[3/3] Sequel Link



SungGyu pov.

I wake up in the café. I felt a blanket over me, sure enough I woke up and I saw HoYa beside me, sleeping as well. MyungSoo and SungYeol were also sleeping on the couch with a blanket on. Poor SungYeol and MyungSoo, because of the café, their parents kicked them out, and they didn’t have enough money to pay the rent for both the café and the apartment. So they stayed here. I felt so bad. Maybe I should sneak them into my house kkk… anyways, I shook the sleeping boy next to me. “HoYa… we’re late for school.” I whisper.

“I don’t give a mom. 10 more minutes.” Does he really say that to his mom?! Better teach this boy a lesson. I run to the bathroom and get a mini water gun that MyungSoo and SungYeol play with sometimes and spray his face with perfume. “Oh what the is that smell?!” HoYa grumbled, covering his face. I continue to spray him. He swats my hand. I then grab his hair and start dragging him by his hair, bringing our backpacks as well, one on each shoulder. “Ugh owww mom… Why are you so persistent… “ and his eyes finally fluttered open. I glare at him.

“Is this the that your mom goes through every day?” I scold, and he slowly nods his head. I let go of him, and he scratches his head.

“If I lose more hair than I should, I’m blaming it on you.” He whined.

“Go ahead, I think I’ll be happy about that news.” I grin at him.

“You .”

“Whatever man. We’re late. Let’s get walking.”

“Can’t we take the bus.”

“This is coming from the guy who tells me I should work out more.”

“Ugh fine…” and HoYa trudged behind me. I roll my eyes and continue walking.


 We reach school right at the moment the teacher yells at us to sit down. I sat down and put my stuff down.

“Hey.” Someone greeted me. I look to see WooHyun. I give him a smile.

“Hey.” I reply back, and took my notebooks and textbooks out.

During the class, I felt like WooHyun was watching me for like 2 hours. I ignored it at first, but now it’s starting to creep me out. Did I do something wrong? Do I have something on my face? This is really pissing me off. I scribble down a note and gently tossed it on WooHyun’s desk. He read it, and he smiled apologetically, and turned to face the front of the class. I then put my head down and drifted asleep because I only got like 2 hours last night.


“SungGyu~~~.” A voice sang. It was a quite pretty voice, so I guess it wasn’t HoYa. “SungGyu~.” His voice became more firm, and I fluttered my eyes open to see an anxious WooHyun. I put my head back down and closed my eyes again.

“What?” I ask with an annoyed tone.

“Let’s have lunch together~” WooHyun chirped.

“I’m not hungry. Leave me alone.” I groan, and I could picture a pouting WooHyun.


“Ugh… fine.” I said as I pulled my head back to see a happy WooHyun. “Where’s HoYa?”

“He’s sleeping.” WooHyun said pointing behind me.

“HoYa get your fat off of the chair. It’s your favorite class period.” I yell, and HoYa’s eyes instantly open.

“Did you make a lunch? We stayed at MyungSoo’s café though!” WooHyun’s eyes slightly widened at the mention of MyungSoo. Kind of suspicious? Whatever.

“No. We’re heading to the cafeteria.” I bluntly state, and I grab HoYa’s sleeve and drag him. “Come on WooHyun. Let’s go.”

“BUT SUNGGYU THE SCHOOL’S FOOD IS…” And I cover his mouth.

“Shut up.” And I continue to drag him, HoYa staying silent.


After the tolerable lunch we had, we came back the classroom and sat down in our seats. HoYa complained that the food here was crap, and WooHyun was staring off into space. I guess I’m the only one that’s normal right now. The teacher tells us to quiet down and pay attention to her.

“For the health unit this year, I am assigning a partner project that is about mental and physical health disorders. I picked your partners, because some people aren’t meant to work together.” And she glares at HoYa and I. Figures. And the class groans and throws words at us like “Thanks a lot” “You ” “You fail at life” etc. WooHyun’s face brightened though. What a weirdo.

“HyunA and GaYoon, MinWoo and Jungmin, KwangMin and YoungMin, YoonA and HyoYeon, HoYa and DongWoo…”

“Dammit, I don’t have anyone else to work with.” I mutter under my breath.

WooHyung pov.

“Dammit, I don’t have anyone else to work with.” My heart ached when he said that. Am I really that bad or something? I shake my head. If he knew it was me, he wouldn’t have said that.

“… and WooHyun with SungGyu.” SungGyu had a bored expression. Well that stung. Thanks SungGyu. I am going to ignore you for the rest of the day. I thought as I glared at him from afar.


SungGyu pov.

“Ughhh… stupid teacher, not letting me pair up with HoYa. She’s just jealous that we’re a perfect pair, and that she doesn’t have any close friends.” I huff and look at WooHyun.  “Anyways WooHyun, what do you want to do, turrets?” I suggest, and he glares at me. Oh that’s a first. I didn’t even know he could do that. “Uhm how about phobias?” WooHyun completely ignores me. Wow he’s really pissing me off. “Look, if you’re not going to participate, I’m fine with that. I’ll just do the project myself and put your name on it okay?” I pick up my stuff and get ready to leave. I don’t want to waste my time with him. I have more things to do than be ignored. He watches me leave with a hurt expression. Pft. Now you’re sorry? Too bad Nam WooHyun. I walk off, leaving WooHyun with a shocked and hurt face.

I walk out into the courtyard and spot HoYa with his partner. They were laughing and talking to each other. How nice. Why couldn’t I get a worthy partner like HoYa. I walk up to them. “Hey guys.” I greet. The boy who HoYa was with smiled at me with the biggest and brightest smile I’ve ever seen.

“Hello! I’m Jang DongWoo!” he exclaims with a happy voice. Damn you HoYa for having a cool partner.

“Nice to meet you,” I reply, giving him an eyesmile. He returns my eye smile with his mouth smile.

“Where’s your partner?” HoYa ask, clearly irritated. I roll my eyes.

“I’m not working with him. He’s ignoring me.”

“Don’t be surprised. You can be a pain in the .”

“You have no rights to tell anyone that they’re a pain in the . I feel sorry for you DongWoo.” I look at him with an apologetic face.

DongWoo laughs really loudly. “Nono, he’s really cool! We’re actually making great progress in the project.”

I give them a suspicious look. “Then what disorder are you doing your project on?”

DongWoo and HoYa look at each other and look away from me. “we-well we got to know each other more.” HoYa pointed our stuttering.

“That’s what I thought. Wow even I’m more ahead of you.”

“What’s your topic on?”

“Turrets. Something that you have HoYa.”

“I do not have ing turrets you .” HoYa angrily retorted.

“Pft. Wow. You’re such an idiot.” I bluntly remarked.

“Why don’t you just go find your partner and ing bother him instead?!” HoYa tells me, and I roll my eyes.

“He’s ignoring me. So there would be no point in trying to bother him.” I reply.

“Oh yeah…” HoYa says, his head off in space.

“Anyways nice meeting you DongWoo. Sadly, HoYa is right and I should find my partner. See you later.” I said and I walked away.


I found WooHyun sitting on a bench with girls surrounding him, asking for his autograph. Ugh I have to go through them. I squint my eyes at the group. Dammit. There are like 100 girls there. Don’t they have anything else to do? He can’t honestly be THAT famous can he? I sigh as I head towards WooHyun. I shove some girls, earning protests and some very hurtful words. I grab WooHyun’s arm.

“We have a project to do.” I emphasize, and his face lit up.

“Okay~” he chirped. “I’ll give you my signature later ladies~.” He smoothly said as he grabbed his notebooks and his bags.

Wait. That notebook. It’s blue. With a purple star. I shake my head. It’s just a coincidence. But then he removes his hand and faded black marker is on the notebook. It said ‘Namstar and LeaderGyu’. What the hell. It can’t be. I stand there as WooHyun starts walking. I quickly catch up to him.

“Nam WooHyun?” I weakly ask, a small grin forms on WooHyun’s face.


Depending on what you guys want, I'll do a sequel. I was originally going to make it longer, but I'll leave that up to you ;)

I already have something planned, I just need to type it, so if I get 5 or more comments after this chapter, I'll type it up.




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697 streak #1
Chapter 3: just found this
woosoogyu #2
Chapter 3: Hi... I'm in the midst of digging woogyu story & I found yours...
This is a great one & I shall read your sequel later... ^_^
Akira97 #3
Awesome! :)
SunggyuLovesMe #4
Oh, that's a relief. Next to the title a "completed" word appears and the last chapter is called "Final" so I obviously thought it was finished (Even without an end in the plot). Good news it isn't, until here I really like the story. :)
Ooh, this is really amazingg~~ <br />
But you just CAN'T stop it here! Sequeel, you MUST do it~ But I guess you already are doing one, huh? That's good~ This fic is really cute somehow. ^^'
jenkki #6
don't stophere T____T please continue, new subscriber here ^___^
Kastic #7
You make the characters seem real.. I really like that. I felt like I knew them. :) Please continue!!
@ Sunggyulovesme: whoa there, calm down. The fiction is done when I say it's done,<br />
and it's not like I'm abandoning the plot. And if you haven't seen all the sequel wanters,<br />
I don't think this is even close to ending yet :)<br />
@ everyone: I'll post a mini teaser soon. Please anticipate it~
menikkey #9
Omaigaaaaaattt...<br />
I like it like it like it.. <3<br />
this needs sequel!!! Please write it~ <3<br />