
Away From...Paradise

"That was close" You said as you went in your new apartment, you looked around, *Now that Woohyun knows where I am, I should pack up and move again* You thought and sighed, *Although I miss them, but I can't! I don't need them anymore* You thought and began packing.


Woohyun was in the jail begging to make just one call

"Fine, just one!" the guard said. Woohyun smiled and dialed Sunggyu, "HYUNG!"

"Woohyun? Did you find her?" Sunggyu asked

"YES! But she escaped and I am in the city jail in Tokyo, can you help me here hyung" Woohyun said

"Jail!? YAH!! WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED!??" Sunggyu asked

"Long story, I'll tell you when you get here" Woohyun said

"Why won't you just show them your CIA ID?" Sunggyu asked

"I left it at home" Woohyun said. From the phone Woohyun could hear Sunggyu slap his forehead, "I'll be there in an hour" Sunggyu said and hung up


"thanks bro" Woohyun was released from the prison.

"Sorry, we didn't know you two were from the CIA" the officer said.

"It's alright, no harm no done" Sunggyu said.

Then the two of them went out of the jail, "Ok, where did you see Julia?" Sunggyu asked

"When I saw CAP" Woohyun said

"WHERE?!?!" Sunggyu asked. "Follow me" Woohyun said and went to the place he saw you. Then he explained. Sunggyu laughed, "Really? Julia reported you, that is so unlike her" Sunggyu said

Woohyun nodded, "I was shocked to hear Julia say that!" Woohyun was still in unbelief

"Well, we got to inform the others that Julia is still in Tokyo, we will begin the search again when they get here" Sunggyu said, "Searching every apartment and everywhere" Sunggyu said. Woohyun nodded and both of them began calling the others.

Soon it was time to look for you who was busy packing.

Dongwoo was near your apartment, when finished unpacking you paid the apartment owner and went off. Dongwoo was looking around and was about to go somewhere else when he spotted a girl who dropped her wallet, "Miss you dropped you wallet" He said and picked it up and gave it to her.

You turned, "Thank-" You stopped when you met eyes with Dongwoo, *OMO!* 

*~~~~* Dongwoo froze, he couldn't believe you were infront of him again. Then you began to ran. Dongwoo was still frozen, then he snapped out of his daze and chased you, "YAH!!! JULIA COME BACK HERE" He shouted but you didn't look back and continued running until you bumped into someone, "Ah~" You fell down.

"Julia?" a familiar voice said. You opened your eyes to see Hoya. You got up and start running. Dongwoo passed by Hoya, "What are you standing there for, help me catch her!" he said

Then Hoya began running.

You turned to the left and hid behind the post hoping they won't find you, you heard footsteps and slipped away. Hoya and Dongwoo were puzzled to see two different ways, they split up and looked for you, you saw Hoya coming and you climb up the building when Hoya wasn't looking. You hid at the rooftop and sighed, *Safe* You thought and relaxed

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Myungyeol1999 #1
Chapter 29: I think it is Yeol. I mean she never had an ending with Yeol in the last chapter and if she remembers everything means she remembers Yeol and her together and I bet she still loves him. But I am
Still wanting to find out who she ended up with so please do a third sequel! Hehe I enjoyed the story eventho I read it late.
Chapter 29: im late i know but who is it please make a 3rd sequel u know about a wedding between the two
Chapter 29: Im really curious as to who she really chose
Chapter 29: Please make sequel!! I'm really curious T_T
myungsoo seungyeol myungsoo seungyeol myungsoo seungyeol ???????
I'm confused! TT_TT

pls make it sequel special for 'the person' who she pick! :D
woah..!! who is that guy...???
myungsoo or sungyeol...??
aish...what a mysterious ending..??
this is the ending huh??
no...I want to know that guy
WHAT. THE. FUVK.<br />
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But some how. This is a veryvery good fic! And very awesome story :DDDDD <3<3 hehehehehhehehehehehe.
HAI. I forgot to subscribe this story while I was reading XD. Sorrry~ but now I finished (=