New family

I'm a girl, in a BOYGROUP!

Adding L.Joe into the story... hehe.. 



It’s 9 in the morning and it’s your mother’s funeral. Your house is filled with people all dressed in black. They’re all sympathize you being an orphan.

Hyuna hugged you tight. “_______-ah… Please be strong. You know you can always stay with me, right?” You smiled weakly but shook your head.

 “Thanks but no thanks. I’ll live on my own. I don’t want to be a burden.” You said.

 Hyuna gave you another hug before leaving your house with her parents. She waved at you and you waved back.

Everyone left and you’re alone now. You feel really sad and lost. *Omma…How can I live without you?* you sighed.


Month by month, you live alone. Paying the rent by working part time at a café near your school. Hyuna keeps you company sometimes. You feel grateful how she trying her best to be a good BFF. But deep inside, you still feel very lonely. Sometimes, a girl just needs her mother.

That night, you really determined to leave your hometown for the city. You brought a few clothes and money you’ve saved from working your off serving people in the café.

You feel guilty for leaving Hyuna but you needed to move on by starting a new life. You wanted to write Hyuna a letter but you don’t know what to write.

So you just left a small memo on the door of your house saying ‘I’m traveling on my own. Sorry for leaving so suddenly, Hyuna-ah..Love, your BFF’ knowing she’ll read it next morning when she pick you up for school.

 You took your bag and ran outside towards the train station. When you arrived, you went to the counter for tickets.

*Where should I go? The city maybe.. Ah! Seoul!* you thought and bought tickets to Seoul.

As soon as you bought the tickets, your train arrived.

You sat down by the window. You took out your mother’s photo and stare at it with a weak smile.

*Omma. I’m traveling by myself now.. Sorry for leaving the hometown you loved. But I need to move on.* You kissed the photo and dozed off.


“Seoul. Seoul.” The operator announced. You woke up and took your bag before going out of the train. It’s midnight and the city is shining brightly because of the lights.  You carried your bag lifelessly towards the park. You sat down on one of the benches. Still feeling sleepy, you lied on the bench and went back to dreamland.


“Aigoo.. Why did a pretty young woman sleeps here alone? Yah… Agueshii..” You slightly opened your eyes and saw an old ahjumma in front of you.

Your eyes went wide and you shot up. “Where am I ?” You asked. “You’re at the park.” The ahjumma said. You remembered that you left your hometown for Seoul and slept on the park’s bench. You ruffled your hair. “Oh..”

“Now tell me, why are you sleeping here?” The ahjumma asked you.

You told her you just lost your mother and left your hometown to start a new life.

The ahjumma smiled. “You can live with me.” She said.

Your eyes shot up. “Really? But I dont want to be a burden. And I don’t know you.”

The Ahjumma chuckeled. “Don’t worry. You’ll know me later. And you’re not a burden. I’m old and lonely. I need company.Will you?” The ahjumma said.

 You stared at her and nodded. She gave you another smile . “Take your belongings. I’ll bring you to my house.” You nodded and took your bag before following her.

Her house isn’t big but it looks.. nice. The ahjumma took your hand and led you into her house.  

She knocked the door. “Halmeoni.. You’re home?” a voice asked as soon as the door opened.

And a tall figure showed up. The ahjumma hugged the tall boy.

“ByungHun-ah.. I got you a sister.” She said and pushed me inside. Byunghun stared at me and looked at the Ahjumma.

“Halmeoni! You took a random someone again?” he asked.

*Again? That means I’m not the only one?* you thought. Byunghun turned to you. He ruffled your hair. “Hey little girl. What’s your name?” he asked.


“How old are you?”

“10 years old.” He smiled.

“You’re 5 years younger than me! Where’s your parents?” You lowered your head.

“They died.” Byunghun stared at you.

“Than we’re the same. Hello, my name is Byunghun. I’m halmeoni’s biological grandson. You can call me Oppa.” He smiled. You smiled back.

“Come on in. This is your new home.” He took your hand and brought you inside.

At first, you feel awkward living with strangers. But months passed.. You’re used to the house.

You loved Byunghun and Ahjumma like your own family. Ahjumma treated you like her own grand daughter, made you feel loved again. You called her ‘halmeoni’. And Byunghun cared for you like his little sister. You called him ‘oppa’ .

Halmeoni (Ahjumma) wanted to enroll you into a school. But you refused. You’re already feel guilty for living there for free. So one night, you were eating dinner (You’ve cooked Kimchi fried rice. You’re good at cooking since your mom taught you before she died.) with Byunghun. Halmeoni’s at work so she’ll be coming home late.

 You decided to tell him you wanted to get a job. Byunghun choked on his rice.

“B-bwo?! A Job?? No! I wont let you!” He screamed. Hitting the table.

“But oppa… I don’t want to live here for free.. I feel like a burden.” You mumbled.

“You’re not being a burden!” He said.

“But I still feel guilty! At least let me loose this guilt!” You said. Byunghun bit his lips. He doesn’t want you to work because he’s worried you’ll be in danger on your own while he’s at school. Suddenly, an idea crossed his mind.

“Fine.. You can work. But only if you’re working near me.” He said. You frowned.

“Near you? You mean at the shop for adult toys near your school building?” Again, he choked . His eyes widened.

“Hell no! I mean at the boys hostel next to my school!” You nodded. You thought Byunghun was going crazy asking you to work at such a y shop.

“But oppa.. Arent working at the boys hostel is dangerous too?” you asked. Byunghun grinned.

“Don’t worry. Halmeoni worked there too.. She’s the cook. You can help her manage the kitchen , right? She’s too old to work by herself.” You nodded. *I didn’t know Halmeoni worked there..*

“Fine.. I guess. I’ll help her. When can I start?” You asked.

“Tomorrow. At sunrise. You’ll help Halmeoni cook breakfast. I’ll help too. Now finish up your food and hurry to sleep. I’ll do the dishes. I’ll wake you up tomorrow.” You obeyed, finishing your dinner and went inside your room.

You brushed your teeth and laid down on your mattress. Excited about finally going to pay for your new family’s kindness. You smiled and slowly went to dreamland.


Exam's over!!!!!!!!! Woohoo!!! Now i can finally focus about my fanfics... Dont worry, B2ST oppas will come out soon.. Just needed to explain the past...  hope you'll wait. ^^


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omgggg nooOO halemoni weeeeh D;
TT_TT halemoni don't leaveeeeeeee and OOOOOOO!!! This is starting to sound really good!! (not that it want good before, it's just REALLY good now :) UPDATESOON!!! ^^
Update soon!! Can't wait for the ext chapters to come out :)
Hmm, I like the story ^^<br />
Update soon...<br />
Btw, why don't make "you" character as Amber though? Since you put her pict in the foreword. I like her and the character match her well. But up 2 you, it's just my suggestion. Kk..
the mother died on her birthday.., how saddd T_T<br />
i like the story, update soon ^^
<br />
^^ Update soon :)