Mend What Is Broken (E.Co)

Cause It's The End And I'm Not Afraid To Die

It had been a long night. E.Co could feel the strain of last nights events starting to take effect, his whole body ached. The mission had been a complete disaster, they had been lucky that none of them had died on the spot. Mak really had messed up badly, but then again none of them had expected practically all of the king's army there. Letting out a sigh, E.Co looked at Eddy, a wave of sadness washed over him.

    "Mak really made a mess of things..” He muttered as he looked sadly at Eddy.

     E.Co could barely remember the night before, it was all such a blur. There had been so much screaming and everything was on fire. E.Co hadn't been careful and got caught in the middle of the fight. He was suppose to stay on the outside so he didn't end up getting hurt or killed. Menders were very important in a fight. His kind was the only reason the king's army was so successful. With Menders running about the specials healing them all the time, it was easy to win a fight.

     E.Co had always felt bad for the regular soldiers, the non-specials. It had been made clear to every Mender at basic training that in the king's army, the specials had the priority and that healing non-specials, or thin bloods as some called them, would get you in serious trouble. E.Co had always hated the term, thin blood. It was just a way to separate the people and an excuse for generals to continue fighting without feeling the guilt of sending thousands to their death. How many times he heard the commanders reporting the death total. It was always the same, 'This many soldiers were lost today but don't worry they were mostly just thin bloods' made him sick. The non-specials were just pawns to be thrown away, while the specials were bishops and knights in the back kept from harm. It was that same attitude throughout all the commanders and even specials. If you didn't have a power, then you were nothing. That attitude was what drove E.Co away from the army. He had been so sure that joining had been the right thing to do, that it was his "duty", but after three years of service he couldn't take it anymore and went a-wall. It had been the best decision of his life.

     E.Co, lost in his thoughts as he worked on Eddy, didn't notice the girl walk in. It wasn't until she made a small noise, as if was clearing a throat, that E.Co noticed her. She was carrying a tray of food, eyes glued to the ground, avoiding eye contact.

     "I've brought breakfast your lordship." She stood there waiting for permission to give him the tray. E.Co felt a pange of anger as he looked at this girl. She was maybe twelve, and already brainwashed to treat him as royalty.

     "Don't call me that." His voice came out harsher than he meant, causing the girl to flitch.

     "Sorry your high..." The girl let her voice trail off. It was obvious that this was one of the civilians rescued from the capital. She must have been in service to a special. He could tell by the way she acted in front of him.

     "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sound upset." The girl gave a slight nod, acknowledging his words. E.Co rubbed his forehead and continued.

      "Will you please look at me. We are all equal here, whether you have powers or not." Slowly, the girl raised her eyes from the ground to look at E.Co. He could see the clear look of fear in her dark eyes. Fighting the anger inside of him, E.Co smiled at the girl, trying to seem less scary.

      "Here let me take that tray." E.Co took the tray from her and set it on a table by the bed. Checking Eddy quick, he turned back to the girl. She looked like she was holding her breath, waiting. E.Co extended a hand to her causing her to flinch. It took every ounce of E.Co's self control to not break something right in front of her.

     "Look we are equals. You are a friend not a servant." Running his fingers through his hair out of frustration, he continued. "Please accept my friendship." Nervously, she reached out a small, delicate hand. He shook her hand, watching as a terrified look form on her face. E.Co gave her the biggest smile he could manage. She had done what most people in her position would not have. She touched a special.

     "Now my friend, may I ask your name?" E.Co was sure to keep a kind tone, he didn't want to freak her out again.

Responding barely above a whisper. "My real name?.....I thought that was too dangerous to use since I'm from the capital?" E.Co wanted to smack himself over the head. What an idiot he was. It had slipped his mind that they, the council, had given the new people instructions to not use their legal name but to come up with a new name. Of course they had every person in their records but as soon as they chose their new name their old one was removed from all offical records except for one. That document, however, was keep in a secret place that only him and San Cheong knew about.

     "Do you have a new name yet?" She shook her head no.

     "I can't think of anything." She let her eyes dropped to the ground. "Um, would you give me a name...sir.." E.Co was a bit shocked by the request. She wanted him to give her a name? He didn't know anything about her!

     "I would be honored, but I'm afraid I know nothing about you. May I know your real name?" E.Co watched as she too a nervous step closer to him. She spoke in a whisper.

     "My name is...Son Ji Su."

    "Very pretty name." Okay now what. He knew her real name, now what should he do? Needing time to think, E.Co walked over to Eddy. Sitting on the stool, he took Eddy's hand. E.Co started to worked again as he thought on a name. After a bit he motioned for the girl to come over to him.

      "What are things you like?"

     "Sir? I don't think..." She let her voice trail off.

     "Shhh, it's alright. Remember we're friends, so don't call me sir."

     "Sorry, E.Co."

     "That's okay. Now, what are some things you like?" He flashed her a reassuring smile. By the panicked look on her face, he could tell that no one had ever asked her that question.

     " like the sun!" Her sudden answer made E.Co smile even more. "I didn't get to see it often when I was in the capital..."

     "You like the sun? Well then why don't we call you...." E.Co suddenly had an idea. Why don't we call you Solar? Is that ok?" Flashing her another smile, he waited to see her reaction, and then it happened. Her cheeks became pink as she blushed and a small smile spread across her face. Looking down she nodded and E.Co chuckled a bit as he took her hand again and shook.

     "Well it's nice to meet you Solar." She nodded, her face changing from pink to red.

     "Thank you s.. ah..E.Co!" She looked down at the ground before continuing, "I must go back to work now." With that she turned and quickly walked to the entrance of the tent, waving goodbye as she left.

     "Hey wait!" She stopped at the entrance.

     "If anyone gives you a hard time about being gone for so long, tell them you were helping me." Solar nodded and disappeared through the tent flap. E.Co couldn't help but smile as he returned to working on Eddy. She was a nice girl, hopefully her life here will be better.

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awesome story, keep at it ^_^
Chapter 6: I can' wait for the next chapter! I really like your story ^^
Maid_of_Light #3
Chapter 6: I know this is kinda short but I hope you still enjoy it. I decided to add in the other boys since they're part of JJCC now too
Maid_of_Light #4
Chapter 5: I'm sorry that it's taken me so long :(
Maid_of_Light #5
Chapter 4: Hehe I'm glad you all are enjoying it. Hopefully I'll be able to update more often *crosses fingers*
Chapter 4: all the preddy mak, even as a strong platonic relationship like this, is breaking my heart ;A; *shakes fist* simba's got a temper and now we're all screwed lmao
dangitjonghyun #7
Chapter 4: darn u cassu it is midnight thirty and now I'm emoting over this Simba cry baby needs to stop doing things
YAY i'm totally stalking this fic
dangitjonghyun #9
Chapter 1: <3 cassu rip out my heart kill them all do it <3 (also happy birthday)