Convenient Friend


Something is wrong, he can feel it. She changed so fast, so much, didn't she want to be with him?


Finally a story for Key!  Based off the song "Graze" enjoy!

Feedback and comments always welcome!


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abcd20 #1
Chapter 1: She was so mean... I know it's fiction but i have when someone says we can we still be friends?? Yeah sure, u just broke my heart, not big deal ...
Chapter 1: I wanna punch that girl the effin face.... Fiction or not... I need to punch someone, ANYONE that looks half way like the girl I just pictured in my head... Hurt my Kim Kibum Key and Snob my Tae-Bear... ( -_-)\ Somebody... Please... Come here so I can punch you in the face...
Jalyniee #3
Chapter 1: That's so sad :(