Rewriting of fic

Kiss The Baby Sky

Hello dear readers.


I have hit a very stubborn writer's block with this fic.

Hence, I will be editing and rewriting the story. The original plot I had for this story will be same, but with certain changes.

Rewritten first chapter will be up in a week.

Please bear with me.

Thank you.


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Chapter 3: I hope your muse is okay now :)
Chapter 3: I wonder what the conflit of this fic is. Their family seems to be doing well.
parknaim #3
Chapter 3: Omg is 2016 u.u please dont forget this history. Y.Y
Almost Christmas...
Bigeast88 #5
Chapter 3: Make sure u make it great, kiddo! Kekekeke *evilgrin
Chapter 3: Good i hv been waiting thank you for your hard work <3
Bigeast88 #7
Chapter 2: Please continue, foodie~
TakaYukira #8
Chapter 2: Ohhhhhhh looking forward to the next chapter xD *stares at the author's note* im already a sacrifice >_< xD
TakaYukira #9
Chapter 1: "Umma,what is tawtul?" !!!!??? Awwwh xD my fav dialogue in this chapter ^_^ I love how cute YooSuMin are in this chap <3
Bigeast88 #10
Chapter 2: Chunnie tested whether changmin can eat strawberry clay XD ahahahahahaha
Looking forward for next chapter. Go go appi~