
Away From...Paradise

Woohyun was roaming Tokyo when he stopped and spotted a familiar figure, *OMG* he thought and when he was about to walk off, someone grabbed his arm, "YAH~ Don't pretend you didn't see me" a voice said

Woohyun turned around and saw CAP who smirked, "Long time no see hyung" 

Woohyun forced a smile, "Long time no see"

"We haven't heard from you, why did you leave without saying goodbye?" he asked

"I had to take care of somethings" Woohyun scratched his head

"Maybe it is because you couldn't forget about ~~~~~~~?" He asked. Woohyun paused, and then, "Yeah~" he whispered and remembered you *Where are you ~~~~~~* He thought

CAP patted his Woohyun's shoulder, "No worries bro, I won't tell the agency I saw you," CAP said

"Are they mad?" Woohyun asked

CAP shook his head, "They got seven new agents, named Ukiss, undercover agents sent to get information with their yness" CAP said

Woohyun laughed, "I thought it was your job to seduce women to tell the info?" 

CAP shrugged, "We changed"

Woohyun nodded, "Alright, I have to go looks for someone now" *Oh !*

CAP turned to Woohyun, "Who are you looking for?"

"Uh~" Woohyun thought, "Sungyeol~" 

CAP nodded, "Oh, why wont you just use their tracking device, I want to meet Sungyeol again" He said

Woohyun paused, "Right, Like you don't have anywhere else to g-" He stopped when he saw a familiar pink t-shirt, he eyed on the girl and his eyes widened when she turned, it was YOU

CAP was curious and was about to look behind, "What are you looking at?" He was about to turn when Woohyun caught CAP's head, "CAP, I got to go now" He said

You turned and saw Woohyun, *Oh God* Then you began to run

"Sorry I have to go now, see you" Woohyun ran after you. You ran in random places, turning left then right, trying to avoid Woohyun, *I can't go home now!* You thought and ran faster and tried to put stumbling blocks out for Woohyun, you threw trashcans in the floor but Woohyun jumped over them and was speeding fast by you. 

You were running to a crossing road, the light was about to turn red, *Please don't turn red* You thought and ran across, but it was red, you stopped to see a truck coming towards you, your eyes widned

Woohyun jumped and rescued you, you two were in the ground gasping for air, "Babo! Why did you ran away from me!" Woohyun said. You looked at him, and can't say a word

Woohyun took your hand, "You're coming home now!" He said

You shook your head and tried to get free but his grip was too strong, he was abotu to drag you when you spotted a police, you smiled and began to scream, "Help" you shouted

Woohyun turn to you surprised, "What?

The police ran over, "Hey! It is not right taking girls,"

Woohyun was surprised, "I know her!" He said

"Really?" The police raised an eyebrow, " Do you know him miss?" He asked you. You shook your head, "He was going to me!" You said. Woohyun gaped, *She said what now?*

"Son, you're coming with me!" The police said and dragged Woohyun off, "Hey I really know her! Julia! Come over here and tell him the truth!" He said as he was dragged away

You was gasping for air, *Saved* you began to walk away *Nice acting skills ~~~~* You smiled and walk away

Woohyun tried to get off the police but you were gone already, *Who taught her how to lie!?* Woohyun crossed his face and made a trip to the police station

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Myungyeol1999 #1
Chapter 29: I think it is Yeol. I mean she never had an ending with Yeol in the last chapter and if she remembers everything means she remembers Yeol and her together and I bet she still loves him. But I am
Still wanting to find out who she ended up with so please do a third sequel! Hehe I enjoyed the story eventho I read it late.
Chapter 29: im late i know but who is it please make a 3rd sequel u know about a wedding between the two
Chapter 29: Im really curious as to who she really chose
Chapter 29: Please make sequel!! I'm really curious T_T
myungsoo seungyeol myungsoo seungyeol myungsoo seungyeol ???????
I'm confused! TT_TT

pls make it sequel special for 'the person' who she pick! :D
woah..!! who is that guy...???
myungsoo or sungyeol...??
aish...what a mysterious ending..??
this is the ending huh??
no...I want to know that guy
WHAT. THE. FUVK.<br />
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But some how. This is a veryvery good fic! And very awesome story :DDDDD <3<3 hehehehehhehehehehehe.
HAI. I forgot to subscribe this story while I was reading XD. Sorrry~ but now I finished (=