
Hands Off My Girl
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Who would’ve thought that such passion can lead to ignorance? I sighed heavily as I looked at my boyfriend through the mirror.

He’s busy composing lyrics, again. I sighed for the nth time and shook my head. One more round of this dance routine and I should get him to eat dinner with me.

I played once again the song ‘Turn Up The Music’ for our upcoming monthly evaluation. My group mates already went to our dorm earlier leaving me and my boyfriend alone. Fyi, it was already 2AM.

I finished the routine and sat on the floor to catch my breath. As I drink my water, I glanced at my boyfriend he was still in the same position.

“Yah,” I tapped his shoulder, “Hanbin, aren’t you hungry?” Or tired.

He looked at me for a second then continued writing, “No, you can go ahead.” I tried to look at what he was composing but I only managed to read phrases like 'skies get rough' and 'patiently waiting' because he hid his papers away.

I rolled my eyes and whispered, “You could’ve told me earlier. I’m starving sheesh.”

Hanbin scoffed, “Who said that you should wait for me.”

I glared at him. What a jerk. As I leave, I looked at his figure one last time before I close the door. When I went out of the building, my body was screaming for me to sleep already while my stomach wants some food. I sighed, “If only I didn’t wait for him.” I kicked a pebble and went to the ramen shop where the guys and I always eat.

On my way, I bumped into someone.


Jiwon looked surprised as I am, “Wow, Hyemi, what are you doing at this kind of time? It’s late!”

I sighed. At least Jiwon cares. “Guess who stayed there just to wait for Hanbin. Turns out he wasn’t gonna eat.”

“You mean, you haven’t eaten dinner yet?! Are you insane?”

I don’t know why I became emotional all of the sudden but then it was too late. Tears were falling down and I sniffed, “Maybe I am insane.”

Jiwon softened and patted my head, “Let’s go, I’ll treat you.” He softly smiled at me as I felt his fingers brush away my tears.

“What a jerk,” Jiwon muttered as I told him all the things I’ve went through today because of Hanbin.

“That’s what I also thought!” I said as finished my ramen. “He should’ve told me that he won’t be eating.”

Jiwon sighed, “He literally didn’t say anything?”

“Nope, nothing.”

“I’ll get some sense back at him. Don’t worry Hyemi-ah! Super Jiwon will come to the rescue!” Jiwon showed his famous eyesmile and punched the air. I can’t help but laugh at his silliness.

“Thanks, Jiwon.”

Sometimes, I wonder how Jiwon is best friends with Hanbin.

Jiwon offered to accompany me while going to my dorm but I said it was okay. I don’t want people to recognize the both of us anyway. If you’re wondering why, it’s because my audition video and ‘teaser videos’ were posted in YG’s official youtube channel. I got a lot of positive feedbacks which surprised me because I don’t think I’m that good.

Kidding, of course I’m good. Training at YG got to be one of the best chances that I took. In Jiwon’s case, people know him as Bobby through their survival shows WIN, Mix&Match and Show Me The Money 3. For me, he is really good in rapping. It’s like he was born to rap. Whenever I see and hear him rap, my head would automatically bob it’s head to the rhythm. Good for him, he’s already preparing for their debut along with Jinhwan, Yunhyeong, Junhoe, Donghyuk, Chanwoo and… Hanbin.

I stopped walking as I noticed that I was right in front of our dorm already. I didn’t even notice that I walked all the way here because I was caught up in my thoughts. I sighed as I remembered Hanbin. It was already past 2:43AM and I’m betting on all my sneakers that he’s still there. Working. Practicing. Maybe this was what he wanted at the first place. I should’ve rejected him when I had the chance. He preferred work than me anyway.

Wow, I sound like a needy, whiny girlfriend. I let out a chuckle without an emotion. Does that even make sense? Oh well nothing makes sense at the first place. Why am I even thinking so much about that idiot when he doesn’t even think about me?  

I looked up at the sky and closed my eyes. I slowly put my arm at the top of my closed eyes and sighed.

“What am I to you, Kim Hanbin?”

Weeks after, my group and I successfully finished our monthly evaluation. Even YG complimented us and so we decided to celebrate. At the party, Hanbin was nowhere to be found.

“Jinhwan-ah, do you know where Hanbin is?” I worriedly asked him as I look at my phone.

“Sorry Hyemi, I don’t know where he is.” Jinhwan apologized to me and went to Chanwoo.

“Why don’t you try calling him?” Jiwon asked as he settled down beside me.

“I’ve tried.”

“Maybe… he’s tired?” Jiwon didn’t know what to say. The other day, he put some sense on Hanbin and he was sure that it made the trick. Guess it didn’

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final chapter is up! thanks guys! (^▽^)


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Chapter 2: Awwww i didn't expect this one honestly!! This ends well and i'm happy for the both of them, wahh
Chapter 3: Soo cute. Jiwon is really naughty boy
iKONJun_97 #3
Chapter 3: Aww our cutie leader ! Love this story! ♡
Chapter 2: Okah istg this is fkin sweet ahhhh ♥
Chaerin_Kim #5
Very typical storyline but extremely cute!
Marshaarsha_ #6
Chapter 2: Ainggg!! B.I is seriously ruining my bias list❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 3: Wowwwwwwww this is so amazing, I do love it author-nim, since b.i is my bias.. What can I do, I do love him and also bobby and jinhwan and of course your story..
Chapter 3:'s so cute yet funny and happy story. B.I really ruined my bias list !! Good job author-nim
Chapter 1: Aigoo...our charismatic b.I was jealous (>y<)