Chapter IX

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me is back. my mind was uhh...... idk corrupted? these days haha

whatever lets get it on




Seulgi's POV

"Joy...." i said between my muffled sobs. She just hugged me tigther and kissed my head

"Shhh.... stop crying now" she said. But my tears were flowing like a dam

"Lets go inside first okay?" Joy said while assissting me inside


"So why were you crying?" joy said while patting my back


"I-i......." my tears started falling again once i tried to explain it to her.


"Its okay if you don't want to tell me now. Just know that I'm always here to listen okay?" Joy said with a sense of care in her tone


"Okay....." i manage to say while hugging joy tight



I'm too hurt right now

What do I even expect?

That her feelings for wendy will just vanish and come to me instead?

I'm pathetic.



I need you girl
why do I love you alone and say farewell alone
I need you girl
why do I need you even though I know it hurts













"Uhh... joy..." I called joy out




"t-thank you. for staying with me." I said


"What did i tell you? I'll always be here when you need me right?" she smiled and looked at me with those loving eyes, staring right at my soul


"I knew you would" i smiled bitterly. one person also told me that they would be there, but they weren't


"Anyways, are you hungry? Do you want something to eat?" Joy asked me


"Actually, yeah. Why don't we go outside?" I suggested


"At this hour?" Joy asked


"Yeah, why not? Besides, I need some air" i said


"Okay then, we'll take my car" joy said as she grabbed her car keys and her coat


"Uhmm, can we just walk?" i asked or rather pleaded


"Sure thing then." joy smiled at me "Lets go" she grabbed my hand and we went out of the apartment





Next morning...




Wendy's POV



The sun shone brightly from the window, hitting a delicate face beside me. She looked so perfect under that light.


I still can't believe I confessed yesterday. Well it was kinda indirect but whatever. I'm in bliss right now.


It was only 7 in the morning and I don't think they're awake right now. But this cute figure started squirming


"Hngg...." she muttered. I poked her left cheek to check for any reaction. To my surprise, she did react. Only too much


She moved alright, but she didn't just move. She straddled me. She's awake now alright. She was on top of me, still yawning and held my shoulders


"How dare you disturb my beauty sleep." she glared


"I didn't. You were even muttering something" i said


"What did i say?" she asked confusingly


"Ohh.. I heard ' ahhhh seungwann no don't'" i smirked while i . Her eyes went wide as dinner plates when she heard


"W-what! I didn't say that!!" she protested "I don't even sleeptalk in the first place" she hitted my shoulder


"Yes you do" I said


"No I don't" she argued back


"Yeah, you do Baechu~" I poked her chest


She leaned closer to my face and glared at me


"I said, I don't seungwan." she said. I could feel her breath touch my face. I gave her a chaste kiss and got up quickly


"YAH!" she got up and chased me around the room. Once she got tired, i picked her up by the waist and slammed her on the bed and trapped her


"You lose, joohyunnie~" i


"No fair. I stopped running" she said between pants


"Who even told you to start chasing me?" i asked innocently


"And who told you to steal a kiss from me?" she replied. I inched closer to her


"I did" i flashed a toothy grin


"Well, GIVE IT BACK!!"

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Chapter 15: I hope, I can get this update
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