Chapter Eleven: Chanbaek or Baekyeol?

We Are One

“Will you stop taking pictures of me? I look hideous today.” Baekhyun muttered while editing a video for an underclassman. He was wearing a baggy shirt, basketball shorts, and no eyeliner. He wasn’t looking his best and here was Chanyeol snapping pictures of him. It was annoying because his best friend did it on purpose.

“You look great. Honestly I don’t know what you’re talking about.” The taller of the two said while snapping another picture.

“Easy for you to say, you always look put together; doesn’t matter if you’re dressing up or just wearing casual stuff. Meanwhile I actively need to try or I’ll look like a mess. It’s annoying.” He spun around in his desk chair, turning away from the frankly terribly filmed video, to stare at the other boy. The photography major was lying on his back with his neck resting on the edge of the bed. “And sit up, slowly though because of the blood rush.”

“Nah. I’m comfortable plus I’m experimenting with different angles for shots. So if you could go back to what you were doing that would be great. I need to get these pictures.”

“Rude.” Baekhyun muttered loud enough for the other to hear before spinning back around in his seat again. Focus once again on the video he had to edit because his participation grade depended on it.

“You know I love you.”

Baekhyun grinned at his computer and chose not to respond.


Ever since he’d become a part of Exo, he found himself paying more attention to the music he listened to. To the songs he would sing along to. How he would match the voices pitches effortlessly less often than not. Singing had always just been fun but now it was almost like a job. He was expected to nail the lyrics, pitches, and tempos. It didn’t come as naturally to him as it did to Kyungsoo.

The other boy was made for this. When Luhan sang a pitch Kyungsoo was the one who would match it the first time. Baekhyun would take two or three turns. When they’d see how long they could hold a certain note it became abundantly clear that while Baekhyun could reach the higher registers with more ease, he wasn’t able to hold it for as long as Kyungsoo. In essence, Kyungsoo was his superior despite Baekhyun being older.

“Everyone has at least one line in the song we’re performing. However we’re the vocal line so we sing the most. We need to nail every line we have especially given how many strong vocalists are performing this year. We’re going for first place and we need to get it.” Luhan said while looking down at the song lyrics written in a blue notebook. The words were highlighted in different colors for each member. To Baekhyun all the pink highlights meant opportunities to mess up. The page had a lot of pink highlights.

Luhan also did this every rehearsal after they’d finished their dance block. He pulled the notebook out. They went through all the lines and worked through it. Sometimes reassigning parts and changing others. The notebook was half full with rewritten lyrics and different sets of highlights. With all those constant changes though Baekhyun’s lines remained, the amount given to him never changing while Kyungsoo’s and Luhan’s did.

“Well maybe in order to win what we need is more than just a solid vocal line. Thinking back on previous winners their vocals were usually the majority of the group. Maybe we need more vocals. We have three rappers and three dancers. Their lines won’t be like ours. So if we split the lines up even more it might be possible to get a perfect song that we can always perform well.” Baekhyun suggested while his eyes were locked on the pink highlights of the notebook.

“That’s a good idea but all the vocalists that I know are great are already performing in groups or alone. Holding auditions now seems kind of weird.” Kyungsoo murmured his own eyes locked on his green highlights.

“Say we go with this plan of yours the only person I can think of to join us is Jongdae. We all watched him belting out that SNSD song like nobody’s business and I guess we can pull Minseok from the dance line and give him more lines. He can handle it.” Luhan snapped the notebook closed and the two younger vocalists looked up at him.

“Then we’d only have two dancers. It would throw off our balance a bit more than just adding another vocalist. We should try and convince Jongdae to join us. It’s a bit late but we’ve still got enough time to fit him into the group.” Kyungsoo replied before leaning back against the wall to watch the dance line go over their mini solos.

“The dance line is choreographing this whole performance down to the smallest detail. They solo dance and pick and choose from that for the overall performance. We just need to convince Jongdae and give him lines. Everything else? They’ve got it taken care of.” Baekhyun muttered loud enough for the others to hear as he also watched the dance line practice.

“Then we’ve got a plan. Get Jongdae to join us. I think our dear Xiumin will be the one to do it.” Luhan said effectively ending their conversation. The younger vocalists looked away when they saw the glint in the older boy’s eyes. He was plotting and they wanted to be as far away from that as possible. Baekhyun snatched the notebook that held his doom within it and dragged Kyungsoo away so they could continue practicing.


“Wait let me get this straight; you want me to convince Jongdae to join Exo because we need more vocalists?” Minseok’s words stopped everyone in their tracks. The rap line and the other two dancers were staring at the confident blond and the shocked brunette. Baekhyun could see Kyungsoo looking at Jongin from the corner of his eye, seemingly trying to gauge his reaction. Baekhyun turned his attention away from them to look at the two oldest of the group.

“Yes. You know how hard we’ve been working to divide lines perfectly but it’s just not happening. We need another vocalist and given that amazing performance you did with Jongdae it’s obvious we need him to win. We’d make you sing but you’re so good at dancing that we decided to leave you be. So be a darling and convince him yes?” Luhan answered, his entire face pleading with the other.

“I’ll only do it if everyone agrees to let him into the group. We’ll talk about this inside alright?” Minseok walked past Luhan, and the others still standing there, to enter their after practice restaurant of choice.

That snapped everyone back into action and Baekhyun followed behind Chanyeol. He hadn’t expected his plan to get rid of some of his lines to lead to this. Luhan certainly didn’t waste any time that was for sure.


“Why are you so quiet Baekkie?” Chanyeol whispered around the edge of his glass. Baekhyun looked up from his plate to smile slightly at the taller boy.

“I may have been the one to suggest adding another vocalist. I didn’t do it for the sake of the group though. I just have so many lines and it makes me panic.” Baekhyun nodded to himself and his friend nodded to show he was listening.

Baekhyun went on.

“I know I can sing but I’m not Kyungsoo you know? So when Luhan wants perfection I can’t always give it the first time. It bothers me and that turns into frustration and I just. I want to quit then but I like this. Singing like this is fun even if it’s riddled with all this responsibility. So here I suggested adding another vocalist so they’d take some of my lines and lessen the responsibility. Luhan turned it into a plan far faster than I would have. Minseok doesn’t seem particularly pleased. Did I mess this all up?”

“Before I say anything about what you did just remember you’re Byun Baekhyun and you do things because you have a reason for them. So chin up. If you want another vocalist around so your part isn’t so taxing than that’s fine. There’s no need for you to feel bad about suggesting that. Don’t be bothered by it because remember, at least where Minseok is concerned Jongdae isn’t a problem.” Chanyeol reassured. His words immediately put Baekhyun more at ease.

“So everything I do is for a reason right Yeolie?” He teased and the taller boy looked away with a light blush. Baekhyun grinned at his plate, worries forgotten and attention on Chanyeol.


“Baekhyun?”  The sound of the door closing and Chanyeol’s backpack and camera bag being set down were the only noises that followed the utterance of his name.

“Hmm?” He answered with his attention still fixated on the book in his hands. He’d finally had free time to get around to reading it and it had definitely been worth the wait.

“What do you prefer? Chanbaek or Baekyeol?” Chanyeol asked rather seriously and Baekhyun set his book down in his lap. He sat up from his reclined position against his pillows and raised an eyebrow.

“Chanbaek or Baekyeol? Why do I get the feeling this has something to do with our fans?” The grin on the taller boy’s face was answer enough and he sighed. “Alright tell me more.”

“Yes! So I was looking up nice places on campus. The photography majors of the past created this page of locations where you could probably get some really good shots. So there’s the quad by the library right? You and I pass by their on our way to practice all the time. Our fans have snapped shots of us and can I say some of them are really good. I was really impressed but anyway they tag these pictures as either Chanbaek or Baekyeol. So which one do you like more?”

“Well considering I’m the dominant one in this relationship I prefer Baekyeol. Chanbaek has its charms but it’s not Baekyeol.” Chanyeol frowned at that and Baekhyun rolled his eyes. “Oh come here you adorable giant. We can call it Chanbaek even if I prefer Baekyeol, yes? Stop frowning.”

Chanyeol closed the distance between them in a couple steps and sat down beside Baekhyun. Baekhyun shifted so he could reach up and kiss the other’s cheek.

“Chanbaek then?”

“Chanbaek.” Chanyeol nodded, grin back in place.


In between going to classes, doing assignments, and preparing for the Faceoff, Baekhyun lacked time to spend with Chanyeol. It was one thing for them to be in their shared dorm room doing their own things and another thing completely to be able to do things together.

Baekhyun was not one of the best video production majors for no particular reason. He shot some of the best videos and then edited them to the point they were works of art on their own. Forget what was actually going on in the video. Chanyeol for his part was one of the best photography majors because he never set his camera down for long. Taking pictures and arranging them; editing them and putting filters. It was all a part of his major.

There wasn’t time for them to spend with each other these days, and while it didn’t strain things between them it certainly made things a bit more difficult when they wanted to hang out. Constantly blowing each other off wasn’t fun and only being able to spend time together after they’d finished rehearsal wasn’t fun. They were always tired and not in the mood.He sighed and pushed his desk chair away from his desk so he could spin completely. Every time his computer came back into his view he wanted to sigh, because there was so much for him to do. He couldn’t catch a break.

The door opened loudly and he stopped mid spin to find Chanyeol there.

“Baekhyunnie we’re going on a date. I haven’t spent time with you and we live together. It’s a problem. Come on let’s go fix it.” Chanyeol said without moving from his place at the door. Baekhyun frowned slightly before turning to look at his computer. Chanyeol followed his gaze and before Baekhyun knew it had slammed the laptop shut. “We’re going on a date. Just put some shoes on and let’s go.”


“Come on Baekhyun.”

Baekhyun did as Chanyeol asked before grabbing his phone and wallet. Even if it seemed like he was reluctant to do so, on the inside Baekhyun was infinitely glad the other had showed up. He was really getting sick of doing his assignments.


“Alright so remember all those places the previous photography majors wrote about?” Chanyeol asked while he dragged Baekhyun along by the hand. Nevermind that people were turning to look at them as they passed by.

“Yes. Let me guess, you’re going to take one of them?” Chanyeol turned to look at Baekhyun with a mock disappointed expression. Baekhyun couldn’t resist grinning at the taller boy then.

“That’s more like it. Yes we’re going to visit all the good ones. First stop is just up ahead! Look at all the trees and the flowers. Very aesthetically pleasing for pictures. You’re my muse Baekhyunnie. Go stand in front of it.” Chanyeol let go of his hand and pulled his camera out of its bag. Baekhyun made a production of going to stand in front of the scenery before flashing the other a bright smile. He loved taking pictures when he knew that he looked good and today was one of those days.

Chanyeol was the kind of photographer that made you feel like you were the perfect model and that every shot was a winner. It made it very easy for Baekhyun to strike all his signature poses and different faces. By the time he was getting to the peace signs both he and Chanyeol were doing their best not to crack up.

“Okay okay enough. Lets go to the next place.” Chanyeol put his camera away and held his hand out for Baekhyun to take. He took it without any hesitation and they were once more on their way.


“Remind me again why we’re all here and why Chanyeol and Baekhyun are not?” Yifan asked.

“Because they don’t answer their phones and because Tao and I need to take some preliminary shots before the actual photo shoot and video production.” Sehun answered while pulling out his camera. Tao was arranging everyone by their outfits and telling them how to pose. After Tao finished with one person they seemed like a completely different version of themselves.

“Stop whining Yifan. It gives you lines and I can’t have that for my models. Also stop slouching. I swear if any of my clothes is ruined by the time this is done. I will destroy you. Got it?” Tao was by no means joking and Sehun had to grin behind his camera. As he adjusted the zoom of the camera, something came into his view.

“Woah woah woah. Hold up. Is that who I think it is?” Sehun asked from behind his camera. Through the camera he could see a couple kissing by the fountain in the middle of the quad. A tall lanky guy with a camera in one hand and the other in the shorter guy’s hair. The other guy was standing on tiptoes to reach and had his arms around the tall one’s neck. What struck Sehun the most was the camera being loosely held.

He knew that camera. He’d borrowed it more than once. That was Chanyeol’s camera. That was Chanyeol! Kissing Baekhyun? Really?

He snapped a couple shots before he could help himself.

“Who are you talking about?” Tao asked as he came over to Sehun. Sehun simply nodded in the direction of the still kissing couple. The loud gasp that escaped the other boy was enough confirmation.“That’s Baekhyun making out with Chanyeol. Oh my god. So they are a thing.”

That got the others moving out of position and behind Sehun and Tao so they could see the action themselves.

“Oh wow. That’s pretty intense.” Yifan muttered.

“Jongdae would die if I told him out about this.” Minseok muttered while leaning around Sehun to see better.

“I wish someone would kiss me like that.” Luhan murmured in a dreamy voice.

“Jongin take notes.” Kyungsoo said to the silent boy standing behind him.


“Oh my god, let me see!” Jongdae asked once he’d reached the group of boys looking down at Sehun’s camera. Minseok moved out of the way for him and then there he was looking down at the undeniable images of Baekyeol. The fangirls would die once they saw this. He couldn’t believe they’d been so obvious. “I need these pictures. Give me these pictures Sehun.”

“Sure.” Sehun muttered to the over excited boy who was looking through all the shots he’d taken.

“Oh Jongdae since we gave you such juicy news could you do us a favor?” Luhan asked in a seemingly innocent voice. Jongdae looked up from the pictures with an impatient expression on his face.

“What favor?”

“How about you join Exo as a vocalist? We could really use another. Especially if Baekhyun is busying making out with one of our rappers.” The innocent act Luhan was putting on was excessive but it seemed like Jongdae was going to fall for it.

“Umm I guess? Let me try out first. I don’t actually want to hold you guys back if I end up .” Jongdae looked back at the pictures before he took in the glint in Luhan’s eyes. Luhan wasn’t going to let him escape from this. Oh no.

Sehun wished his camera wasn’t being held hostage. Otherwise he would’ve taken a picture of the blond boy, captured the glint he got in his eyes when he got what he wanted.

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I haven't forgotten about this story. The next chapter is almost done. I'm just busy what with school starting again. Senior year is a pain.


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HunieMineNahLuluis #1
Chapter 12: Cross finger for ma KrisHo and Xiuchen
Ughhh all of it is cute and hope you update soon okay meybe not too soon cuz u juat barely update it hehehe
Chapter 12: [Chen screaming in the distance] :D :D
Huehuehyehue. But seriously I do not think of Chen when I see "DaeDae" -___-
He but have really liked his picture though ;)
Huehuehue and poor Junmyeon. Angsting over a crush. Huehuehuehue
2440 streak #3
Chapter 11: i prefer BaekYeol tho!
and talk abt busted :))))

2440 streak #5
Chapter 8: TaoHun friendship is so awesome! :)))
SeventeenCarrot #6
Chapter 8: This chapter was so sweet, I like Tao and Sehuns friendship :) I actually like all of their friendships. Looking forward to the next chapter!
2440 streak #7
Chapter 7: wow... since when was joining the Annual Faceoff this much of a big deal? HAHAHA
it really has this big business feel to it :)))

that KrisHo conversation tho
Chapter 7: Huehuehue i still really love the way you write Chen like seriously he's adorable.
I also love how Suho is like nope with Kris but at the same time notices him too much its great awkward umma is great
you want my in regards to the future chapters?? Well... you know what I'm thinking :D
Huehuehuehuehue this chapter made me happy. Very happy. Hunhan is my ship forever.
Huehuehue I think this chapter was my favorite so far. Huehuehue.
You know I love your writing :D