Pretty Fur

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"He's definitely a hybrid," fluffy black triangles twitched on the short hybrid's - Baekhyun's - head as he leant ahead a little, eyes flickering at a slumbering Luhan with pity."But he's not quite what I'd call..normal." he finished finally, pity clear in his muted voice."I've heard of his kind before, back when I was in the shop...But to be honest most of us just thought that they didn't really exist. Like it's pretty much impossible."

"Why would it be?" Playing with a plush ear,the cat's owner - or pet, who knew, really - Chanyeol questioned, tilting his head to the side in slight confusion. His deep, loud voice caused the crimson furred hybrid on the couch to stir and let out a whine, alarming Sehun who was sitting right next to him.

"Ssh!" he scolded his friend slightly, nervously patting Luhan's fluffy hair. He definitely didn't want to have to wake the small creature up: the cat-boy was a literal pain in the when startled out of his own little land of dreams.

Sehun had multiple scratch-marks to prove that. 

"Sorry, sorry." Mumbled Chanyeol, a lot softer this time."But I don't get why Baekkie thinks it's not possible. I mean we can see him and he looks quite alive."

"Yes, but... Oh god this is not so easy to explain," the hybrid let out a frustrated sound somewhere between a meow and a growl."what matters for now is that he needs a lot He is very special, well as long as he really is what I think he is. Honestly, I'm not sure. He looks normal but his scent screams human. It probably means that he is more human than cat. Which normally wouldn't be a problem if he were a cat who had turned from love. But no, from what I know, he had been able to shapeshift whenever he wanted since he was little."

The hybrid wanted to say something else but all of a sudden, emerald eyes snapped open as a small whine escaped soft pink lips. Luhan looked ahead in fright, inhaling the new scents that flooded his senses."Are you gonna come to me?" he asked softly, rubbing his eyes sleepily."Cause I dun like bein' with other kitties. Kitties are mean." he explained softly."And daddy said other kitties can make me really really sick."

"No, we aren't going to.. come to you, whatever that means:" Said Chanyeol after a moment of silence, peering at the hybrid with shock. He just couldn't imagine Baekhyun acting like him, voice so oddly high-pitched - it was quite obvious that he was forcing it to sound like that."We are just Sehun's friends and Baekkie here wanted to meet you since he is a kitten

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Shushbehappy #1
Chapter 13: Interesting story but too many gaps that I feel lost. Not really knowing what's going on.
bubblesehunluhandeer #2
Chapter 15: Red kitty LuLu♡♡♡ be more friendily & close to Hunnie. Cutie!
XiaoShixun #3
Chapter 14: Aigoo Lulu
XiaoShixun #4
Chapter 10: Oh baby.what have you gone through
XiaoShixun #5
Chapter 8: What happened to Lulu
XiaoShixun #6
Chapter 7: Poor kitten
XiaoShixun #7
Chapter 5: Poor Lulu
XiaoShixun #8
Chapter 4: Oh Lulu
XiaoShixun #9
Chapter 2: Cute cat
XiaoShixun #10
Chapter 1: Looks interesting