Wish granted

Away From...Paradise

Sunggyu was in the outside of your hospital room scolding Myungsoo about not telling them and being too selfish. You were still unconscious, you were covered in bandages

Sungyeol was in the side of the bed, *I hope she wakes up soon, I know she will talk to me now, she can't run away, she broke her leg* He thought and waited for you to wake up and apologize

The rest of Infinite were in the corner watching Sunggyu scolding Myungsoo

The whole scene replayed in their heads

They looked up to see you leaving the store, *Why does she look upset* They thought and watched you cross the street without looking. At first they were not worried but when they saw you didn't see the truck. 

They reacted, "~- JULIA!" They screamed to see the truck hitting you. They rushed to the accident scene. Sungjong called an ambulance. Myungsoo saw the whole scene from his window and rushed down

"YAH! Why didn't you stop the truck, you saw her already!" Dongwoo scolded the driver.

Sunggyu and Sungyeol rushed to the unconscious you, your temple had blood coming out of it and parts of your body were bruised. Since Sunggyu and Sungyeol were trained, Sunggyu lifted you gently from the ground waiting for the ambulance, he knew if you were in the wet ground your wounds will get infected

Woohyun bought a warm towel from the store and gave it to Sungyeol. Sungyeol cleaned you face from the blood-water. 

Soon the ambulance came, Sunggyu carried her in and showed the paramedics his badge, and they let him and the others come along. When the ambulance left, Myungsoo looked around and got a random bike and followed the ambulance, he didn't care that he was wet, all he cared about was your safety

You were rushed into the emergency room. The boys were pacing back and forth outside the emergency room. Then Myungsoo appeared, all wet, "Is she ok?" He asked

Sungyeol walked up to him and punched Myungsoo, "How dare you betray us Myungsoo!" He shouted. The others came to stop the fight. Sungyeol couldn't hold his tears, "It is all your fault that were are in the big mess. IF SHE DIES I'M GOING TO KILL YOu IN THE MOST PAINFUL DEATH EVER! I'M GOING TO BRING YOU TO HELL! DO YOU HEAR ME!"

"Stop it you guys!" Hoya said.

Myungsoo sighed, he touched the bruise on his cheek.

Then the emergency room opened, the boys turned their attention to the doctor, "How is she?" Sungjong asked

The doctor shrugged, "The surgery is a success, but we still don't know whether time is a success, her head was hit real bad, but I'm giving you a 60% chance she will live"

The boys sighed in relief, "Good it is not 50/50"

It was already 1am. The boys were permitted to stay the night. They took turned in watching you. Finally, it was Myungsoo's turn. he looked at you, *Mianhae ~~~~~, I'm really sorry I caused this* He thought and was about to hold your hand when it twitched. *Did I see wrong or did her hand really twich* He thought and looked at you, your eyebrows were moving and were wakign up

"Guys, she is waking up!" Muyngsoo said. Then the boys came to you, Sungjong called the doctor and went to you. You opened your eyes to see 7 boys infront of you

Sungyeol was in the middle, "Julia, I know we are here, don't run away, you'll get hurt if you do"

You blinked at them

Then the doctor came in. He looked at you. the boys gave him way and the doctor checked on you, "Miss Woo, can you speak?" he asked. the boys looked at you, *Please don't be deaf* they hoped to hear your voice again, but were shocked to hear the three words that came out of your mouth

"Who are you?"

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Myungyeol1999 #1
Chapter 29: I think it is Yeol. I mean she never had an ending with Yeol in the last chapter and if she remembers everything means she remembers Yeol and her together and I bet she still loves him. But I am
Still wanting to find out who she ended up with so please do a third sequel! Hehe I enjoyed the story eventho I read it late.
Chapter 29: im late i know but who is it please make a 3rd sequel u know about a wedding between the two
Chapter 29: Im really curious as to who she really chose
Chapter 29: Please make sequel!! I'm really curious T_T
myungsoo seungyeol myungsoo seungyeol myungsoo seungyeol ???????
I'm confused! TT_TT

pls make it sequel special for 'the person' who she pick! :D
woah..!! who is that guy...???
myungsoo or sungyeol...??
aish...what a mysterious ending..??
this is the ending huh??
no...I want to know that guy
WHAT. THE. FUVK.<br />
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But some how. This is a veryvery good fic! And very awesome story :DDDDD <3<3 hehehehehhehehehehehe.
HAI. I forgot to subscribe this story while I was reading XD. Sorrry~ but now I finished (=