Ghost and Past

Chanyeol FM

Chapter 3 - Ghost and Past

Rays of the morning sun shone right on Baekhyun's face. He stirred as he cursed himself for forgetting to close the curtains.

The weather was chilly and his bed was warm. He snuggled more into his blanket, trying to zone out his conscience that was ringing like an alarm by telling him to wake up.

If his conscience was Jimminy Cricket it'd be squashed then and there.

"Uugh. I don't wanna get comfy here..."

"Sure looks like it."

Baekhyun's eyes shot open as his body quickly moved. He was now wide awake due to the unfamiliar voice. His eyes darted across the room, trying to find the owner of the voice.

"Hi there!"

Baekhyun's eyes finally landed on the culprit. The owner of the cheerful voice,which was a guy, waved at him gleefully.

Baekhyun's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, taking in the other man's appearence. He seemed to have fluffier hair than Minseok-ssaem but his was more brown in colour. He was wearing what appears to be the school's official sweater, dark blue jeans and a pair of red Converse.

A real pretty guy was in Baekhyun's room looking rather cheeky. His face was charming and had a boyish aura to it.

While Baek was still observing the guy, he was swinging his long legs while sitting on Baekhyun's study desk, fiddling with the dials on his radio. 'Maybe he's my new roommate,' Baek thought. He seemed normal enough. Baek figured they could get along until...

He saw that this guy wasn't actually sitting on his desk. His didn't even touch the wooden desk.

He was floating.

"Y-Y-Your fl-floa-floating...!" Baekhyun was stammering like crazy and his words incoherent. This caused the other guy to fluster.

"I-I can explain!"

And so he floated towards Baekhyun in a ghost like way.

Baekhyun screamed. The other guy screamed. It was mad.


"YO, BACON! WHAT'S WRONG?" Another very charming looking yet very much alarmed boy swung open Baek's door. His face showed panick as he scanned the scene. Baekhyun was panting heavily after his...scream-a-thon.

"Dude, why'd you scream?!" asked Yunho. He was a third year and Head Dorm. Meaning that whatever happens is his resonsibility to deal with. Which also meant this situation.

"T-Th-There's--!" Well Baekhyun was pointing somewhere with his index finger. The fluffy haired guy had vanished and Baek was so confused and practically shaking.

It took a good minute for Baek to comprehend that if he said he just saw an actual ghost in daylight Yunho'd put him on meds. Or you know call in the school doctor. He didn't want either.

"A-Ah.... thought there was a cockroach. Probably ran off. Sorry 'bout the noise, ahahaha." That was the best excuse he could come up with, okay?

"Ergh, then we'll send someone to exterminate your room," said Changmin who suddenly popped up behind Yunho. He was a third year as well and 'vice' everything for Yunho. "

No! No need! I'm fine really!" Baekhyun shaked his head as his two seniors each shot him odd looks. Honestly, he didn't want his room stinking. He'd rather they call a ghost exterminator instead.

"Well, if there's anything else bothering you, you can come to us." Yunho gave him a sincere smile while Changmin 'yeah'ed his statement. Baek smiled back, feeling grateful.

"Oh yeah! Minseok-ssaem wanted to see you. I ran into him earlier. Said something about a radio." Said Changmin who glanced at Yunho who looked weary all of the sudden at the mention of Minseok-ssaem.

Baekhyun noticed this and let out a small chuckle. "Hyung, are you still running away from Minseok-ssaem?"

"No it's just that...he kinda scares me sometimes."

"Pshhh. He just really likes you." Changmin teasingly poked his tongue out. "He was impressed by your dancing during last year's School Fest and totally became your fan!"

"Shut up!" Yunho reddened as the other two boys laughed.

"I think he was checking out your too."

"Okay, that's enough! Little bacon," Baek squinted his eyes at the nickname. "We'll be going now. Really if there's anything you just come to us." Baek nodded and thanked them as both seniors exited his room.

Once the door was shut, he slumped back to his bed. He still couldn't get over what happened earlier. Because really, what the hell was that?

Was he still so groggy he was seeing things? Was he dreaming?

While he pondered over this, Baek gazed over at his radio. It shone quite nicely under the morning sunlight even though it looked quite broken. Sighing, he got up and ready to meet Minseok-ssaem.

He didn't hesitate to glance back a few times before entering the shower.

Who knows? Maybe that ghost would suddenly appear again.



"You're looking cheerful so early in the morning it's annoying."

Minseok waved him off with a dumpling in hand as he scoffed at the man. "Did someone piss in your coffee or something?"

The other man scowled as he adjusted himself in his seat. They were the only ones in the Teacher's Lounge. The smell of coffee and...dumplings wafted through the room.

"Hakyeon and his friends are too noisy. They're the ones handling that Jumble Sale thing right? They were throwing what seems to be underwear at each other."

Minseok stiffled a laugh, imagining his dear students' antics. "So what happened to you?"

"Jaehwan threw a boxer and it landed on my face."

Minseok didn't hold back and laughed his heart out. The other man glared as he crumpled a piece of paper and threw it to Minseok's head.

"Okay,okay. But it is funny though." The man didn't seem pleased. "Oh, they're just kids. They'll be graduating, let them have their last fun with their friends."

"They'll have fun in detention." The man huffed as he took a sip of his coffee.

"Whaaat you gave them detention? That's so low." Minseok scrunched up his little nose."You had your fair share of fooling around as a teen.Where's your fun spirit, Yi Fan?"

Wu Yi Fan suddenly looked gloom as his eyes shifted elsewhere. "You know where it's gone. It was only because of him I ever had fun back then." Minseok regretted his choice of words. He knew that Yi Fan would get sensitive over things like this.

"Yi Fan..."

"No. Just, sorry bringing it up. I don't wanna talk about it so early in the morning." Yi Fan ran a hand through his blonde hair.

Minseok understood and shifted his feet. They stayed quiet for a while, neither making a sound.

In the end, Minseok couldn't stand the defeaning silence. "Hey, I'm gonna go meet up with Baekhyun. You know, the kid in your class?"

Yi Fan shrugged. Sure he knew the kid. Byun Baekhyun had hilarious English and caused him amusement whenever he struggled to read a sentence from the textbook.

"Gonna help him with something. It''t be too hard on yourself okay, Fan?" Taking his coat, he walked out of the room leaving Yi Fan alone.

Yi Fan was thoroughly confused at Minseok but he really didn't feel like investing in whatever emotions he had right now. He sighed and slumped in his black chair with only one thought in mind. A certain fluffy haired and loud person in the past.



On the other side of the Teacher's Lounge door, Minseok was contemplating to himself. He bit his lip as he anxiously tapped his feet. Was it wrong for him to keep such a secret from Yi Fan? "I hope he doesn't mind that I didn't actually throw away that radio..."  

It was currently Baekhyun's.



Wow I haven't updated in a loooong time. Aha guess I'm still not used to writing fics

Anyway I'll be doing real slow updates until December'15 because I have exams...  

Please forgive any errors in this chapter, I wrote this on my ityy bitty phone (lol) whenever I had time. From now on I guess the pace of this fic is short and simple?? I'm trying to keep it that way.

Until then, have a good day. Have a good read. Justice out!


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Chapter 1: This sounds really interesting! I'll be waiting for the next chapter! uwu