Daybreak (Simba)

Cause It's The End And I'm Not Afraid To Die

The night was over. Simba rose from his watchpost to get a better view of the rising sun. It was morning, the horrible night was now over, they had survived. It was a miracle that they had only suffered injuries and that no one had been killed. Of course Eddy had taken the worst damage, he always has to protect Mak.

The sky streaked with vibrant oranges and pinks as the sun rose higher. Simba silently thanked the heavens above for just being alive one more day to witness this magnificent wonder. He couldn’t shake his feelings from last night though. It had been way too close of a call. So much had gone wrong in a short amount of time. He could feel the fear lingering about his presence. Simba had thought that taking watch duty would relax him, but it wasn’t working. Just thinking of last night made his heart pound and his body tense.

The morning light flooded the valley below. Seeing no sign of then enemy, Simba decided it was safe enough to have one of the other men take watch. After raising the blue flag to signal for a replacment, he climbed down from the tower. When he reached the bottom of the ladder, Simba noticed San Cheong approaching the tower with another man close behind. Simba could see that last night’s mission had been hard on him, especially since it had been San Cheong who had carried Eddy the whole way back to their base.

“Morning San Cheong. How’s your back feeling?”

“Fine. Were you keeping watch all night?”

“Yea. It’s been very quiet. I think we escaped without any real consequence.”

“About that...’” The younger shifted awkwardly, dropping his gaze from Simba to the ground. After the other man passed San Cheong and Simba, he climbed the ladder, leaving them both alone. The prolonged silence started to make Simba feel uneasy. His mind raced through all the possibilities of what could be the reason for such a response from San Cheong. They all had made it out last night and no one had followed them back home. What could possibly be wr…. he suddenly understood.....Eddy.

“No....,” his heart pounded loudly in his ears, “no, E.Co said he would be alright.” Simba grasped the bottom of the ladder, he felt sick. It was suppose to be an easy mission, a quick in and out operation. No one was suppose to get hurt. It was suppose to be simple, nothing was suppose to go wrong.......but it had. Last night had been a disaster and Eddy had paid the price.

Feeling a strong arm around his shoulders, it was then that Simba realized he was crying. Gripping the the ladder even tighter he tried to force the tears back but the fear was getting to him, his legs felt weak. This couldn't happen, not to Eddy.

"Eddy is still with us, Simba. He's not dead, but you must listen carefully." The younger seemed to be picking his words carefully. San Cheong had always been one to not want to give the wrong idea. Taking a deep breath he continued.

"Simba, he’s not looking good. E.Co is doing everything he can, but prepare for the worst.” San Cheong turned older boy to face him, but Simba kept his tear streaked face pointed to the ground.

"E.Co asked me to come get you. We're having a short meeting in Eddy's tent since E.Co can't leave him at the present moment.”

    It took a few seconds for San Cheong's words to sink in. Eddy was in so bad of condition that E.Co couldn’t even leave him for a short meeting. Simba snapped. Meeting San Cheong's gaze, all of Simba's sadness and fear faded away, only to be replaced with rage.

“Where’s Mak?!” Simba could feel his blood boiling.

    “Simba, You can’t blame him!" San Cheong tensed up, widening his stance. Bracing himself for whatever was to come next.

Simba watched the change in San Cheong's attitude. The younger knew that he was dangerous when he was upset but honestly San cheong could do nothing to stop him if he wanted. Simba's rage continued to build.

    “The hell I can’t! Where is he!” He was out of control. Simba clentched his fists, trying to control himself. Of course he could blame Mak, it was his fault! If Mak had done what he was suppose to, nothing would have happened. Everything would have gone liked they had planned and Eddy wouldn’t be on his death bed. Simba had every right to be angry at Mak.

  Deciding to take action, Simba stepped past San Cheong and started talking swift strides back to base. It took the younger jogging to catch up with Simba’s long strides.

    “Simba!” San Cheong stopped in front of him, cutting Simba off. Simba pushed him aside but San Cheong grabbed his arm and pulled him back. It was clear the younger was not going to let him leave without saying what he wanted to say.

    “What?!” Simba roared. The younger didn’t release his arm, but sqeezed tighter.

    “I said you can’t blame Mak!” San Cheong’s voice cracked. He was very upset and was ready burst. San Cheong didn't lose his calm often, even last night as he had ran back with Eddy on his back, San Cheong had kept a cool head, but Simba could see that he was getting close to cracking.

    “Why?! Why can't I blame him. It’s all his fault! If he had just stuck to the plan none of last night would have happened and Eddy would be alright! All I want is to make that moron pay for what he’s done!” Simba knew he had gone too far, but at this moment he didn’t care. Simba could feel the tears coming back and all he wanted more than anything was for Mak to pay for his stupid mistake.

“No, it’s not all Mak’s fault! He was trying to help the others escape!" Simba watched as San Cheong's expression began to darker, meeting his glare with as much intensity as Simba's. Dropping his voice, almost in a growl, San Cheong continued.

  "And you of all people should know that plans don’t always go how we want them to.” San Cheong was done, he was at his breaking

point. Simba could feel his piercing glare on him.

    “Look, Simba, I get you’re angry at Mak and scared that you’ll lose Eddy, but do you really think you're the only one. We're all scared. Eddy means a lot to all of us." San Cheong was determined to get through to Simba, he had to. Simba knew that San Cheong was aware of how dangerous Simba could be if he let his emotions take hold of him. It was up to San Cheong to try and calm Simba down.

"Think of Eddy. Would he really want you to kill the person he sacrificed so much to save?” San Cheong had a point, as much as Simba didn’t want to admit it. Eddy wouldn’t want Simba to hurt Mak, but god did he want to. Reluctantly, Simba nodded in agreement, but responded.

    “Fine. I won’t touch Mak, but you better keep close because I can’t promise I won’t change my mind when I see his face.”  

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awesome story, keep at it ^_^
Chapter 6: I can' wait for the next chapter! I really like your story ^^
Maid_of_Light #3
Chapter 6: I know this is kinda short but I hope you still enjoy it. I decided to add in the other boys since they're part of JJCC now too
Maid_of_Light #4
Chapter 5: I'm sorry that it's taken me so long :(
Maid_of_Light #5
Chapter 4: Hehe I'm glad you all are enjoying it. Hopefully I'll be able to update more often *crosses fingers*
Chapter 4: all the preddy mak, even as a strong platonic relationship like this, is breaking my heart ;A; *shakes fist* simba's got a temper and now we're all screwed lmao
dangitjonghyun #7
Chapter 4: darn u cassu it is midnight thirty and now I'm emoting over this Simba cry baby needs to stop doing things
YAY i'm totally stalking this fic
dangitjonghyun #9
Chapter 1: <3 cassu rip out my heart kill them all do it <3 (also happy birthday)