Chapter Ten: Kiss The Cook

We Are One


Kyungsoo liked to think that he wasn’t oblivious. He was not in denial like Luhan, he wasn’t terribly obvious like Minseok or Yifan, and he wasn’t confused like Sehun. He knew that he liked Jongin as more than just a friend. Kyungsoo didn’t lie to himself.

Still he had to admit to himself that he was going round in circles when it came to Jongin. He knew the other liked him to some degree. He knew that if someone never made a move then nothing would ever come of these feelings. Kyungsoo just wasn’t used to being the one that started things.

His phone buzzed with a call from the object of his contemplation and he hesitated only momentarily before answering.

“Hello Jongin.”

“Hey Kyungsoo! Did you see the video of Minseok and Jongdae? It spread like wildfire. Its so great! I did not know Jongdae could sing that well.” Jongin sounded so amused that Kyungsoo couldn’t resist pulling his laptop over and going online to find it. It didn’t take him too long to find a link and pull it up.

“I’m watching it now. You’re right Jongdae has a really good voice. Why is he not in Exo instead of just writing about us? gosh. This is...pretty impressive?” Kyungsoo watched the video and couldn’t help but wonder just how drunk those two had gotten to do that in public.

“Right? Yeah our fangirls went absolutely crazy with it. All the Minseok fans were just unbelievable. I think Jongdae created a small following for himself with that performance. Anyway I didn’t call about this video even if it's brilliant. I called to ask if you weren’t too busy today? I was thinking we could go out for coffee maybe?”

That brought Kyungsoo to an immediate halt. Where just a couple minutes ago he’d been contemplating making a move here was Jongin doing just that. It was shocking to say the least. He hadn’t expected this. At least not so soon.

“That would be nice. Yeah. What time?” Kyungsoo got out and patted himself on the back for sounding so composed.

“Oh I was thinking in like half an hour? We could meet up by the library. My car is parked in the parking lot right by it.” Did Jongin sound slightly nervous? Kyungsoo bit his lip and leant back in his desk chair. The thought of the dancer being nervous put him at ease.

“Sounds great. See you then Jongin.”

“See you Kyungsoo.”


The ride to the cafe was quiet. Kyungsoo didn’t know what to say to the younger. Everything that came to mind either sounded trivial or detached. There wasn’t anything to really say. Jongin also couldn’t help glancing at Kyungsoo when he thought he wasn’t looking. Clearly the younger was in no position to start a conversation even though he’d been the one to make the invitation.

After what felt like hours but surely couldn’t have been more than a couple minutes they pulled into the lot of a small cafe. Jongin turned the car off and was out the door before Kyungsoo had even reached for his seatbelt. He opened the door for him and Kyungsoo had no choice but to get out. He smiled gently at the younger boy because no matter how quick the gesture had been it had been very nice of him.

After a series of gentlemanly gestures that included holding doors open and pulling out chairs, Kyungsoo was sitting across from Jongin in the cute cafe. The small table by the window was a simple white wooden table with a single orchid plant as the decoration off to the side. The cafe itself was a comfortable and quiet place with intimate tables and a soothing scent of coffee in the air. The desserts that could be seen from their table looked delicious and the waitress that came over to them right away was perfect for the place. Cute and happy.

“Hello, here’s the day’s specials. Do you know what you’d like or would you like a second?” She said the moment she was by their table. Kyungsoo smiled at her and then looked at the menu behind her that held the rest of the items for sale. He quickly settled on a cappuccino and a slice of cheesecake.

“I’ll take a cappuccino and a slice of cheesecake. Thank you. I don’t know what my friend would like.” He turned his gaze away from the girl who jotted down his order to Jongin. The younger was eyeing the menu like it was something he’d never seen in his life.

“Just order for me Kyungsoo. I have no idea what I want.”

“Oh alright. My friend will have a lemonade and the chocolate cake with raspberry filling. Thank you again.” Kyungsoo said and the girl nodded. Promising to bring their orders right up. Once she was gone he turned back to Jongin who seemed to be intently staring at him. He stared back in silence not knowing what to say.

They sat there for what seemed like an eternity in silence simply staring. The return of the waitress with their order snapped them out of it. After a quick round of thank yous, they dug into their respective desserts. In silence of course. While Kyungsoo was taking small bites of his cheesecake to savor it, his companion was scarfing down the chocolate cake. Moans of delight leaving his lips everytime he took a new bite.

“This cake is so good. Kyungsoo you’re in charge of ordering for me from now on. I’ve been missing out all my life.”Jongin said around his last forkful of cake. With anyone else the action would’ve seemed disgusting but with Jongin it was just cute. Kyungsoo really needed to reevaluate what he thought cute.

“Is that all I am to you? Your food orderer?” Kyungsoo teased and the younger’s eyes widened. He looked terrified and Kyungsoo frowned. Had he said something wrong? He’d only been teasing.

“No no! Kyungsoo you’re so much more than just my food orderer. You’re everything!” If it were possible Jongin’s eyes widened even further and he slapped a hand across his mouth as if to prevent more embarrassing things from escaping.

Well that was more than enough indication that Jongin liked him. However the words that would’ve easily reassured Jongin that he wasn’t the only one who felt that way wouldn’t come to mind. Instead Kyungsoo reached for his drink to give himself something to do. That action alone seemed to mortify Jongin given the way he shrunk into himself. His hand fell away from his mouth and he leant back in his seat. Trying to get away without really moving.

How had things gotten so awkward?

“It’s okay Jongin. You’re not alone in this okay?” Kyungsoo muttered quietly, his eyes locked on his half eaten cheesecake. Those two sentences had come seemingly out of nowhere when he’d seen just how bothered Jongin was. He just wanted to reassure the other even if it made Kyungsoo feel weird.

“I’m not?” That made Kyungsoo look up. For the first time since Kyungsoo had met Jongin, the younger boy was being completely vulnerable and insecure. It made Kyungsoo less weird and more comfortable. He wasn’t the only one feeling like this whole thing could be going better and far less awkward.

“No you’re not and I’ll be happy to be your food orderer. I like being around you even if it gets really awkward like right now.” Now the reassurances were just pouring out of his lips like water from a fountain. It was strange but good especially when the younger perked up and looked like his life was no longer over.  

“Good. Good.” Jongin nodded with a shy smile starting to take over his face.


After their tension had been somewhat resolved they both settled into conversation. They spent the next hour talking about Exo, food, and everything in between. Kyungsoo learned that Jongin's favorite color was light green because it reminded him of spring and spring made him feel successful. Jongin liked to think it was because spring was all about starting over because everything before had gone well and things were now ready to move on.

In exchange Kyungsoo had told him that while singing was one of his favorite things to do it wasn't his passion. He'd explained that cooking was his favorite thing in the world but given how his family much preferred he become famous than some cook in some rundown restaurant Kyungsoo had ended up choosing singing over culinary.

They stayed at the cafe for a couple hours finally enjoying themselves. Jongin making flirty jokes and Kyungsoo actually starting to return them instead of blushing and looking away. It was nice and Kyungsoo hadn't been this happy and amused in a long while.


On the drive back to campus they spent their time talking and flirting some more. The tension had definitely changed from awkward to something else. It was hyper charged. Intense.

Kyungsoo could admit to himself that he strangely liked it.

After Jongin parked the car and shut it off, he turned in his seat to face Kyungsoo. A look of determination on his face. He leant over and quickly kissed Kyungsoo's cheek before whispering in his ear.

"Thanks for today. Not just for going but for making things alright when I felt like I'd messed up. We'll do this again right?"

"Of course we will but maybe next time I'll make you cake instead and it can be just you and me in the kitchen."

"Ooh. Can I eat the batter?" Jongin tried fluttering his lashes cutely and Kyungsoo couldn't help but nod his agreement even though the other looked just plain silly.

"Sure but only if you kiss the cook."

"I can do that. Especially when he's so cute."


A/N: Hello my dear readers! So this story has reached more than a 1000 views, I just...Thank you so much. So to show how much it means to me I am double updating. I hope you enjoyed the chapters. The story is picking up speed. We are well on our way to the ups and downs that come with competing in the Faceoff plus all the ships! Anyway I just wanted to thank you all for reading, commenting, subscribing, and upvoting. You're all fabulous. Leave comments if you like. I love knowing what you all think!

Thanks again.

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I haven't forgotten about this story. The next chapter is almost done. I'm just busy what with school starting again. Senior year is a pain.


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HunieMineNahLuluis #1
Chapter 12: Cross finger for ma KrisHo and Xiuchen
Ughhh all of it is cute and hope you update soon okay meybe not too soon cuz u juat barely update it hehehe
Chapter 12: [Chen screaming in the distance] :D :D
Huehuehyehue. But seriously I do not think of Chen when I see "DaeDae" -___-
He but have really liked his picture though ;)
Huehuehue and poor Junmyeon. Angsting over a crush. Huehuehuehue
2440 streak #3
Chapter 11: i prefer BaekYeol tho!
and talk abt busted :))))

2440 streak #5
Chapter 8: TaoHun friendship is so awesome! :)))
SeventeenCarrot #6
Chapter 8: This chapter was so sweet, I like Tao and Sehuns friendship :) I actually like all of their friendships. Looking forward to the next chapter!
2440 streak #7
Chapter 7: wow... since when was joining the Annual Faceoff this much of a big deal? HAHAHA
it really has this big business feel to it :)))

that KrisHo conversation tho
Chapter 7: Huehuehue i still really love the way you write Chen like seriously he's adorable.
I also love how Suho is like nope with Kris but at the same time notices him too much its great awkward umma is great
you want my in regards to the future chapters?? Well... you know what I'm thinking :D
Huehuehuehuehue this chapter made me happy. Very happy. Hunhan is my ship forever.
Huehuehue I think this chapter was my favorite so far. Huehuehue.
You know I love your writing :D