Part 2

Taemin Learns
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Once they got into the van, the driver turned to look at them.

“You got everything you need, Kibumie?,” he asked. Key smiled.

“Actually,” he said, “We still have quite a few things left to get but we have to take a break to take care of...something.”

Taemin was looking down at his hands, pouting.

“Can you take us over to that park across the street, please?,” Key asked, reaching across Taemin, to pick up his phone. He quickly dialed a number, which made Taemin a little nervous. He wasn’t calling Onew...was he? Taemin tried to listen in on to whom Key was calling.

“Hello?,” he heard a voice say. It was Onew’s. Taemin panicked. All he could think about was the bamboo cane that Onew kept.

“Hyung!,” he said, frantically shaking Key’s arm, “You said you wouldn’t tell! You said you wouldn't, Hyung!” Key ignored Taemin however.

“Can you check and see if we have any soy sauce?,” he asked Onew. Taemin froze. So Key wasn't going to tell on him? Taemin leaned back into his seat and exhaled a breath of relief.

“Uh, I don’t know...let me check,” Onew’s voice said. The van pulled into the parking lot of the park. Taemin looked out the window wondering why they had come here. Didn’t Key say he was going to take him back to van and spank him? If that was the case, then why hadn’t he been spanked yet? Not that Taemin had a problem with not being spanked but had Key forgotten? He didn’t know but he sure wasn’t about to ask.

“Mmm,” Taemin heard Onew say, “We have some.”

“Ok, good,” Key said, crossing that off his list.

“So how is the shopping going?,” Onew suddenly asked, “Is Taemin behaving?” Key looked at Taemin and raise an eyebrow.

“Please don’t tell on me, Hyung,” Taemin begged, whispering so only Key could hear, “Please don’t tell Onew Hyung!”

Key smirked.

“I haven’t had too many problems with him except you know, the usual whining and wondering off,” Key said into the phone. Taemin groaned. Why did Key have to go and say that?

“Really now?,” Onew said, “Let me talk to him.” Key held the phone in Taemin’s direction, smiling at him. Taemin glared and took the phone.

“H-Hello?,” he answered, nervously.

“Yah, Taemin-ah,” Onew said, “Why are you causing trouble?”

“I’m not, Hyung...,” Taemin said, playing with his shirt.

“So then what do you call whining and not staying where you're told?,” Onew asked, in a no-nonsense voice.

“I was just...I mean...I...,” Taemin stammered out, “It’s just that I was bored, Hyung, and umm...well, I didn’t mean to do uh, just kind of...happened?”

“Sure it did,” Onew said. He knew Taemin all to well and he knew for a fact that Taemin’s behavior didn’t just kind of happen.

“Alright. Give the phone back to Kibumie,” Onew said. Taemin handed the phone back to Key, who took it and answered. Taemin didn’t really pay attention to the rest of the phone conversation. He was too nervous from wondering if Onew was planning to punish him too when they finally did got home. Key eventually hung up the phone.

“Alright, Taemin-ah,” he said, turning to face Taemin, “You see those bushes by the swing set over there?” Taemin looked out the window and nodded. He turned back to Key, puzzled.

“Well, I want you to go to that bush and break off a switch,” Key said, “Make sure all the leaves and excess branches are picked off. Make sure it’s a good one because if it isn’t, and I have to go get one, it won’t be good for you.”

Taemin paled. Key couldn’t be serious!

“H-hyung,” Taemin said, getting frantic, “You're not serious are you!? You are going to sp...sp…hit me with a switch!?”

“Yes, Taemin, I am serious,” Key told him, “And the more you stall, the worse it is going to be. So I suggest you hurry up and get it.”

Taemin looked out the window again. There were kids playing on the playground near the bushes Key had pointed out. 

“Hyung,” Taemin whined, whirling around to look at Key, “There are people over there.”

“Yes, children, who will pay you no mind,” Key said, reaching over Taemin to open the door, “Get out and go get the switch.”

“Hyuunng,” Taemin whined, stomping his feet in the process, “I don’t want toooo~can’t you just do it with your hand?”

“Actually yes I can, if you want a spanking from Jinki Hyung too.”

Taemin gave Key a surprised look.

“That is the deal. Jinki Hyung said, if I spanked you with a switch than he won’t spank you when we get home. However, if I just use my hand, you are going to get what Jonghyun Hyung got a couple of weeks ago,” Key stated, looking at Taemin with an raised eyebrow. Taemin sighed.

“So those are my choices?,” he said, almost to himself. Key nodded and said, “Make a decision. You have 5 seconds. 1…2…3…4…”

“Alright, alright, I’ll go get a switch,” Taemin grumbled, jumping out of the car.

Taemin trudged over to the dreaded bushes as slowly as possible. When he finally made it over to them, he didn’t pull a branch off right away. He kind of circled the bush, glancing around to see who was watching him. No one was. He grabbed onto a branch and pulled it but let it snap back then he circled the bush again. Key, who watching from the van, just shook his head. Taemin was always a good one for stalling. But Key was not in the mood for Taemin's antics today.

“Taemin-ah!,” Key yelled across the playground. Taemin jumped and his head snapped towards the direction of the van.

“Now!,” Key called. Now there were people watching, wondering what he was doing.

“Great...,” Taemin muttered, “Thanks a lot, Hyung...”

Taemin finally just snapped off a branch and started pulling the leaves off of it, as he walked back to the van. While he was sure people were watching what he was doing, he didn't dare look up, he was humiliated as is and why even further confirm his humiliation by seeing everyone starting at him.

“I still can’t believe Hyung is going to spank me with this,” Taemin grumbled to himself, pulling a leaf off, “This is going to hurt really bad…”

When Taemin reached the van, he hurriedly climbed in. Their driver had left the

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Chapter 1: i have a question authornim. why specifically mention Jjong and Taemin in third to last paragraph of pt1?
Cute shinee
teddiebears #3
just popping in to some older fics to say hi .u.
Georgettejolie #4
poor Taemin
abbynoctis15 #5
Chapter 2: awww, poor taemin i feel sorry for him next time taemine listen to umma . authornim can you write a fic about punishing suho by luhan . ^~^
cheesecakepie #6
Chapter 1: wow poor taemin
Chapter 2: Lol....that seemed painful XD It was kawaii ^^
Chapter 1: I likey so far :P
Chapter 2: Awww~ and Taemin crying made me cry and I love them getting back together <333 loved it