The Hunt For The Lost Sibling

Where The Cold Ones Roam

Seung Yeon often went over to The Soshi Clan's house and stayed many nights with them and she was no longer mad at Jaesung. All of the vampires were used to the human and became protective of her and very defensive of the girl. As time passed the vampires could sense a werewolf pack near by which happended to be Seung Yeon's father. Today they were close by and then the wolves were right outside of their home. Taeyeon and the other vampires came out with Seung Yeon behind them and her father smelt her scent and knew it was Seung Yeon. He went into his human form and looked at her, "S-Seung Yeon...." he said and looked at her. "Do I know you?" the human girl said, "N-No but I am your were born human. Also why are you around some filthy bloodsuckers?" he said and Seung Yeon got mad, "I don't know if you are lying or not about being my father but DON'T YOU DARE CALL THESE GIRLS BLOODSUCKERS!" she yelled with her brows furrowed. Then Yeon Ra transformed into human form. "This is her dad?" she asked and he nodded stating he knows her scent anywhere.

"Listen sir, I know you think lowly of my kind. But I wouldn't eve-" Taeyeon started to say and he butted in. "You filthy get away from my daughter right now and stay away from her." he said and Seung Yeon went up to him and slapped him. "You maybe my father and you may not be but don't ever insult Taeyeon. She is my family, she protects me and she wouldn't harm me and neither would the others behind me. If anyone is a filthy creature it's you. These vampire's are kind believe me or not is your choice. But they are my home and they are my sisters. Taeyeon is my leader...and all of them are my sisters who love me. Sure I am a human but Taeyeon and Tiffany only kill animals. The other's are converting to animal blood as well and they have control over their bloodlust. You don't know these girls and I prefer them over you." Seung Yeon said and Sunny wrapped her arm around the humans shoulders and smirked then they took her back inside their home.

"Sir..." Chen started to say and the alpha shook his head, "We will settle in this area, we won't harm them unless they harm Seung Yeon. If they do..kill them" he said the went back to wolf form as did Yeon Ra and went into the woods with the rest of the pack and Chen followed. After they were inside Taeyeon rubbed her forehead and looked at Seung Yeon. "I know how their kind is...they will settle down here and keep an eye on our every move." she said and Seung Yeon bowed to her, "I'm sorry this is my fault..." she said and Sunny lifted her face up by her chin, "Hey, like you said we are family. We are going to protect you with our immortal lives." she said and Seung Yeon blushed. Seung Yeon went into thought and nodded her head in the end. 

As it became midnight Seung Yeon asked to spend the night and Taeyeon nodded her head and took Seung Yeon to her and Tiffany's room. Seung Yeon had learned that Taeyeon and Tiffany were dating and the other's accepted the two together and she did as well. She fell asleep and Sunny walked into the room and sat in the chair and watched her sleep. Yuri came in and quietly spoke to Sunny, "I can tell you know...we all can" she said and Sunny nodded her head. "I know...but I will protect her" Sunny said then looked Yuri in the eyes. Yuri then nodded and left the room and Sunny watched the human sleep. When morning came she was no longer there but out in the living room and watched Seung Yeon rub her eyes and Taeyeon hugged her and rubbed the back of her head saying, "Aigoo. my poor little sister is tired~ that's okay Taetae will take care of you!~" she said and Seung Yeon smiled and Sunny did as she watched the girl. 

Seung Yeon looked and Sunny then hugged her and slumped on her and Sunny held her and breathed in the human girl's scent. Sunny loved the smell of Seung Yeon, she could smell the girls blood and Sunny has never wanted someone's blood as much as she craved for Seung Yeon's. Sunny had very good control over her bloodlust but it was hard for her to not nibble on the human's neck, she had asked Taeyeon what it had ment and she told her that if a vampire loved a human the bloodlust is much worse cause the vampire is full of lust. Sunny loved Seung Yeon and the lust was very deep and she held herself back, Tiffany and Taeyeon kept their eyes on the pair to make sure Sunny was okay. Seohyun came out with Jessica and they also got hugs from the girl. 

Outside Yeon Ra and Chen were watching the vampires interact with Seung Yeon and Chen scoffed, "I bet they are planning to kill her." he said and Yeon Ra shook her head. "I won't let that happen to my little sister." Yeon Ra said, Chen looked at her and nodded his head and they kept their attention on them. Sooyoung and Yoona could sense the two wolves and looked at Taeyeon, "Two werewolves are just outside the house. They are watching this place like a hawk." Yoona said and sighed. "It's hard to hunt this way with them around, and we can't play at night either!" Sooyoung complained and Seung Yeon giggled a little and Sooyoung gave her a dorky grin. 

Everyone nodded their head and looked out the window, "Do you think they noticed us?" Chen asked Yeon Ra who nodded her head. "Vampires can sense things from a large distance, especially if they are connected to the person on thing they are tracking down." Yeon Ra said and her eyes locked onto Sunny's who gave her a disgusted expression. "Stupid fleabags..." Sunny said and turned to got to her room and Seung Yeon followed. "You okay Sunny?" Seung Yeon asked and the vampire turned around and nodded her head, "I just want you safe...and I don't trust werewolves. They are unpredictable" Sunny said and the humans hair. Seung Yeon smiled, and a smiled came from the vampire's lips, Sunny stepped closer to her and hugged her tightly. Sunny let her go after a while and Seung Yeon went down stairs and saw Tiffany cooking and Taeyeon with her wrapped around Tiffany's waist. 

Tiffany giggled at the older vampire and Taeyeon kissed Tiffany's cheek, Seung Yeon told the other's she had to go back home today and they wanted her to stay but agreed and decided to send Sunny to make sure she got hom safely. The two walked back at night, "Thank you for coming with me Sunny." Seung Yeon said. "It's no problem, I want you safe..." Sunny said and Seung Yeon blushed, soon the two arrived at Seung Yeon's home and Sunny kissed Seung Yeon's cheek then left and Seung Yeon went inside and went to sleep with a smile on her face. Sunny was about to leave when she decided to stay there and sneaked into the human's room and watched her sleep. Sunny ignored the fact she felt the two wolves from earlier watching her. "I wish I could just take her out..." Chen said and Yeon Ra laughed a bit, "You heard my father...we won't do anything unless she harms her." Yeon Ra said with hate in her eyes to the vampire that put her arms around her little sister. "If she does it...I will personally kill her.." Yeon Ra said. "I've never seen such fire in your eyes Yeon Ra..I like it!" Chen said and Yeon Ra smiled and playfully pushed him, "Shut up." she said and he smiled back. Before the sun came out Sunny planted a kiss on Seung Yeon's head and Yeon Ra and Chen saw. Yeon Ra released a growl, "How dare she touch Seung Yeon..." she said and Chen chuckled. "Calm down there pup." he said to the angered wolf girl. Sunny then left and went back to the clan after the kiss and when she arrived she already was missing Seung Yeon. 

Yoona had bagged a deer and everyone was drinking from it and Sunny arrived looking at the animal, "Did she get to her mom's safely?" Yuri asked and Sunny nodded. "Yeah I stayed with her as she slept, the wolves were there to the same two as earlier." she told them and Taeyeon nodded her head. "We also have another problem...if The Bund finds out about her and us being close they won't stop searching for us. Also knowing them....they will give 2 options." Taeyeon and and Tiffany shook her head, "NO! we can't let them find out...those to options are bad...we'd either have to kill her or turn her into one of us..." she said and she had went into thoughts. The others did as well and Sunny then spoke up, "If the need arises...we should let her decide what she wants..." she said and everyone looked at Sunny and agreed with her idea. Little did they knew the conversation was over heard by the werewolves and an unknown force.

Small chapter for now since I am having major writers block but for now here is a small chapter to carry the story a little bit. Anyways bye for now!!!

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Lazytsm #1
Chapter 3: Please update this story author nim
Chapter 3: Please update soon author-nim! FIghting!!!
pogikosobrashet #3
woah u have alot of characters. update soon