


SungGyu pov.

I sigh as I look out the window. The teachers words slowly fade out of my ear as I focus on what's outside. I see a limo that slowly stops at our school. There's nothing special about this school. I wonder why such a fancy car would be here. I wonder as I watch a person come out, surrounded by guards. How does he see? I don't know. It's kind of creepy how they all move in sync; same footing, same timing. I watch as the men in tuxedos walked closer to the front gates of our school.

"Kim SungGyu. Can you answer this question?" A mad voice came from beside me. I slowly turn around. 

"Yeah. What is it?" and she points to the board. I steadily walk through the line of desks and walk up to the board. I quickly solve the question and I walk back to my seat and look outside again. I heard a sigh, and footsteps fading away. Now the group of men were talking to our head principal and talking with them. The boy that was being guarded by the men in tuxedos was about my age and wore our uniform. He had sunglasses on so I couldn't see who it was. He looked very sophisticated and smart though. How did he get stuck in this school? I don't know honestly. But whatever. I turn my head around to face the board, where I partially listened to the lesson. Then slowly but surely, my eyelids gently fell down, and I placed my head on the desk.


A hand shook my shoulder lightly. "SungGyu yah~ It's lunch time wake up! We're hungry~~~." A voice called for me and I slowly got up, looking at the person in front of me.

"HoYa buy or make your OWN lunch." I groan grabbing my head in my hands and resting my elbows on the desk. The younger boy pouted. Another figure comes in the classroom and ran towards us.

"Gyu hyung~ Can I have some of your lunch today?~" a voice popped from a girly looking boy who goes by SungJong.

"HoYa got dibs. Sorry SungJong." I said, yawning. I saw no point in trying to sleep again if these guys are here.

SungJong stomped his feet angrily. "No fair! HoYa's in your class and I came from the 1st year building!" SungJong whined.

"Kkk Blah blah SungJong your baby~" HoYa teased and looked at me with a serious aura. "So wheres the food." I sigh.

"Here you go." I said taking out a medium sized lunch box and pushing it towards HoYa. "SungJong you can have some too. I knew this was going to happen, so I made a little extra." SungJong's face brightens and hugs me tightly and kisses my lightly on the cheek.

"Thanks Hyung~" SungJong exclaimed grabbing a pair of chopsticks and started digging into the lunch box. HoYa said 'thanks' and started eating as well. I just watched them eat, not caring that my stomach slightly grumbled. 

I stood up and walked towards the door. "I'm going to go the bathroom. I'll be back. And HoYa," I said turning around to face him with a dark face. "Do NOT under ANY circumstances touch my stuff to copy my homework or look through my texts or I WILL kill you." I warn and I head to the bathroom. HoYa sheepishly grins and continues eating.

As I walk back fro using the bath room, I hear girls squeals from the hall. They were all screaming "He's so hot!" "He's so cool!" "Will you marry me?" "Can I have your number?" and all those ridiculous comments. I sigh. I guess I have to go the long way since the hall is clogged. Just as I start walking the other way, a voice calls me. "SungGyu! Come over here for a second." it was the school principal. Oh great. What did I do this time.

"I know I sleep during her class, but it's not like I learn anything from her and-" I was about to continue when several figures in tuxedos came from behind with the boy I say earlier.

"What are you talking about? SungGyu, don't sleep during her class. That's rude." the principal scolded. "That's not the main reason; I need you to take this young man around the school. I don't trust a girl to do it, and you're the first guy I saw. Oh that makes me feel special. At least I was recognized as a 'guy'. I thought optimestically. I turn to look at the boy.

"What's your name?"

"Nam WooHyun. I prefer Namstar though."

"Okay WooHyun. I'll show you around. What's his homeroom?"

"The same as yours SungGyu." The principal said as he turned to walk.

"So are these guys going to follow us everywhere?" I ask, pointing to the buff, scary, and mean looking men behind me.

He chuckles. "No, you guys can go. I'll see you after school." he told them, and the men nodded and turned to leave.

"Thanks I thought they were going to kill me with their eyes. Anyways follow me."

"Okay." he said as he walked beside me. He feels strangely familiar. Oh well. Beats me.


I enter our room, and I see HoYa going through my phone. "YAH! LEE HOWON!" I yell across the room, getting stares from some people, and a scared HoYa. I heard '' from his mouth. I walk up closer and pull on his hair.

"Owww~ SungGyu-ah, you know you love mee~" he pouts and I let his hair go pushing him down at the same time.

"How did you even FIND OUT my password?!" I suspiciously ask.

"Can't you think of anything ELSE than 'guitar' ? Anyone could guess that." HoYa teased, and I roll my eyes.

"Where did SungJong go?" 

"He left for class. What took you so long?"

"I had to pick up a transfer student." I said as a turned around to WooHyun. "Sorry about that. That wasn't very sophisticated behavior. I said, glaring at HoYa who just grinned. "This is obviously HoYa as you heard me screaming his name. He's one of our classmates." Soon enough, girls surrounded us. 

"Yah SungGyu! Who's this hottie? Is he in our class? Is he single?" all these questions filled the room. Then a girl who stood out the most in our class, Kim HyunA started,

"Now guys, let's not scare the poor boy." she said as she slowly walked in front of WooHyun. "So what's your name? I'm HyunA."

"I'm Nam WooHyun." he said simply, flashing a smile, making girls sigh with content and squeals.

"Instead of hanging out with these guys, why don't you hang out with my group? You could become extremely popular." she persuaded. My heart fell a little. I don't know why, but I just held it firmly. 

"Nah it's okay. I feel more comfortable with SungGyu and HoYa." he said. "Thanks for your generous offer though." he said politly, earning a shocked expression from HyunA.

"O-oh alright. Whatever." HyunA replied, flipping her long, silky hair as she walked back to her seat.

"Haha nice WooHyun. You're like the first guy to turn her down." HoYa remarked as he gave WooHyun a hand. "Nice meeting you man."

WooHyun smiles and shakes his hand. "Nice to meet you too."

"I guess you can sit next to HoYa or me. It doesn't really matter." I said pointing to two empty seats. He took the one next to me. My heart fluttered slightly. And half the girls from our class moved closer to us to sit near WooHyun. How pathetic.

"Alright guys! Lunch break is over!" the teacher yelled as she clapped her hands. She looked at WooHyun. "Are you our new student? Can you please introduce yourself?"

WooHyun stands up. "I'm Nam WooHyun. Please take care of me." you could hear squeals from the background. You could even see the teacher slightly blushing. How pathetic. He sits back down and almost 30 pairs of eyes watched him, me being one of them. Snap out of it SungGyu. Think of Nicole. Think of Nicole.


After another 4 hours or sleeping, I woke up and class was dismissed. Great now I had to go to a Ha Kwon (an after school tutoring place) for another 6 hours. I better grab something to eat before I go. I thought as I grabbed my backpack. HoYa and WooHyung followed me out. "WooHyun do you know where you get picked up?" I ask, turning around, slightly startling WooHyun.

"O-oh yeah. At the front gate. Can you show me the way?" he asked, scratching his head. 

"Yeah. Come with us." I reply and the three of us head to the front gate. We see a limo from not too far ahead. "See you later." I said smiling. WooHyung smiles as well.

"Thanks for showing me around SungGyu~" he smiles cutely as he runs to the limo. I watch until his figure disappears.

"Let's go HoYa. I don't wanna get hit on the palms because we're late again.

"Oh gosh. Thank hurt SO MUCH." HoYa whined as he quickened his pace. 

'Wait for me! I want to buy something!" I cry, but he ignores me.

"Hurryyy~ Aish SungGyu! This is why you're always last pick during P.E!" HoYa teases and my face turns beet red. 

"YAH LEE HOWON! YET YOUR OVER HERE!" I yell as I chase him to the Ha Kwon."


At about 10pm, we got out of the Ha Kwon. HoYa and I yawn. "Wanna grab something to eat?" I ask the tired boy. 

"Yeah let's stop at that cafe. Infinite cafe right?"

"Yeah. Their bakery and coffee are jjang~" I sigh heavenly, imagining the pastery and rich brewed beverages awaiting for us. I was about to drool but HoYa shook me. 

"Ppali ppali~" HoYa whined, as he dragged my hoodie to the next block. I try to struggle out of his grasp, but he was too strong. I guess I havef the brains, and he has the strength. I sigh as I let him drag me into the cafe.


Fresh brewed coffee aroma filled the air as we entered into the cafe, receiving welcoming hellos from the cashiers."Hey SungGyu hyung!!" one of them said, happily running up to me, hugging me tightly.

"Hey SungYeol~ Where's MyungSoo?" I ask, looking around the cafe to spot SungYeol's boyfriend. SungYeol ran to the kitchen behind the front desk. 

"Myungie~ SungGyu hyungs here~" he chirped sweetly, and a flower covered MyungSoo came out of the kitchen. MyungSoo sheepishly smiled at me. "4

Hey hyungs what's up?" He wiped his face with a towel and seated us at a table for four, and SungYeol and MyungSoo sat with us. "So hows school?" why is he asking this? Because SungYeol and MyungSoo are dropouts. They wanted to work in this cafe together, so they gave up studies and opened this cafe. HoYa and I helped with interior and some money collecting, while SungJong worked here for a minimum wage. This was a very popular cafe though, so it was pretty much worth all the hard work we put into it. The name? Don't even ask me. MyungSoo had a 'eureka!' moment.

"Not bad. Still boring though." I said, slumping in my seat."Can I have a Scone and a caramel ice coffee SungYeol?~" I ask sweetly, and his face brightened.

"Of course hyung!~ What about you guys?" SungYeol asked as he jumped out of his seat.

"I want an American style coffee Yeolie~" HoYa said, and MyungSoo gave him a glare.

"Only I can call him that HoYa. And I'm fine Yeolie~" he said with a slightly dark aura. SungYeol, oblivious, just ran to the bar to make some drinks.

"I'm going to wash my hands. Be right back.: HoYa said, evading MyungSoo's glares. After HoYa's figure disappeared, MyungSoo looked back at me.

"Oh yeah! Did you know our childhood friend came back SungGyu?" he said excitingly. I look at him with a weird expression. "You know, the guy we used to play with when we were 4-5 ish? Nam WooHyun?" That name sounded familiar... oh well.

"What school does he go to now?" I ask.

"I don't know... but he called me! I'm surprised he hasn't told you yet." he asked, with a disappointed expression. I wonder why.

"Maybe he doesn't like me as a friend anymore?"

"That's impossible because he-." he was about to say something, but HoYa and SungYeol came back. SungYeol put the scone and the ice coffee in front of me and the American style coffee in front of HoYa's seat. He sat back next to MyungSoo. 

"What are we talking about?" SungYeol asked curiously.

"I don't know honestly." I shrug and I sipped the ice coffee. Haha amazing as always Yeol." and his face had a grin too wide for his small face.


Okay maybe this will be a three shot lol. LOL I just noticed, did you know 1/3 is an INFINITE song?

LOLOL... I'm such a nerd. Don't talk to me.

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697 streak #1
Chapter 3: just found this
woosoogyu #2
Chapter 3: Hi... I'm in the midst of digging woogyu story & I found yours...
This is a great one & I shall read your sequel later... ^_^
Akira97 #3
Awesome! :)
SunggyuLovesMe #4
Oh, that's a relief. Next to the title a "completed" word appears and the last chapter is called "Final" so I obviously thought it was finished (Even without an end in the plot). Good news it isn't, until here I really like the story. :)
Ooh, this is really amazingg~~ <br />
But you just CAN'T stop it here! Sequeel, you MUST do it~ But I guess you already are doing one, huh? That's good~ This fic is really cute somehow. ^^'
jenkki #6
don't stophere T____T please continue, new subscriber here ^___^
Kastic #7
You make the characters seem real.. I really like that. I felt like I knew them. :) Please continue!!
@ Sunggyulovesme: whoa there, calm down. The fiction is done when I say it's done,<br />
and it's not like I'm abandoning the plot. And if you haven't seen all the sequel wanters,<br />
I don't think this is even close to ending yet :)<br />
@ everyone: I'll post a mini teaser soon. Please anticipate it~
menikkey #9
Omaigaaaaaattt...<br />
I like it like it like it.. <3<br />
this needs sequel!!! Please write it~ <3<br />