Mind Games (Zica)

Cause It's The End And I'm Not Afraid To Die

"Look out!"

He dropped to the ground, dodging the Torrent's attack. Rolling to the left, the water stream slapped next to him. Focusing on his attacker, Zica watched as the fearless Torrent, crumbled to the earth in terror as he brought to life her greatest fear. The girl screamed, flailing around on the dirt trying to escape the nonexistent snakes that slithered around her. It is amazing how simple mind tricks can bring even the strongest specials to their knees. Without worry of attack from her, Zica quickly covered the ground between them and hooked a collar around her neck. Suddenly she stopped moving, slowly fading from the battle field.


Smiling, Zica jumped to the right as the ground where he previously stood fell away. Damn Firmas. Straightening up he met his attackers gaze. With the blink of an eye, the poor boy started to scream and roll about the ground. A tall, blonde male went to the panicking boy and placed a collar around his neck. Just like the girl, the earth bender froze before fading away. Approached the male, Zica grinned.

"A fear for fire..." the male mumbled, shaking his head.

"Yes. His house burnt down when he was a kid, he barely made it out." he replied emotionless.

"It still scares me how fast you can flip through their minds."

A thin smile spread across his face. Spinning around, Zica reduced another special to a mess of thrashing and screaming. The blonde male moved quickly to latch a collar on the poor soul, who slowly disappeared just like the others..

"You should be thankful I'm on your side, Yul." The taller male grinned.

"Why should that matter, you still have a hard time getting into my head anyways. Takes all of your concentration to just brush the surface." This made Zica laugh.

"I'll figure you out eventually."

The two kept the playful banter up as they continued to work through the squadron of specials.

"When will the king actually send us a challenge!" The dark haired male whined.

"Oh come on Zica. Let's not wish for more then we can handle." Yul placed a collar on a terrorized Torch before moving to Zica's side.

"Please," Zica rolled his eyes, "I can handle anything."

"Ha. Anything but a following orders and waiting for me to sit down before you start eating." The older male teased. Zica frowned as he sent another Terra to ground in a fit of fear.

"You give terrible orders and are incredibly slow." he countered as he made two more specials disappear with their new neck wear.

"You just don't like that I don't always let you play your mind games."

"My 'mind games' as you put it speed up this process a lot faster than your other strategies." Zica brought the last special to the ground. "See we're already  done." Yul attached the collar to the kid before responding.

"That maybe so but how long does it take later to get these kids back to functioning status?"

Zica huffed loudly. Yul was right, as much as is mind tricks sped up clearing the battle field, they spent twice or three times as long getting the kids back to normal. It's amazing how crippling fear can be.

"At least we're not killing them." he finally replied.

"Because potentially driving them insane is so much better." Yul shot back. Zica frowned, looking at the ground.

"I-I...." his voiced dropped off. Why did Yul always have to remind him of the past.The blonde male placed an arm around his shoulder.

"I know you didn't mean to do what you did and you hate that I keep reminding you of it, but I do it for your own good. To remind you of the consequences when you fail to maintain your self-control."

Zica nodded. Yul was right to keep reminding him because he knew that if he didn't control his powers, they would control him.


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awesome story, keep at it ^_^
Chapter 6: I can' wait for the next chapter! I really like your story ^^
Maid_of_Light #3
Chapter 6: I know this is kinda short but I hope you still enjoy it. I decided to add in the other boys since they're part of JJCC now too
Maid_of_Light #4
Chapter 5: I'm sorry that it's taken me so long :(
Maid_of_Light #5
Chapter 4: Hehe I'm glad you all are enjoying it. Hopefully I'll be able to update more often *crosses fingers*
Chapter 4: all the preddy mak, even as a strong platonic relationship like this, is breaking my heart ;A; *shakes fist* simba's got a temper and now we're all screwed lmao
dangitjonghyun #7
Chapter 4: darn u cassu it is midnight thirty and now I'm emoting over this Simba cry baby needs to stop doing things
YAY i'm totally stalking this fic
dangitjonghyun #9
Chapter 1: <3 cassu rip out my heart kill them all do it <3 (also happy birthday)