Confusion and Realization

The Secrets We Keep

So I've decided that it hurt my heart too much to write angst, so their may be a little drama, but this story will mostly be fluff.. I hope everyone is okay with that! :)


(Baekhyun POV)

During my chemistry class that following Monday, our teacher was explaining about our mid semester project we were assigned. We each got paired up with another student and had three weeks to do any sort of ab experiment and then write a report over our findings. Science is one of my least favorite subjects, so I was barely paying attention when my teacher called my name.

“Byun Baekhyun… and Oh Sehun, you will be partners for this project.” He said casually and then continued listing off names.

Wait… What?!?!?! I have to be stuck with Oh Sehun, the guy who has literally haunted my dreams since the beginning of this year.. Oh great, I better start writing my eulogy now..

I heard the chair next to me squeak against the floor, and it startled me out of my internal panicking. I looked over to see a tall thin (but very scarily muscular) blonde looking down at me, with eyes that were like ice, and completely unreadable. It sent shivers down my back at the thought of being alone with this guy.

“So do you have any idea what you want to do for this project yet?” He asked, his deep voice resonating in my ears.


“Hello? Byun?” He asked annoyed, waving his hand in front of my face, waking me out of my daze.

“Huh? What?” I blurted stupidly.

“I asked if you knew what you wanted to do yet, you know since your second in the class and everything, I thought you would probably be the one to decide what we should do?” He repeated, sounding a little bored with the topic.

“Oh ummm.. how about something to do with sound and vibrations?”

“Hmmm, is there any way to make that sound a little less lame? I need a good grade on this if I’m gonna pass the class.”

Less Lame.. this is science, the epitome of lame… But, I need to get on his good side so I can survive these next few weeks.

“Umm.. well we could do an experiment that uses fire with sound? Does that sound cool?”

“Fire? How would that work?”

“We could make something to create the fire and see how it reacts when it is connected to a music player. The bass in the music would either make the fire smaller or bigger, fast or slow, depending on the beat.” I offered. Oh jeez, what am I thinking, he’s gonna hate this!

“That sounds awesome!” He agreed, and I swear I saw him smile for the first time ever.

 I can’t believe that I had actually made “Ice Prince” Sehun smile, this must be backward day or something, did I wake up this morning?

He scribbled something down on a piece of paper and handed to me, I blinked at it dumbly.

“That’s my address and number, let me know when your free and you can come over to work on it, I’ve got an entire garage full of stuff we can use to build it. I have soccer after school, but other than that I’m usually free.”

The bell rang and he began packing up his stuff normally, as if he hadn’t just invited me over to his house, and nicely at that.

“Well, see ya.” He called as he walked he got up to leave

“Oh, uh yeah.” I mumbled.

I was still sitting at my desk, I hadn’t even closed my notebook yet.

What the f—k just happened?

I walked outside to meet Tao and Soo, when I noticed our usual table was empty.

Hmm that’s strange, thy always beat me out here..

Just then, my phone rang with Soo’s favorite song (Billionaire), and when I checked the message my heart dropped.

SooSoo: SOS!.. It’s Tao, come quick! We’re in the boys bathroom in I-Hall!

I ran around the school as fast as I could until I reached I-Hall. I opened the door to the bathroom to find Soo huddled over a crushed looking Tao who had a tear stained face. Thankfully no one ever came in this bathroom, so we knew we were safe to talk in here.

“Oh god, Tao what happened?!” I shouted, rushing to him, throwing my arms around his neck and squeezing tightly in a hug. I heard him chuckle a little and I stared at him in disbelief.

“Baek, Don’t worry.. I’m not hurt or anything.” He tried to reassure me, but I was not so easily convinced.

“Well then why do you look like a complete mess? Who did this to you?! I swear I will murder whoever dares hurt my Taozi!”

“Baek!” Soo called from beside me, “Just let him explain, okay? It will all make sense, well sort of..” he said, not looking very confident as he did so.

“Alright, someone explain what is going on because I am thoroughly baffled.” I sighed.

“Well, it all started a couple weeks ago when I went to this party that some of my wushu friends dragged me to.” Tao began.

“As parties go, I got separated from them and decided to just drink and maybe dance a little, you know me, I love dancing and partying by myself.”

“Pshh, of course. You always turn down offers when you get asked to dance.”

“Well, in my defense I was buzzed, but I actually let someone talk me into dancing with them that night.” He smiled, at the memory. This honestly made my brain freak out even more.

“No way.. You.. with someone else.. Omo Tao you never do that! Okay now I’m insanely curious.. Keep going!” I squeaked swatting his leg playfully.

“We danced for a good long while, but we got tired so we went out hang out on the balcony together. We just started talking and we told funny stories about ourselves, and one thing led to another and…”

I gasped loudly.. “Tao.. You did not have your first kiss!” I teased.

“Hehe, yeah I don’t know how it happened, but there was even a little tongue.” Tao admitted blushing profusely.

“Oh.. My.. God.. No Freakin Way!!” I laughed. We all giggled at my overreaction and as we calmed down, Tao went on.

“Well anyway, we exchanged phone numbers and started talking on the phone. Honestly, we talk for hours on end sometimes and it still doesn’t feel long enough.” He smiled to himself.

“But wait, this all sounds wonderful, so what’s wrong?” I asked squeezing his leg a little. His eyes went downcast and I could see him struggling with what he wanted to say next.

“The last time he called, he asked me to go out to dinner with him, like a date, and I panicked and didn’t say anything.”

“I don’t see anything wrong with goi-..” When the realization hit me, my mouth dropped to the floor. “ Wait.. did you say ‘He’” I asked incredulously. I looked over at Soo and he only nodded his head to answer my question. When I turned back to Tao, I smacked him over the head, annoyed with the fact he kept this a secret this whole time.

“How could you not tell us you were gay?! You know me and Soo both are, so why would you keep it a secret from us, we’re your best friends!”

“Look, I didn’t even know okay, I’m still completely confused too. I never thought about it before, but I think the reason I never danced with any girl that would ask me is because I honestly didn’t want to be with a girl. But, it didn’t even occur to me before. But being with him, everything felt right, and when he kissed me, at first I freaked out, but I got swept away and couldn’t help myself from kissing him back. For the first time, I think I’ve actually fallen for someone. And I don’t understand why it’s another guy!” He yelled, dropping his head down his hands in shame.

“Tao, you listen to me okay. Liking another boy is nothing to be afraid of. Sure, it’s a little scary at first because it’s completely different from everything you know. And some people might even tell you you’re wrong for feeling this way, but believe me when I say that you should never be ashamed for feeling happy with someone. Before I met Chanyeol, I was terrified to even tell you guys, the people I trust the most in my life, how I really felt. I kept it hidden, locked away inside me, and I hated myself for not being able to tell the truth. Trust me when I say that it will make you feel much better embracing your true feelings, than trying to live like someone else expects you to. Don’t ever change for someone else. Promise me?” I whispered, holding out my pinky.

Tao looked up at me with blurry eyes and a smile broke out over his face from ear to ear as he took my pinky.

“Oh Baek, you don’t even how much you mean to me sometimes!” He shouted, pulling me into a bear hug, I pulled Soo down and we all sat bundled together for a while. After all the tears were dry and the hearts were calmed we parted, but still stayed close together.

“So, what’s this amazing new guy’s name?” I teased, elbowing Tao a little.

“Kris, and the best part is he’s Chinese, just like me!” He chuckled.

“So are you gonna go to dinner with him?” Soo asked.

“I think I will, he makes me feel better than anybody else ever could, and I know I want to get to know him more. I’ll call him later tonight.” He said smiling.

“So, was he a good kisser?” I asked, laughing.

Tao turned beet red and pushed me off my chair to get back at me, and I rolled on the floor snorting.


Later that night as I was doing math homework with Chanyeol at my house, I couldn’t stop thinking about what had happened earlier with Sehun. I reached in my pocket and pulled out the piece of paper and just stared at it blankly. Chanyeol looked over at me curiously.

“What’s that?” He asked.

“You won’t believe me even if I tell you.” I chuckled, still staring at the note.

“Oh really? Now I have to know.”

“It’s Sehun’s address and phone number…?”

“Wae? Ehh.. Now I’m completely confused..”

“I know.. It doesn’t make any sense! I mean, this is the guy who threw me up against my locker and practically called me worthless. And he wasn’t even slightly rude to me today!”

Yeol had his eyebrows crinkled together in confusion.

“I’m still lost here.. When did this happen?”

“In chemistry today, we got partnered up for a project and I ended up with Sehun. At first I was terrified to work with him, but all he did was ask what we should do and tell me to come over and work on it with him. I think I even saw him smile!”

Wait.. What?! Oh Sehun.. The Ice Prince of our school smiled at you?! Are you sure?”

“Well it wasn’t necessarily at me, but it definitely happened!”


“My thoughts exactly.”

“Hmmm, maybe something good happened that made him less of a jerk?”

“Yeah, like what?” I snorted, as if that was possible. He may have been decent earlier, but I am still far from believing Oh Sehun is no longer a complete and utter a—hole.

Just the Chanyeol’s face turned slightly deviant.

“Maybe something like this..?” He whispered as he leaned in the kiss me, catching me totally off guard and making me blush a new shade of red.

He chuckled when he saw my face, “I know it always puts me in a much better mood, that’s for sure.”

I punched him in the shoulder annoyed with how much power he had over my feelings, and we both went back to working. When I knew Yeol wasn’t looking, a slight smile crept over my lips, but I would die before I let him find that out.

Oh My Gosh I am back.... I am so sorry for the random haitus, but I just got extremely with busy and couldn't find time to write. I am back now and hopefully I should be able to write more and more!

So comment what you think about the newest addition to the story!! <3 <3 Everytime you guys comment it makes my day better with how sweer you all are! <3

There will be much more about Tao and his "dilemma", so this is not the last you will hear of it! ;) 

Thanks for sticking with me everyone! I love you all from the bottom of my heart!



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zengkelly #1
I wanna see chenhun plz
Chapter 15: I wanna see HunHan pleaseee!!!
Chapter 15: Jealousy will really get this story going but it's good with or without it. And I can't wait for Sehun to confess his feelings for that new foreign exchange student
ely42456 #4
Chapter 15: I read your story all today and i really like it!
i don't think i want sebaek but i would love to see a jealous CHANYEOL eheheh
i'll wait for more ^.^
sarapinki #5
Chapter 14: I want sebaek xD nice story btw
Chapter 14: I sense jealousy in the future... and I sense me liking it! :D
Panda12345 #7
love itttttt
Chapter 13: i agree with jongin a nervous kyungsoo is so cute i loved the fluff like always thank you unni <3
xochanniexo #9
Chapter 13: I love it <3 cant wait for update! ^3^
Chapter 12: the fluff just killed me and a seductive baekhyun is amazing you killed this chapter unni love you <3