Tall Peasant vs Short King (king: 1 peasant:0)

Where's The Murder?
(10 days before Minseok was shot.)
"You know what really annoys me?"
"How people make fun of how short we are. It's infuriating! Just because I'm short doesn't mean I wouldn't win in a fight!"
"Really Soo?" Minseok scoffed a little, before hungrily the straw of his vanilla milkshake. "That's what annoys you? No one here thinks you're weak. You're like, the most badass member on this team."
"Yifan makes fun of me."
Minseok snorted, a bit of milkshake getting up his nose. "Yifan only talks to you about work."
"Exactly! He's looking down on me!"
"Soo... he's tall. He looks down on everyone. It's not personal."
Kyungsoo grimaced, his fingers tightening around the pen in his hand. "It's always personal with Yifan."
Minseok put down his milkshake in favor of moving his hands emphatically. "But he's JUST TALL!"
"Oh my god." Minseok slumped back in his chair, grabbing his milkshake and taking another sip of the cold, vanilla goodness. "I give up."
Baekhyun popped his head through the office door, his face a miracle of bb cream and sparkly silver eyeliner. "Why are you giving up? Oooh! Milkshake."
Minseok turned his weary eyes to the diva. "Kyungsoo here has decided that he hates Yifan just because he's tall."
"What?" Baekhyun put a dainty hand to his lips, imitating surprise. Then he put his hand down, swiping Minseok's milkshake on the way. "Actually, I don't like Yifan either. His eyebrows are too puffy." He slurped, making Minseok cringe.
"Do you want to just drink the rest of that?"
Baekhyun's eyes lit up. "You mean it?"
Minseok nodded.
"Sweet! By the way, Soo, if you hate Yifan because he's tall, does that mean you hate Chanyeol too?"
Kyungsoo shook his head, face serious. "No. He's too Chanyeolish to hate."
"Does that mean you like him?"
Baekhyun grinned, saluting Kyungsoo with his milkshake. "More for me!" Then he skipped out.
Minseok sighed. "I gotta head out too Soo. You know, actual work that needs to get accomplished. Bye."
Kyungsoo waved back at him, watching as the man made his way out of his office, muttering something under his breath about "that bastard" and "milkshake stealers".
Then he settled back to work, only to be interrupted a few minutes later by Yifan himself.
"Kyungsoo, I need some help. There's some stuff in storage I need to grab; can you lend a hand?"
Kyungsoo groaned, obviously avoiding eye contact. "Do I have to?"
Suho leaned in the door, a report in his hand. "Yes, you do. You've been mopey all day. Help Yifan."
"Fine." Kyungsoo pushed himself away from his desk. "Storage room?"
Yifan nodded.
Inside the storage room it was dark and dank, shelves filled to the brim with years old lost and found items, confiscated weapons and old, ratty police uniforms no one dared to wear.
"What do you need?"
"I'm looking for the stuffed panda we picked up yesterday from the park."
"The stuffed panda?" Kyungsoo crooked an eyebrow. "Just that?"
"Yeah." Yifan nodded, eyes scanning the area in front of him. "Turns out it's Tao's. He got really mad at me for taking it and wouldn't stop crying. That's why he isn't at work today. So now I'm trying to find it before he kicks me out of my own house."
"Then why do you need me? It's just one thing and it isn't even heavy."
"Oh," Yifan grinned, still searching through piles, absentmindedly answering Kyungsoo. "I needed someone who could check the lower shelves for me. I'm too tall and it hurts my back."
Something in Kyungsoo cracked a bit as he grabbed a nearby knife and stabbed it into Yifan's back.
"Does this hurt your back too, you ing tree?"
Ten minutes later, Kyungsoo skipped away, his spirits light and his homicidal tendencies awakened. Kris lay behind him in a pool of blood, the knife that stabbed him pinning down a note.
Peasants Should Bow 
A king should tower over servant and slave.
Peasants should bow or be hit with eggs.
(Preferably rotten, bad milk works too)
But the smell should be that of stinky poo.
I'll see you again, When another one's dead.
I'll watch you tear out the hair from your heads.
If you feel frustrated you're free to shout.
Remember milk goes bad when too long left out!
And I'm back! Hope you liked it (or hated it, I don't really mind). Let me know! I'm all ears if anyone has a prompt for King Satansoo and his murderous rampage. Or if you just want to comment. That works too.
(really, talk to me! I always reply!)
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Chapter 1: I highly applaud Ksoo as the murder. I kinda wish we'd get more. Is Bakehyun drowned/gonna get in a toilet bowl? Please say yes.
I was so sad to see Yifan stabbed first and poor Tao was stranged by a teddy bear.. I have this feeling the whole Exo force is stupid and kinda deserved it anyway
Chapter 3: Chanyeolish! LOL....
but i totally get Soo(. from one short person 2 another's POV)
ur kind of boredom is quite entertaining, at least 2 me.
Chapter 3: I'm screaming omg I close to tears
Chapter 3: lel. I like this.
Chapter 3: Hey-O,
LOL, that poem.
Masterpiece I'm telling you right there.
D.O is so sarcastic, I love him.

Thanks for adding a laugh to an otherwise tiring day. ^^
Chapter 2: I would very much like to see our devilish D.O off murdering people.
I will now wait patiently for more crack.
(the irony, a murderer working in the police station.)
Chapter 1: SATANSOO.
Of course Satansoo was behind this.
Loved the last line by the way.
Definitely something he would say LOL.
Also, I did not miss Sehun coming out of a closet. Nice ;)
Chapter 1: interesting, hilarious yet serious. I recommend [and would love] if you actually wrote this as a non-crack crime/mystery fanfic