-- thursday --

Rare moments should be treasured | U-BOMB fanfic

--- thursday ---

"It's an hour until you go on." the voice in the speaker said.

Yukwon, Minhyuk and Pyo were resting in the dressing room before the show, together with the rest of Block B.
"I'm always so nervous before a show," Pyo murmured, sighing as he took a sip of his cola.
"It's okay," Taeil said, "You always do super great!"
As Pyo and Taeil discussed Bastarz earlier performances, the leader, Jiho, sat down next to Yukwon and Minhyuk.

"You two," he murmured, glancing around him as if he were unsure if he should say this or not,
"You two need to make up. Or make out or whatever."
Yukwon and Minhyuk both blushed and looked away from each other and Jiho, who continued to talk;
"You're making this so much more difficult than it has to be. If you like each other, you like each other. I do not have the right to tell you to not like each other because you're a part of Block B. No one has the right to say that, because love is love. You can still be with each other. I don't care if you're with each other or not, as long as you're happy and comfortable."

Minhyuk looked at his leader, utterly flabbergasted by his little speech. Those were some sappy, cliché words. He glanced over at Yukwon, who looked at Minhyuk.

And then they laughed at their leaders' disgusting words.

"You're even worse than Kyung!" Yukwon managed to say between laughter.
Jiho rolled his eyes and stood up, slightly embarrassed, but also happy that he had managed to make the two laugh together.

Minhyuk stopped laughing and looked at Yukwon. He looked at his bright smile, and how his eyes became nothing but two lines. Minhyuk looked at Yukwon's adorable nose, and at his tongue as he his pink lips.
Suddenly he felt a strong grip on his shoulder.
"Kiss him~" a certain person whispered in Minhyuk's ear, making him roll his eyes.
"Please go away Kyung." He said, batting away Kyung's hand.
"But you want to," Kyung continued, ignoring Minhyuk's request, "I can see it in your eyes. You should kiss him, because he wants to kiss you too-"
"How do you know that?" Yukwon interrupted, having heard every single word the other two had exchanged.
Kyung sat down between them, putting his arms around them and pulling them close.
"It irritates me that you two are avoiding each other."
The way Kyung said that with a calm smile on his face made the two dancers nervous.
"Why does it irritate you?" Yukwon asked, but Kyung ignored him. He shook his head and whispered to himself:
"Now I know how BBC feels..."
And with that statement he stood up and left.

"30 minutes." The voice said, and then everyone but Bastarz had to leave. The members of Bastarz stood up and talked through the performance for a while, just preparing in general.

"Five minutes."

The boys walked to the staircase leading to the stage, stylists putting on the final makeup and fixing their hair.

They got up on stage and performed Conduct Zero, the fans cheering for them. They did their best as always, and was deadly tired when they walked off the stage five minutes later.

"Great job." Minhyuk said to one of the dancers before he disappeared into the dressing room, where everyone was waiting. Except Yukwon.

"B-BOMB OPPA!!" Kyung shouted, running up to Minhyuk and hugging him, clearly pretending to be a fan. Minhyuk wiggled his way out of Kyung's arms and sat down next to Pyo, grabbing a water bottle.

"Where's Yukwon?" He asked. Everyone just shrugged or muttered "I don't know," or "We thought he was with you."

Minhyuk started to get a little worried; he had seen Yukwon walking in the hallway as he spoke to the dancers, so he had thought he had gotten here before him.
He stood up and walked into the hall, ignoring s telling him to wait.
He asked the makeup noona if she had seen Yukwon.
"Well, I saw him talking to the stylist, down there." She said and pointed towards the end of the hallway.
Minhyuk smiled and thanked her, before hurrying in that direction.

By the staircase he met the stylist.
"Have you seen Yukwon?" Minhyuk asked. The stylist nodded and pointed upwards. Minhyuk scurried up the stairs as far as they went, ending up on the roof.
There he saw Yukwon, sitting at the edge, looking over the city. Minhyuk walked over to him and sat down next to him, watching as the younger dancer put a cigarette between his lips, about to light it.

"You don't smoke." Minhyuk said, frowning.
"No, but I want to try." Yukwon answered, failing miserably to light the poison stick dangling from his lips.
Minhyuk didn't say anything as he snapped the cigarette from his friend and threw it over the edge.
"You don't smoke." Minhyuk repeated. Yukwon sighed and put his lighter in his pocket. "No." he murmured and put his head on Minhyuk's shoulder.

They sat like that for a while, just looking over the city as they enjoyed the silent comfort of each other.

Minhyuk reached out and grabbed Yukwon's hand, bringing it up to his mouth so he could kiss it.

Underneath them, out of their lane of sight, a photographer had his camera pointed at them. Oh, what will he do with those pictures?
Poor little lovebirds. Poor, poor little lovebirds.


/// A/N: Hello my sweet little readers, I just wanted to tell you all how sorry I am for the lack of chapters. Well, I had some... non-motivational issues, but now I am here, and i've got motivation again. I hope you like my story! Comments and likes would mean a lot! Love you!!
- Ren

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HiroTheAnimeFox #1
Chapter 5: This is the best fanfic I've read in my ife so far. Soooo cuuuute! Please continue! Update soon!? This was my first fanfic of Ubomb that I have read and it really came through! Looks like I'l be reading more Ubomb fanfics thanx to you ^_^
Chapter 5: Oh I can't wait to see what happens.
Done reading this fanfic and I think you should continueeeeee DX I LOVE THIS STORY because I ship them so much even Zikwon is my favourite otp! *hug you*
Chapter 5: *gasps* i think i know whats gonna happen >w>
Chapter 4: Ah, don't worry about the lack of chapters, I'm currently writing a fic too, so I know how it is. Your fic is really interesting so far so take your time, okay? I'll wait patiently ^-^
Chapter 4: Stupid paparazzi os going to ruin them. I can feel it, no T.T
ParagonDeLurid #7
Chapter 4: Oh no no no no! No U-Bomb can't be ruined, stupid photographer go away!
Chapter 3: Ahhhhhhhh i need more *cries*