Part 1

Taemin Learns
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Grocery shopping. Taemin hated grocery shopping with a passion. Well, only when he was with Kibum a.k.a. Key anyway. Why? Because it took forever! Key needed to buy food for Seol-nal (New Year’s) which meant he’d be getting a lot. I mean, you’re feeding 5 guys so naturally you’re going to need quite a bit of food. Taemin got dragged along because he was annoying everyone else in the house so Key decided to take Taemin with him so the others could have some peace and quiet. Taemin didn’t want to go but since he was the maknae, he had to do whatever his hyungs said or suffer the consequences. So here they were, in a fish market, where Key was taking forever to decide which type of fish to buy.

“Hyuuunnng~, hurry uuup~,” Taemin whined.

“Yah, Taemin-ah, stop whining,” Key said, then turning to the saleswoman, he asked, “So how much is the Sannakji (live octopus)?” The woman started to tell him but she was interrupted by Taemin's whining. 

“Hyuuuung~,” Taemin whined again, now pulling on Key’s arm, “I’m tiiiirrrred~, let’s gooooo~.” Mind you they had only been there for 15 minutes. Taemin, however, had the patience of a 3-year old. Unfortunately, Key's patience wasn't very lengthy either.

“Excuse me,” Key said, smiling at the woman. Then he turned to Taemin, glaring.

“Taemin-ah,” he said, his voice threatening, “If, you do not stop whining and acting like a 3-year old, I am going to treat you like one, meaning I will take you out to the van and give you something to whine about. Then, we will come back in here and finish shopping. Do I make myself clear?” Taemin pouted.

“Yes,” he muttered.

“Good,” Key said and then he turned back the saleswoman and smiled.

“Sorry about that,” he said, shaking his head. She just chuckled. Taemin folded his arms and glared across the market. That's when his attention was drawn to an ice cream stand on the other side of the market.

“Hyuuunnng~,” Taemin started. Key turned slowly to face, with a look that warranted trouble if Taemin started acting up again.

“I was just going to ask if I can go get some ice cream,” Taemin said, backing up a little. Key face relaxed a little but he shook his head.

“No, stay here with me, where I can keep my eye on you.”

“But Hyuunnng~,” Taemin whined.

“Taemin~,” Key warned, “I meant what I said…”

Taemin, again, pouted. They moved on to another section in the market and Key started bargaining with a man who had dukboki (fish cakes). I really want some ice cream, Taemin thought to himself, Maybe I could sneak over there when Hyung isn’t looking... He looked over at Key who is engrossed in the conversation with the salesman, paying no attention to Taemin. Taemin figured it would be a while before Key decided on a price and amount. Taemin smiled a mischevious smile and slowly started to back away from the stand. Key was stil

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Chapter 1: i have a question authornim. why specifically mention Jjong and Taemin in third to last paragraph of pt1?
Cute shinee
teddiebears #3
just popping in to some older fics to say hi .u.
Georgettejolie #4
poor Taemin
abbynoctis15 #5
Chapter 2: awww, poor taemin i feel sorry for him next time taemine listen to umma . authornim can you write a fic about punishing suho by luhan . ^~^
cheesecakepie #6
Chapter 1: wow poor taemin
Chapter 2: Lol....that seemed painful XD It was kawaii ^^
Chapter 1: I likey so far :P
Chapter 2: Awww~ and Taemin crying made me cry and I love them getting back together <333 loved it