
Books and Kisses

First day of school. Most of all students are excited. But not me.

How will I be excited if what will welcome me are the faces of the people who made my earlier years in highschool a hell?!

Inhale. Exhale. Okay.  

Walking in the creepy hallway, I plastered a fake smile, not for the good ones but for the es who  keeps on staring at me like I was some kind of a walking poop. Okay, that was too disgusting. But yeah. 

I really don't know how this bullying started. But it started when the 3rd hottest guy in school asked me out on a date. Yeah, he was 3rd. His name is Dong Youngbae. 



I was stuck in my seat. Who wouldn't if a god-like man ( I was exaggerating) is in front of you, asking you out on a date?  

"Seriously?" I asked, obviously still not believing.

"Yeah" he answered, scratching the back of his neck.  "I've always liked you, Dara-ah" followed by an awkward laugh.

"Eh?!" I can feel the piercing look the jealous es are giving me. "O-okay" I answered, obviously not knowing what to say.

What I said made Youngbae smile. "7 tomorrow?" Uh....."Sure!" my reply made the girls gasp. Seriously? They're overacting. 

He left but not without giving me a wink. I blushed. Who wouldn't, right? Aish, well, I finished my food faster than usual. As I was about to stand up, this girl suddenly threw an orange on me. On my forehead. This is just great. GREAT. I send her an electrifying look but guess what? It didn't work. 

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" I yelled at her making the other students gasp.  "That's for flirting with oppa" Eh? Me? Flirt? "WHAT?! For your info, he was the one who asked me out!" I don't know but, I suddenly felt proud.

"Yeah. But if you didn't flirt with him, he wouldn't be asking you out." she answered, followed by rolling her eyes. Because I'm too tired, I decided to just leave. But luck isn't really with me, neh? Before I could exit the door, I suddenly slipped. You wonder why? Before I slip, I saw a banana peel being thrown by a girl, who's probably with the earlier, while smirking. Me, not knowing what to do, just closed my eyes and waited for the hard floor to hit my small figure.

But before I could hit the floor, I felt two arms wrapped around me, preventing me from falling. I was about open my eyes when I heard murmurs all around me. I opened my eyes only to be welcomed with brown ones. And Oh my God! It was the Kwon Jiyong, known as the 1st hottest guy in school. You would be thinking he's some kind of a playboy, right? But hell no, he was exactly the opposite. He was mysterious and HECK smart. I was still studying his face when all of a sudden he loosened his hold on me, causing me to fall on the floor and causing too, the other students to laugh. And just so I thought....

Massaging my form the pain, I shouted "Yah! What the was that for? Huh?!" only to receive a shrug from him. That was rude... 

"Thank you!" I shouted, sarcastically.

___END OF FLASHBACK_____________________________________________________________________________________________


Then it all started. Me, being bullied by the es, not just emotionally but physically, too. And yeah, I still met up with Youngbae after that incident but that's it, I never agreed on him, again.

I would come home from school with bruises but I would just tell my mom "Sorry, mom but I was born clumsy" My mom being, I don't know....gullible? would always buy it. And I was thankful for that.

The bullyings lasted for the whole three years of my highschool life. And I grew tired of it. I promised myself that I'm going to take revenge on the last year and this is it. I was now on the last year, walking on the hallway with a fake smile plastered on my face. I made my way to my assigned classroom only to be welcomed by a flying chalk eraser, thank God I succesfully dodged it. I walked my way to my seat, beside the window. I took out everything that I need so later on, I looked around the classroom, recognizing familiar faces. But what shocked me most was the guy sitting beside me. Yeah, it was Kwon Jiyong...the rude guy. 

Thinking on ways how to punish this guy, I again, plastered a fake smile, facing him, I greeted him. "Hi! Kwon Jiyong-shi!" Not expecting my voice to be that high, I felt embarassed. "Hello" hopefully he answered back. 

"So...." thinking....  "how was your vacation?" hiding my uninterested face. "None of your business" he answered flatly. Being a gentleman, OVER. Annoyance eating me, I decided to just end our conversation. Facing the front, I waited for the professor to walk in. Wow. First day of school, he was 10 minutes late already. That was cool. I hope it lasts. 

I waited for another 5 minutes before our professor finally appeared. Finally. He started introducing himself and blah blah blah. I can't even stand his voice! I guess this is going to be a hard year.

Adding to my annoyance, he gave us an assignment. Seriously? First day of school? Aish! 

"Okay, class. In this assignment, you will need help from your seatmates." With this, annoyed grunts filled the room. I stole a glance to my seatmate, Jiyong, only to see him wearing an unreadable face. What's wrong with him?

"It's on page 245 in your Lit book. Review it and  report the details about it. EVERYTHING. I need you to submit it two weeks from now." I opened my book on the given page and what I saw made my brain black out. 


Written in bold letters. Seriously? Isn't it a little too early? This is really killing me. And the fact that I'm going to work with Jiyong added up to my pressure.

'No, Dara. Relax. You should be glad. You can have your revenge earlier than planned, right?' I keep telling myself, obviously shooing my nervousness. Why am I feeling like this? Being nervous knowing that I'm working with Jiyong? Why? It's not that I like him, right?

"NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I released my frustrations. My eyes widened after realizing what I just did. "OMO! Mianhe!" I bowed my head, silently praying that the ground will just eat me, RIGHT NOW. 

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" My classmates burst into laughter after recovering from their trance. GREAT! JUST GREAT!

Hades, please, just abduct me. I will gladly accept your love for me.



Hey guys. So that's the first chapter. I will post the last tomorrow. Promise:) Please support this, neh? It really helps me alot. 

And oh! Vote for Bigbang in EMA! We wouldn't want them to lose right? Go vote now! Kidding. I love you guys!:)

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vipblackj #1
Chapter 2: I really want a sequel... XD New subscriber. :D
2NEBang1 #2
Chapter 2: More more more more!
I Love this story ^^ I did re-read it 3 times! It's one of my favorite one-shots!! Can't wait for a sequel!
kwonmomo11 #4
Woah! I liked it! But instead of imagining dara as the character i imagined you baby girl! HAHAHA! Write more stories and be sure you'll finish it! Miss you! I'll be home for christmas, wait for me ok?:)
I was actually planning on making a sequel:) And it's their in-a-relationship life.
Write more and update your stories!!!!!! Hahahaha! <br />
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Nice one!! But what happened to Yongbae? LOL
it's my pleasure to read your story authornim.. please do write more
nice story... write more..<br />
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i hope so too.. i pulled an all-nighter just to vote.. hehe
Thank you! Aigoo. And I hope they win, too. THANK YOU, AGAIN!