life:


Friends: Gin, Wonderweiss, Apache, Sun-Sun, Hallibel

Best Friends: Ggio Vega, Mila Rose, Grimmjow


1st: Ulquiorra Cifer  

2nd: Uryuu Ishida

Ex-Lovers: Ggio Vega asked me out but it didn’t work. We remained best friends.

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UlquiHime #1
How cute!!<br />
I always thought that Ichigo and Isshin's squabbles are cute~!^^
HinataSnow #2
Aigoo, Isshin is lying!!<br />
Of COURSE he can see ghosts!!! XD
ooh.. interesting.. i can't wait for more
UlquiHime #4
Oh Happy DAY!!!!<br />
Arigato for picking me!!!!<br />
HinataSnow #5
Woohoox~! <br />
Glad I got picked~!^^<br />
Can't wait for the story to start~!!!^^<br />
HinataSnow #6
OMG!!!! SHINEE!!! F(x)!!!! SNSD!!!! DBSK!!!! SS501!!! BIG BANG!!!! 2NE1!!!!!<br />
They all look soooo cute~!^^
UlquiHime #7
UlquiHime #8
This looks interesting~!^^<br />
Gonna apply for it soon~!^^