
Guardian Angel

"So, Ha Eun..." Jungkook started

He looked at me with pleading eyes, begging me to tell him how I became a vampire. 

I had told him time and time again that I would not. 

It hurt to think about it. A time without laughter, without joy. Fake friends, fake happiness, fake me. 

"Nope." I replied

"Pleaseeee," He whined, "I thought we were family? Doesn't family usually accept these requests?"

"Nope." I replied again, walking towards V in hopes to change the subject

"Ha Eun, will you help me with this?" He asked, somehow reading my thoughts

"Of course! It would be my pleasure," I beamed.

"HYUNGGG I WAS TALKING TO HER!!" Jungkook yelled

"And now I'm talking to her." 

"You can't just STEAL her like that. That's not FAIR."

"Ha Eun?" V asked


"Am I STEALING you?" He asked

"Nope, not at all," I smiled, "You rather SAVED me. SOMEONE was being a bit bothersome." I joked

Jungkook gasped, making a face, "BOTHERSOME? I apologize for wanting to know more about you. I didn't realize I was being BOTHERSOME. I'll leave right now. Again I apologize. Have a nice day."

"Did I just make a mistake?" I whispered to V

"Er.. I think so.." He said, scratching his head

"I'll be right back," I whispered again, running to Jungkook, who was now storming off.

"Kookie~~ You know I didn't mean that right..? I was just joking~~ You know how much I love you, right??" I cooed

"Apparently, you don't love me very much, possibly, not at all!" He said, pouting.

"I do Kookie!! I really do!! How can I prove it!!"

A smirk appeared on his face, "Tell me everything"

I sighed, "Kookie, I love you, I really do, but I can't. I want to, but I really can't" 

His face fell, once again. 

"And why can't you? HM?" He was visibly mad

"It's..." I sighed again, "It's complicat-"

"Jungkook. Stop." A voice commanded

I looked over to see Jin

"It's not your business."

"And why is it not? We're practically family now. Am I asking for a lot? NO. I'm just wondering how she lived before she met us. What she did, how she turned-"

"But she doesn't want to tell you." 

"And who are you to tell me that. She can tell me that herself." He looked over to me, "Right Ha Eun? Do you want to continue with your story?"

I fidgeted, the atmosphere suddenly turned cold.. 

"It's her past. Hers and hers alone. There are things that need to go overlooked. You're only hurting her, don't you see Jungkook?.." Jin said sternly

"And how would you know that" Another voice crept in

"V. Don't you start too."

"I didn't want to interfere, but how who would you know that. How would you know if this is hurting her? How would YOU know?" V asked

I didn't know why, but V seemed agitated.. 

"Because, I just know.." Jin replied

Now I think about it.. How did he know..? I've never told anyone about my past...

"Jin..?" I asked, "How did you know?"

He fidgeted, finally responding, "Don't think of me as a stalker or whatnot.. It's not that I promise.."

"Jin..? How do you know.." I repeated

"I knew you since you lived in California.." He replied


"How." V cut off

"It's complicated, I just do..."

"Hyung. I asked how."

"I.. I had an interest in you.. I knew someone.. It's complicated.."

"But how did you know about me. I was in California, as you said.. You were in Korea."


"Hyung stop." V said, "I understand. Now stop."

Apparently, they were now on the same side. 

"Well I don't." I stared, " I think I deserve an explanation."

"Ha Eun, stop.. It's not time yet.. We'll tell you soon.." V cut off

"No. I think it's time. You all have been hiding something from me. You don't ever include me when you're talking about the other vampires..  You never answer my questions.. It's always 'Next time.'"

"It's because-"

"Taehyung.. I think it's time.. We can't hide this forever.. She deserves to know.."

"Are you sure..?" V asked

"I am." He replied, looking over to me, "You were bitten in California when you were 16. We think we know who did it."

"In California..? By who? Why don't I remember this?"

"I'm not sure who.. but I know it's from the other vampire group. The one we're looking for.."

"And.. Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Because.. Because...." Jin took his time

"Because we thought you might be a traitor.." V replied instead

"A traitor.." I smirked, "Oh, you thought I might be one of them.."

I felt betrayed.. The people who I thought was my family.. I trusted them with everything.. I guess they didn't..

"I promise I didn't noona. I didn't know any of this either. I promise!" Jungkook said

"I understand.." I spoke quietly

"Ha Eun.. It's not because we didn't trust you or anything, it's just.."

"No, Jin. It was. I understand." I replied

I didn't. I didn't understand why they would think of me like that, or how they could.. 

"You know what. I'm sorry I came. I shouldn't have came. You all must have had a hard time. Living with a traitor. I'm sorry." I said, turned my back to them, and walked into the forest.





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cutehansol #1
Chapter 16: this chapter was so good !!!
ichigoYuu #2
Chapter 13: the fluffffff
*mc voice* Is he really an angel?? stay tunned and suscribe for more ;U
ichigoYuu #3
Chapter 12: plotwist: josh is the vampire they are looking for. Dun dun DUUUUUN(what)
so...jin, taehyung or joshua?? hmmm
Chapter 11: WHAAAAAAT OOOH V lol i love this story
Chapter 5: Is this gonna be Jin x OC? Even if it's not, please update soon!!