
Books and Kisses

"Your house or mine?" I quickly looked at him. Is it really necessary for his question to be like that? Argh!

And as if he read my mind, he laughed. I sent him a deadly glare. But guess what? It didn't work, AGAIN. 

"Why are laughing?!" I shouted. "What were you thinking earlier?" he teased. "Eh? What are you talking about?" I put on my innocent face. He scoffed, adding up to my irritation. Maybe realizing that our teasing will just waste our time, he walked without even waiting for me! "Yah! Where are you going?" I shouted, causing him to look back. "My house?" Eeeeeeeeeeh? "What? Are you just going to stand there?" hiding my nervousness, I replied "O-oh, okay." Did I just stuttered? Yes. And without waiting for me, he walked ahead, AGAIN. I guess he's really born to be rude.



He opened the front door of their house. "Where's your parents?" I asked while taking off my shoes and at the same time, amazed at how big their house is. "They're on a business trip." He replied. He started walking upstairs. Realizing I wasn't following him, he turned around, "Hey! Are you just going to stand there? Really. You're wasting our time." he told me. I decided to just relax. This is for your asignment. Relax. Gaining my composure, I followed him to his bedrooom.

Once he opened his bedroom door, my eyes widened. Is he really a guy? I was expecting to see a messy, dirty room filled with gadgets and DVDs but his is exactly the opposite. He had his bed in the middle of the room while there's a mini library at the corner that is piled with different kinds of books. "That's why..." I muttered making him chuckle. "Just put your bags there and make yourself comfortable, I'm just going to change my clothes." He will what? "You don't have to tell me, you know." I said while walking towards his mini library. 

I sat at the chair while waiting for him. 

It's been 10 minutes and he's not yet coming out. What's taking him so long? Aish. I'm starting to feel sleepy. Finally deciding to knock on his bathroom door, I stood up. I was about to take a step when suddenly, a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. My body froze. Turning around, I saw Jiyong, staring at me intently. 

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked, trying to free myself from his hold. "I love you." WTF? "Ji, let's just do our assignment. I don't have time playing jokes with you, okay." I told him, hiding my nervousness. "Do I look like I'm joking?" he whispered against my neck making me shiver. "Let go. If you don't, I promise you you're going to work with the assignment alone." I threatened him. I was expecting him to let go but he didn't. Before I can threaten him again, he sealed my lips with his. I was too shocked I can't move anymore.

Why am I feeling like this? Why can't I fight this feeling he's giving me? And most of all, why do I like the way his lips fit into mine? The feeling came back to me. The feeling I felt when I was fantasizing about Hades before. The feeling of butterflies in my stomach, but now it's birds (LOL)

After a minute of him, kissing me and me, staying still, he finally take a step back. "I'm so sorry." he whispered. Even though he's not looking at me, I can hint sadness in his voice. "Why?" I whispered back, almost impossible to hear. "I'm....just. I'm sorry." "I asked you, why?" This time I faced him. He took a step towards me to caress my cheek. "I told you, I love you." he replied to my question. "When?" I asked, still not believing the words that came out from his mouth. 

"Ever since I saw you." I tried to rewind my memories to remember when he first saw me. Then it hit me. "You loved me ever since that accident in the cafeteria?" I asked in disbelief. I can feel my cheeks burn so I looked down. He chuckled causing me to look at him. 

"No." I knew it. He was just joking. I let out  a sigh of relief. "I fell in love with you ever since we were in 4th grade." With what he said, I can feel my knees get jelly. "OH.MY.ING.HADES." I cursed. 

"You love Hades so much do you?" he asked followed by a chuckle. I can't....Why?

"I love everything about you." he said, lovingly, as if reading my mind.

Breaking all the hesitations clouding my mind, I hugged him. I forgot my plan on putting a vinegar and a pepper on his lunch while he's looking away. I also forgot about my plan on putting goo in his bag. Everything. All I know is I am madly in love with him, too. I may not realized it earlier, but now I do. That's what's important.

"Nah. I love you more than Hades." 

With that, he sealed his lips with mine, AGAIN.

Sorry Hades, but I'd rather be abducted by this man.




Sorry to dissapoint you guys with the ending:( 

But i hope you like it:)  

AND I HOPE BIGBANG WINS IN EMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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vipblackj #1
Chapter 2: I really want a sequel... XD New subscriber. :D
2NEBang1 #2
Chapter 2: More more more more!
I Love this story ^^ I did re-read it 3 times! It's one of my favorite one-shots!! Can't wait for a sequel!
kwonmomo11 #4
Woah! I liked it! But instead of imagining dara as the character i imagined you baby girl! HAHAHA! Write more stories and be sure you'll finish it! Miss you! I'll be home for christmas, wait for me ok?:)
I was actually planning on making a sequel:) And it's their in-a-relationship life.
Write more and update your stories!!!!!! Hahahaha! <br />
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Nice one!! But what happened to Yongbae? LOL
it's my pleasure to read your story authornim.. please do write more
nice story... write more..<br />
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i hope so too.. i pulled an all-nighter just to vote.. hehe
Thank you! Aigoo. And I hope they win, too. THANK YOU, AGAIN!