Chapter 3 - The Truth

My Boyfriend's Concert

“Just go meet him”, they said. Ana was already nervous but when the staff around her started pointing and smiling at her she became even worse.

Ana was a bit used to that, but even being Junsu’s girlfriend the staff never bothered her so why were they congratulating her?

- Huh… Thank you. But you should congratulate JYJ instead; they were the ones who held this beautiful concert. – Ana said to a member of the staff. The woman frowned but just bowed and left.

“Weird. Junsu oppa, were you spreading weird news about me again?”

Actually, Ana was right on thinking so. It was not the first time Junsu made up excuses and created some preposterous stories about her. Once he said on a TV show that Ana was an international bungee jumping athlete after the mc told them his wife was an expert on dancing; he created some rumors about Ana having royal ancestors when Leeteuk said Sora met a royal person when she travelled around Europe… The last version was that Ana was a famous model in Portugal, her birthplace.

Another staff member greeted her and wished her happiness. She smiled and then backed away when the man looked at her tummy.

- W-What are you doing?

He seemed to gain back his senses so he just smiled at her and left, greeting her again.

“D-Don’t tell me… Junsu said I was pregnant!?!?” Ana was shocked. It was too much.

She sighed and looked for JYJ room. However, when she arrived she listened to their high voices. They were arguing. Ana considered leaving or staying, knock or not knock. But when she heard Junsu, her feet didn’t let her move.

- What do you want me to do then? I don’t like her. I never did, you know that! – She heard Junsu.

Jaejoong spoke after. – So what are you going to do about the baby? It’s yours!

Ana heard a crashing sound and Junsu spoke again. – The baby? What baby? He is not mine, I don’t love that girl and I never will.

- Just stop, kid! – Yoochun replied him. – You need to assume responsibilities after what you have done.

- I- I can’t. I don’t want to break up with her, I love her too much..

- You already told her to come here, right? – Jaejoong softly said. – Solve it. You’re the daddy’s father, a child needs his dad.

- And I need Ana!! – Junsu yelled back to Jaejoong.

Ana gulped and backed away. So… Junsu wanted to tell her he had a child? How? When? And he wanted to break up with her?!

Ana just ran to the exit in order to breathe some air. No wonder why people were congratulating her, they thought she was pregnant with Junsu’s child. But it wasn’t her! It wasn’t…. Ana fell on her knees outside the venue and started crying.

She remained like that for more than fifteen minutes nonstop. Then, she saw a pair of shoes stop ahead. When she looked up to the person, she saw that girl from the beginning. What was the name..? Ah, Micaela.

- Unnie! – She kneeled down next to Ana. – Are you crying? What’s wrong?

Ana just shook her head but Micaela didn’t believe her. She helped Ana standing up and took her to a coffee shop nearby.

At first, Ana just cried and cried. Then, she still didn’t know why but she just told everything to the young girl, who seemed to understand her and pity her. She gave her a napkin and smiled a bit. Ana accepted and blew her noise with that.

When she wanted to pay for the coffees she found out Micaela had already paid for her.

- You didn’t need to do so, Micaela sshi. Thank you.

- You’re welcome, unnie. Even though there’s something going on between you I think Junsu oppa really loves you. I don’t know if he’s right or wrong, what will the future brings you, but I’m sure your love is pure. Ana sshi, I think you should meet him. Fighting, unnie! – Micaela showed her fists and made a “fighting” with her arms, smiling.

Ana was feeling slightly better so she prepared herself to face Junsu.

When Ana finally reached JYJ room she knocked at the door. Since no one answered, she opened it herself.

What she saw left her speechless. The room wasn’t a room anymore. It was all red, full of roses and red balloons. And Junsu was standing at the middle of it, like a beautiful statue.

Ana looked around her. Was he going to confess to the other girl and she had interrupted it? Ana wanted to leave but when he called her name and went towards her she couldn’t. Was she a coward for not being able to run away from him? But who would be able to resist him when he was looking at her with passionate eyes?

- Ana ah, I’ve… I need to tell you something. – He looked down, not knowing what to say while her heart was hurting with pain. - This is really dif-

She interrupted him, tearing. – You can stop now.

- Huh?

- I know everything, Junsu.

- You know? – Junsu seemed surprised and stressed.

- And my answer is “no”. – She said, facing him straight in the eyes. She saw his face going from hesitant to say instantly. – I won’t cross the line, Junsu ah, you need to take care of your wife and child now. So from now on… - she gulped. - … we can’t see each other anymore.

Junsu wasn’t sad anymore but confused. – What? I don’t have a wife. And what the hell I don’t have a child either!

- Don’t lie, Junsu. – Ana sighed, her head was starting to ache after so many tears she had shed. – I overheard your conversation with Jaejoong and Yoochun, you told th-

Ana was suddenly interrupted by Junsu’s continuous laughs and was even shocked when he fell on the floor holding his tummy.

“Is he making fun of me? Is this a strategy to make me go away?”

- I never thought you were able to do these kind of things, Junsu. And even laughing about it straight on my face… I don’t really know you, do I?

She turned her back to him and started walking, making Junsu stop laughing and run to catch her. When he did so, he turned her to him.

- Jagiya! – He smiled at her. – You got it all wrong. Didn’t I tell you were my first girlfriend after so many years of singleness? How would I get a girl pregnant? You! Silly girl! – Junsu poked Ana’s head. – I was just practicing for a new drama!



- We should rest now. – Junsu said, laying down.

- What about Ana?

Junsu quickly stood up. – What…?

- Weren’t you going to tell her after the concert was over? – Yoochun asked him.

- I was but… I’m nervous.

Yoochun laughed. – Just prepare everything.

Then, the door opened and the director gave something to Jaejoong.

- Here. It’s your new drama. This is only the 11st chapter so practice well.

Jaejoong read it a bit and smiled. – We should practice together. I’m Jung Sool, Junsu’s Ha Miul and Yoochun is Han Mingwa.

They all read the script and started practicing from a certain part.

- Ha Miul sshi…. You can’t do this to Eon Sol. She is your child’s mommy. You… I’m sure you loved her so why are you being so hard?

- I’m not hard, Mingwa sshi. I don’t like her. I like Selena!

Jaejoong read his part and acted. – What about the child? You can’t do that! Even if you like Selena, you can’t do that to Eon Sol!

- What do you want me to do then? I don’t like her. I never did, you know that! – Junsu said.

Jaejoong spoke after. – So what are you going to do about the baby? It’s yours!

Junsu pretended to hit the bed and then spoke again. – The baby? What baby? He is not mine, I don’t love that girl and I never will.

- Just stop, kid! – Yoochun replied him. – You need to assume responsibilities after what you have done.

- I- I can’t. I don’t want to break up with her, I love her too much...

- You already told her to come here, right? – Jaejoong softly said. – Solve it. You’re the daddy’s father, a child needs his dad.

- And I need Ana!! – Junsu yelled back to Jaejoong.

Yoochun and Jaejoong burst laughing. – Yah, you should say “I need Selena” instead. What the hell, why are you bringing Ana’s name to here again? No use – they sighed.

Jaejoong decided to stop reading the script and practice it at home while he was alone. – Then, is everything ready, Junsu?

- Do you think so? This room is a mess, help me fix all this.

*Flashback Ending*

- A drama? – Ana looked confused.

- Ne, a drama. Ana, I love you and I would never do something like that to you. Actually I wanted to ask you something today, I mean, right now. In order to prevent me from marrying and having unknown kids, will you marry me, Kim Ana?!

Ana frowned. – You’re telling me to marry you in order to protect you from weird women?

Junsu denied it quickly. – No, no, I love you, I really do, I want to be always around you and-

Ana shut him up with a deep kiss. Junsu closed his eyes and enjoyed it.

When they backed away, Junsu shyly spoke again. – A-Are you serious? You want to marry me, be my wife, be the woman of my dreams? Take care of my kids?

- No, I don’t want to take care of your kids, I want to be the mother of your kids, silly boy. And – Ana laughed from inside thinking about bullying him a bit, he was so funny looking at her with an uncertain face. – even though your proposal was nothing special you should be glad I accepted.

- It was a cute proposal! – Junsu argued back, offended.

- Sorry but I had better proposals before. – Ana simply said and almost laughed after seeing Junsu getting jealous. When he was about to leave, she held his arm. – Can you do it for me again?

- What?

- The proposal?

Junsu looked at her and sighed. This time he kneeled down and held her hand. – Ana, you’re the woman I always dreamed and waited for. The only regret I have is not having found you sooner but if God is good he’ll let me have you for the rest of our lives. Ana, saranghae. Will you marry me?

- Ne. Ne. Ne!! – Ana said, accepting it. Junsu quickly put a ring on her finger and stood up, hugging her. They kissed for a while and then Ana yelled to the walls – YAH I’LL BE KIM JUNSU’S WIFE!

Junsu imitated her. – YAH, I’LL BEAna’S WIFE!

Ana looked at him, trying not to laugh. – So you’re going to be my wife?

- Huh?

- So Junsu will be my wife and I will be his wife.

- I didn’t say “wife”, I said “husband”. – Junsu seemed a bit offended.

- You said "wife". Wife, wife, wife, you said so. – Ana showed her tongue, saying “mehrong” and ran around the room with Junsu trying to catch her.

A few months later, JYJ’s Junsu was a married man. His fans were really supportive of him and of Ana as well. Junsu and Ana were the couple of the year.

Everybody was happy about their marriage. The only one who wasn’t it was Ana’s mother, who had always cherished a hope that she’d be the one marrying Junsu instead.

Sometimes, we can feel world is against us and that we’re always the most unhappy people in the world. But the fact is, we’re not alone. We have angels guiding and caring for us. In the end, we’ll be happy.

Junsu and Ana didn’t have an easy life but they surpassed them and were able to meet. They fought for a long time for their dreams and hopes but they not only achieved it as they also found each other.

No matter what happens or where you go, don’t forget there’s someone watching over you, wishing you the best and praying for you. Ana hwaiting!




Did you enjoy it, minna san? How was it? Please tell me <3


Also, do you want a sequel? This time about who?






And with that sequel, would you like to be totally different of this one or have still a view of Junsu's married life?

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happygirl3434 #1
Chapter 2: thanks for using my username i really appreciate it hahhaa
chunnea #2
Chapter 2: lol...the character name is the same as my username...haha..
the more i can imagine myself in her shoe..
soo cute:3
i'm blushing hahaha
fighting author-nim!!^^
redblossom07 #4
i stop reading when i saw this "b2utyofkissme"

then i said, that's my username hahaha!
ginpark15 #6
love your story.. :D same name as the character in your story... hehehe
miaelnino #7
this is so interesting..
well,, with yoochun...
i really hope that u will make how they meet with each other until they together..
faerie2010 #8
This was cute.
faerie2010 #9
It's up to you. ^^