
Fun in the Sun

It was almost noon when Sehun stepped off the plane and was greeted my his overly excited family. Normally he would just give his family a glare and pretend not to know them but he kinda missed his family so he let himself be smothered in hugs. 

"Sehun we are so glad you're here your brother missed you" my mom said. I looked over at my brother and he was giving me the most angry look he can offer. Oh yea mom he totally missed me I can feel the love he's radiating. Putting a smile on my face I waved to him. " he just huffed and looked away. 

Why is he so mad at me I didn't do anything. Before I could ask he spoke. "Why are you here because of you I could not eat the last pineapple chocolate cookie" before  turning and walking to the car. He's mad because of a cookie! My family is so messed up. 

After all piling into the car we were on our way. "So Sehun have you met any lovely ladies yet? My mom asked with a wide smile on her face. I blushed and looked away. "Mom please no lady gonna want to date him he is so gay"my sister replied with a smirk on her face. I just slid down in my seat praying we arrive faster.

Finally after thirty minutes we arrived at the villa. "Mom I'm gonna borrow Sehun for a little while"my sister said be fire pulling me after her. We entered the pool area were only twenty people were  either swimming or laying in the sun. I looked to my sister she looked like she was looking for something. Before I could ask she suddenly pointed to a person. 

"Look Sehun that guy over there is the one I was telling you about over the phone". He started walking over at the sight of my sister waving her hands like a retarded seal. I just shook my head. When he was within  arms reach of us I got a better look. He was pretty for a guy probably prettier than most girls. 

He just smiled at my sister."Hey Sunhee what's up? He asked. My sister just blushed before replying. "Nothing just showing my brother the pool area by the way Luhan this is Sehun my favorite brother"she said excitedly. 

He turned his gaze on me and my breath caught."hey maybe tomorrow we can meet up and you could help me lift some things? I just nodded my head.  He smiled and I swear I heard wedding bells. 

After greeting us bye he left to return to what he was doing before what looked to be blowing up some arm floaties. " See Sehun ain't he just perfect looking I've been trying to drop some hints but he's to oblivious to see them"my sister pouted. Maybe he is gay he sure looks like it that's why he ignores your hints I thought. Maybe tomarrow I could chat him up and can become friends he seems normal enough to  me.

Oh Sehun just had no idea what he got himself into please pray for his soul.

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exoHUnHAnexo #1
Chapter 3: really Luhan ??
Chapter 2: OMG!! I like it.. why I feel I know what sehun stole from luhan hmmm no no WHAT A SPOILER AM I... I should shut up right now.
Chapter 2: Awe lu that pick up like tho hahah