"So, back to the main topic. When did you set your eyes on my Jin? Sunbae understands that with this pretty face of his", Seo-joon oppa cupped Jin's face in his hands as he said to me,

"You wouldn't possibly be able to resist it right?"
"Hyung", Jin slapped away his hands,  sounding a little annoyed by his teases as well.
Seated across them, I could only let out a deep sigh at his words. Looks like sunbae won't give up that easily. Shaking my head, I tried to explain myself once more,
"Sunbae, it's not what you think,"
"Then tell me about it,"
I took a glance at Jin. He seemed as though he was about to say something but I stopped him quickly. I can't possibly let Seo-joon oppa know that he was attempting suicide earlier on. Sunbae will be worried sick. 
"I... He's my project!", I blurted out all of a sudden.
"Project?", Seo-joon oppa looked at me, amused.
"WOAH... I didn't see that coming. So you planned everything before you finally take action? Moon Gi-ah, I didn't know that you were-"
"A-ani-ya sunbae,", I waved my hand frantically at him while stuttering with my words, 
"I m-mean 'project', as in what we photographers deemed as. T-that project," 
From the corner of my eyes, I noticed that Jin was giving me a questionable look but right now, it's better to clear things up with Seo-joon oppa before he starts assuming things. 
"O-oh I see", he simply replied while rubbing the tip of his ear with his finger tips. 
'There's a story behind each and every picture', that was what sunbae had once told me so it's sort of a telepathy which the both of us share. Also judging from my expression, I think he managed to make out that it probably wasn't a good story, therefore, he didn't persist on knowing the details.
Seo-joon oppa then scratched his head and changed topic immediately to avoid the awkward moment. 
"Say, where's Jungkookie by the way? Why don't I see him around?"
"He's out with Jimin, V and Suga as usual, probably having their jamming session again,"
"Jungkookie? Is he the younger brother you've talked about?"
"Ne", I replied Jin. 
"He's a really cool and cute fella! Besides, he really loves music! Gah, it would have been great if he's here for me to introduce to you now bro. You definitely need some new friends", Seo-joon oppa hit Jin on his chest.
"Well, I will eventually meet him someday won't I? I can always drop by here right Moon Gi-ssi?", Jin gave me a wink which almost had my heart jumping out. 
"Why, of course!", I hurried on, with a hot blush.
Standing behind the counter, Mark suppressed a smile while wiping the porcelain mugs dry. Watching the three talk, he could tell from her blush that she really liked that guy. Her usual even brown had a rosiness to it and it was cute. However, he soon pouted as it got him wondering why couldn't he receive the same treatment from her. 
Returning the mugs back onto the shelf feeling rather unfair, it was then the phone at the cashier counter rang. Looking to his side, he saw that Bomi was still busy taking orders so he decided to pick up the call himself. 
"Yobeoseyo", he said.
"Sorry, but is this Jeon Jungkook's family I'm contacting?"
"Please hold on for awhile", he told the person who was on the other line.
Then, walking out from the counter hastily, Mark quickly made his way to the three who were still chatting happily.
"Boss, your call", he said as soon as he stopped beside their table.
"Will you stop calling me boss?"
"Er sure, monkey,"
Seo-joon, Jin and Moon Gi all widened their eyes at him.
"OOPS! I mean, Moon-Gi-ah~", he corrected himself and smiled awkwardly almost immediately.
"YOU!", Moon Gi pointed a finger at him and gave him a glare before placing the cordless phone to her ear.
But, not long after, all Mark saw was her face turning as white as a sheet before the phone slowly slid off from her hand.
"Yobeoseyo?", I snatched the phone off from Mark's hand and placed it against my ear.
"You are Jeon Jungkook's?"
"I see", the stranger paused for awhile before he continued,
"This is Kwon Team Jang, calling from Seoul Hospital. Jeon Jungkook-ssi, together with three of his friends are currently admitted here and we have learned that they got into a fight. My officers and I might need to take some time to interrogate them but do you mind dropping by here as soon as possible to facilitate the process?"
"Eh?", I flinched at his words and my face fell before I muttered softly back to him,
Once I hung up, I became weak all over that the phone slowly slid off from my hand.
"What's wrong monkey?", ironically, that redhead was the first to detect the change in my emotion. 
Subsequently, Seo-joon oppa and Jin also grew concerned and the both of them leaned their body towards me as they asked worriedly,
"Moon Gi-ah, is everything alright?"
"K-kookie... K-kookie is at the h-hospital now..."
"Kwon Team Jang said that he got into a fight together with the rest,"
Seo-joon oppa massaged his temples and then stood up from his seat right away. 
"Then what are you still doing here? Sunbae will accompany you there! Ppal-li ka~"
"A-ni sunbae, you stay here and accompany unnie. She will be knocking off soon. I-I will head there myself,"
"But-", I stopped him before he could say anything else and then turned to face Mark,
"Mark, please look after the cafe for me in the meantime. I am really placing my trust on you this time, butaghabnida,"
That was the very first time I actually bowed and spoke nicely to him. 
With that, I was all prepared to leave when I felt someone grasping onto my arm.
"Moon Gi-ssi, let me go with you. It was Kwon Team Jang whom you mentioned just now right?"
I nodded my head.
"Ok, I know him", and at the next moment, Jin was already holding on to my hand tightly as he led the way out. 
Jungkook laid in the green curtained cubical, examining the polystyrene tiled ceiling. There was nothing else to look at. He could hear moans  coming from the adjacent bed occasionally and although he could recognize that that voice actually belonged to Jimin's, he was still glad for the curtains. For at this juncture, he really didn't want to associate with anyone else, or to show any sympathy as he himself was hurt really badly during the process. And, that was one reason why he had rejected to speak to Kwon Team Jang when he first approached him for an interview. 
Staring at the broken guitar which was lying by his bed, a tear escaped from his eye. However, it was not long after that the curtains got drawn apart, revealing a familiar face.
"Noona", Jungkook cried and buried his face into her chest as soon as he saw her.
"Kookie-ah, gwaenchanhayo?"
"Noona, jeongmal mianhaeyo... I didn't keep our promise... I didn't protect it well...", Jungkook continued to sob.
As he apologized, Moon Gi happened to notice the guitar that was lying by his bedside and she immediately understood her dongsaeng's words. 
Caressing her dongsaeng's head and hugging him even closer to herself, she cooed,
"Kookie-ah, gwaenchanada. Noona's fine so don't you feel bad about it,"
"B-but it was the only thing left behind by your abeoji..."
"Gwaechanada", she repeated. 
All these while, Jin was just standing behind them, observing how the two interact with each other. Somehow, Jungkook kind of reminded him of his own dongsaeng.
I wonder how is Yi-en doing now, he thought to himself and sighed.
"Yah Seokjin-ssi, what are you doing here?", it was then he saw the same ahjusshi whom he had met earlier on at the police station.
"Oh, Kwon Team Jang-nim. I'm here with my hoobae actually,"
"Ne, Jeon Jungkook's noona, Ra Moon Gi-ssi is my hoobae", he explained, 
"Anyway, Team Jang-nim, can I understand the situation here?"
"Ne, let's talk outside,"
"Mhmm, so we have learned from Park Jimin, Min Yoon Gi and Kim Taehyung-ssi that a gang actually crashed their venue, wrecked their stage and harmed them after their apparent business got affected by their performance. I was actually going to ask Jungkook-ssi if he have any plans to press charges against the culprit but I guess I will stop by again once he's uh, more emotionally stable", Kwon Team Jang explained to Jin.
"Ne gamsahabnida Team Jang-nim", Jin thanked him for his understanding. 
"Anway Seokjin-ssi, I will keep you informed if that kid drops by again. In the meantime, take care ya,"
"Ne, sugohasyeossseubnida,"
With that, Kwon Team Jang left with his fellow subordinates, leaving Jin standing alone along the corridor. 
Pushing the door back into ward, Jin could now see both Jungkook and Moon Gi sleeping soundly as they held on tightly to each other's hand. 
He couldn't help but to smile at this sight. He knew that although the two of them weren't biological siblings, he was still envious of their close relationship. Not wanting to disturb them, he decided on proceeding out first to get them some food in the meantime. 
Just as he raised his head, his eyes just so happened to meet the ones of the other kid who was lying on the opposite bed. 
"Kim Taehyung-ssi, woo-ri kookie's chingu?", Jin read the name on top of his bed and raised an eyebrow at him.
Scribbling something on a piece of paper which was lying on his table and then tearing it up into a few prices, Jin then handed it out to him. 
"After you guys have discharged, come and find me at this address with these coupons. I will allow you guys to redeem some of my stuff", he told V gingerly and just as he was about to leave, he turned back again, 
"Anyway, what would you like to eat? Will home-cooked food be alright with you?"
Checking the clock which was hanging on the wall, it has been two hours since Moon Gi had left and also, he have not been able to let loose during the entire time as they were really busy. 
No longer being able to control his bladder, Mark finally asked Bomi if he could make a visit to the toilet. 
"Oh sure Mark, you look like you are suffering a lot", Bomi chuckled,
"Erm, we don't have a toilet here at the cafe but I'm sure you could use the one in Moon Gi's house. Just head up and turn left,"
"Gamsahaeyo noona,"
"Ahhh", he let out a soft moan after he have cleared his bowels. Wiping his hands dry, he was on his way out and preparing to go down when he passed by a room. 
The door of the room was left ajar and noticing the entire pink concept, he made a quick assumption that that was Moon Gi's room. 
C'mon, one sneak peek will do, he talked to himself. 
Gently pushing the door open, Mark let himself in. There was a really nice scent in her room and it smelt heavenly, like fresh-scented pine and honey. The aroma was like a drug to him and he couldn't get enough of it. While sniffling his way in, his eyes soon darted to the numerous number of photos which were pasted all over her wall. 
Mark was indeed awed by the sight. He took a few steps forward and as his fingers trailed along the pictures, there was suddenly this one photo which caught his attention among the rest. 
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natashanajwaa #1
Jersieyang #2
when are you releasing the next chapter???? I literally have been waiting forever since I LOVE THIS STORY
Chapter 23: oh my oh my god. I don't know if I should be happy or what. I like that jin and moon gi are both happy. but what about mark T.T
I honestly ship him so hard with moon gi. I find all their banter with each other cute and sweet and I just want them to end both end up together.
oh well, maybe because in the "the mediator" story, mark had the last laugh, maybe it's jin's turn now.

they are both my biases that's why I feel so confused. omg. I just hope both of them get their happy endings~~ ^^
Chapter 23: oh my oh my god. I don't know if I should be happy or what. I like that jin and moon gi are both happy. but what about mark T.T
I honestly ship him so hard with moon gi. I find all their banter with each other cute and sweet and I just want them to end both end up together.
oh well, maybe because in the "the mediator" story, mark had the last laugh, maybe it's jin's turn now.

they are both my biases that's why I feel so confused. omg. I just hope both of them get their happy endings~~ ^^
Chapter 23: oh my oh my god. I don't know if I should be happy or what. I like that jin and moon gi are both happy. but what about mark T.T
I honestly ship him so hard with moon gi. I find all their banter with each other cute and sweet and I just want them to end both end up together.
oh well, maybe because in the "the mediator" story, mark had the last laugh, maybe it's jin's turn now.

they are both my biases that's why I feel so confused. omg. I just hope both of them get their happy endings~~ ^^
lizardo #7
Chapter 19: Words can't express how emotionally unstable I am bc of this
This fic is driving me insane, I read all 18 chapters in one sitting. I need more chapters~
In gonna freak so please update~~~~
Chapter 18: *sings* I NEED U GIRL!!!
someone had to do it.

Anyways I'm glad that he called her, maybe while she comforts him she can explain why she didn't show up for their date.
Chapter 17: What??? Noooo but he's been looking for his brother for so long Aiiiiisshhhhh that is so sad.
And I hope Jin eventually finds out that Moon Gi didn't purposefully ditch him. I really don't want him to start dating Bora.
Chapter 16: okaaaay. this chapter is really tragic for me....
I think only bora was happy at the end cuz she got to eat dinner with jin..
but on the bright side, mark and moongi moments are on the rise!!!!
I just feel bad for jin because he was always the one waiting
anyway. thank you for updating authornim ^^