Chapter 2

My Idols' Daughter
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It's been a week since Leo promised to her Dad about going out the house. Now, she's looking in front of her mirror, dusting off her oversized shirt. She tied her long black hair up and left some hair to cover her ears. She sighed while knotting her high cut black converse shoes. She agreed to be her mom's little assistant and will follow her everywhere her mom will go. For a seven years old kid, she has a great sense of fashion that her Aunts and Uncle predicted that she’ll be known for her taste.


"I can do this. I must do this, for me and my family. I WILL overcome this! Fighting!" She rolled her hands into a fist and punched the air. She felt nervous and scared at the same time. It's been years since she socializes with someone out from the family. She wants to grow up and forget about what happened and this is a great opportunity for her. Besides, she's with her mom, everything will be alright. Her mom will take care of her.


"Honey! Let's go or we will be late for the shoot!" Her mom shouts. She hurriedly grabs her knapsack that her dad bought her and her cap a long with it. She held on the long railings while carefully running down on their marbled stairs. She jumped when she reached at the last step and puts on her cap. Her mom lets out a hand for her to hold. Naturally, she grabbed her mother's hand and they proceeds to go out of the house.


As they walk through the small cemented path, camera flashes against their faces and this made Leo trembles while covering her small eyes. She felt safe when her mother squeezed her hand. She looks up to her mom's face and her mom smiled assuredly at her, even if those big sun glasses cover her mother's eyes, she still feels secure and smiled back as a sign of being alright.


"CL please look over here!"


"Is that the daughter of the Almighty Dragon and the Baddest Female?"


"Are you planning to create another one?"


"Do you have any plan on introducing her to the entertainment world?"


Questions floods through Leo's ears. Chaerin ignored those questions and continued walking past them like it was a catwalk, while holding Leo's hand tightly. Surprisingly, there people that have the same design on their shirt and Leo was sure that those are her mother's logo. They were stopping the paparazzi from making any step further from them. It was like making a human wall for the safety of Leo.


They reached Chaerin's manager's car with her manager at side of the car, holding the car door for CL and her daughter. Once the mother and the daughter got inside the car, her manager hurriedly closed the door and went to the driver's seat to drive them away from the crowd. The black SUV drives out until it was paparazzi’s out of sight. She was fascinated by the beauty of the surroundings, starting from the different colors of the cars, to the different names of the houses and made her confuse about the people going inside those houses. Chaerin watched her daughter and felt warm inside. She was so happy that her daughter finally came out of the house and suggested to be her little assistant. One thing was odd though, why does she look bothered?


"Mom?" Chaerin hummed in response to her daughter. Leo turns her head to her mom and gave her a confusing look before speaking.


"Why do people go inside the houses with names on them?" Chaerin chuckled at her daughter's innocence. She pats her lap, gesturing her daughter to sit on her. Leo, obviously, followed and sat comfortably on her mother's lap. Chaerin hugs her daughter and plants a kiss on Leo's cheeks.


"Do you remember the book that your Aunt Hayi gave you?"


"The book with full of buildings and people?"


"Yes, that book. Those houses with people going inside are called shops." Leo looked at the window with satisfaction plastered on her face. She begun to

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Update please :(
4mB2st #2
Chapter 6: You just disappeared like that :( I miss Leo and her parents~ come back soon
Diyqis #3
Chapter 6: Update pleaseee..
Chapter 6: update pleasee :( i miss leo and her naughty parents so bad...
Chapter 6: update pleaseeeeeee..... :3
4mB2st #6
Chapter 6: This is so damn cute. I just can't stop imagining them being real and really having children... Please make it happen ~~~
Leo is such a cute little (fictional) kid :3 she's like Ji's assistant :DD
Chapter 6: Just finished reading it... OMG, your story is so cutie pie! I really love every characters in this story especially, Leo! Very cute and lively! Can't wait to read the next update! :3
Chapter 6: Love the part when Leo entered the room. I swear if I were Leo, I would throw that sheet that is covering Jiyong, and then *0* ..., okay, i'm gonna stop now. *whisper* but I may continue it later *smirk* (sorry, naughty me >,<)
Chapter 6: another skydragon baby is on its way? *^* I hope it will be a boy with ji's look :D Leo would be such a sweet older sister ~