I Know Where the Next Murder Will Be

Where's The Murder?

“What do you mean, you know where the next murder will be?”

Minseok, who had been passing by the door, stopped and popped his head in. “You mean you figured it out Soo? That’s great!”

Joonmyun frowned, looking confused. “Figured what out?”

“Yeah!” Jongin exclaimed, sneaking in next to Minseok. “Remember all those screwy poems we kept finding with the murders?”

Joonmyun nodded.

“Well,” Jongin continued, “Soo has been trying to figure out what they meant since Yifan’s murder. He must have finally gotten it.”

“So you know who’s been targeting the force?”

Kyungsoo shook his head. ‘I only know where. That’s what the poems are—hints about the next location. For example, remember the poem we found by the knife Yifan was stabbed with?”

Joonmyun nodded again. “Something about rotten eggs, right?”

Kyungsoo grimaced. “Yes. Now think about Luhan’s death.”

“Oh god,” Joonmyun gasped. “He was shot in the dairy aisle at Wal-Mart.”

Yixing popped out from behind Joonmyun’s desk, his hair messy and shirt wrinkled. He had probably been napping. “What about Tao’s death? The poem we found by Luhan was just some ode to the fluffiness of teddy bears.”

“Oh my gosh.”

They all turned to face Sehun, who had just come out of Joonmyun’s closet.

“He was suffocated at the fair by someone in a giant bear suit!”

“So where will the next murder be?” Minseok frowned. “The poem we found with Tao just talked about making discoveries.”

A shot rang through the room and a circle of red bloomed on the white of Minseok’s cotton shirt. Kyungsoo stood in the center of the room, a smoking gun in his hand.

“Here’s your murder motherers.”




I'm so sorry. Except I'm not. Please comment: I want to know what you think of my lame I-should-be-paying-attention-but-instead-I'm-writing-fanfiction-I'm-so-going-to-fail-my-finals writing. 

Thank's y'all




(and yeah, don't plagarize, though I don't really know why you'd want to plagarize this)

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Chapter 1: I highly applaud Ksoo as the murder. I kinda wish we'd get more. Is Bakehyun drowned/gonna get in a toilet bowl? Please say yes.
I was so sad to see Yifan stabbed first and poor Tao was stranged by a teddy bear.. I have this feeling the whole Exo force is stupid and kinda deserved it anyway
Chapter 3: Chanyeolish! LOL....
but i totally get Soo(. from one short person 2 another's POV)
ur kind of boredom is quite entertaining, at least 2 me.
Chapter 3: I'm screaming omg I close to tears
Chapter 3: lel. I like this.
Chapter 3: Hey-O,
LOL, that poem.
Masterpiece I'm telling you right there.
D.O is so sarcastic, I love him.

Thanks for adding a laugh to an otherwise tiring day. ^^
Chapter 2: I would very much like to see our devilish D.O off murdering people.
I will now wait patiently for more crack.
(the irony, a murderer working in the police station.)
Chapter 1: SATANSOO.
Of course Satansoo was behind this.
Loved the last line by the way.
Definitely something he would say LOL.
Also, I did not miss Sehun coming out of a closet. Nice ;)
Chapter 1: interesting, hilarious yet serious. I recommend [and would love] if you actually wrote this as a non-crack crime/mystery fanfic