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An inebriated Jackson was a wild and y Jackson thank you very much, at least in his own humble opinion. Whether or not that was as clear to others subjected to his incoherent babbling and hysterical giggling was quite irrelevant, because Jackson felt that he was two of those things and thus, there was no point in further discussion. More importantly, he was in no state to discuss let alone lead an intelligible conversation right now given that his mind felt like a soft, squishy, fur ball and he could really use a drink ‘cause his throat felt like a freaking parched desert and wow what luck- Jackson downed a transparent liquid substance and grimaced visibly as he felt a slight burn in his throat, telling him that that was definitely not just water. Where were his friends? When did he lose them? And then suddenly he remembered, by the insistent, pressing feeling in his bladder that he had left his friends earlier with the purpose of going to the toilet. Squeezing his body through the swarm of sweaty, dancing bodies, which was quite a challenge, Jackson finally managed to reach the bathroom. He relieved himself with a sigh.

While holding onto the wall for his dear life in the hallway outside of the men’s, Jackson suddenly felt the urge to get out of this place at once, with its too loud music and too many people and were it up to him, it couldn’t happen quickly enough. Having just made his way through the exit, he (literally) stumbled into a familiar face, firm hands coming out to support him from falling head-first into the pavement. Determined about making it painfully obvious how much he appreciated seeing said friend, he proceeded to smother him with clumsy pecks on wherever spot his mouth was capable of attaching itself onto, his own arms coming around to hug the life out of a very pained looking boy. “Ah Jaebummie, I’m so happy to see you, you have no idea” he lifted his face up from its nestled position on his friend’s chest, and flashed just about the most charming smile he could think of. Said smile had Jaebum look down on Jackson with a snort “Go home Jackson, you’re drunk”, and slapped him lightly on the shoulder for emphasis. “Well excuse you!” Jackson smiled toothily “Thanks for pointing out the obvious” They both looked into each other’s eyes for a brief moment in silence before cracking up almost simultaneously.

But then their moment was interrupted by a petite looking girl casually bumping into the two of them, or more specifically, at Jaebum. She bashfully looked up from below her pretty, long eyelashes and flashed the two of them a subdued smile. Even through the haze of his fuzzy mind, Jackson noticed how his friend visibly straightened his back to

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hominho #1
Chapter 5: I hope you update soon! :)
KPop_Angel7 #2
Chapter 5: Ahhhh!! Oh my Gosh!! Jackson is coming can't wait for more MarkSon.. Thanks author-nim.
Chapter 5: gahhh i love this <3 markson are stupid ahhhhhhh !!!
waiting for jackson's visit though
jinyoung you sneeky LOL <3
dricasxx94 #4
Chapter 4: I think I know what you mean about being sated with the new updates. I think I told you already that I, sometimes, also felt like writing a fic of markson because of that author, but once she updates, my feels settle down. Either way, I liked this chapter a lot, I liked the insecurity of Mark when choosing an outfit, and that part when Jackson was going to the bathroom, and the other part where he came back and Jr was there and he said "I found him first" - soo cute. And of course, the kiss and Mark feeling guilty for dreaming it - Not a dream. I like that he's dense, because I kinda can relate, I'm really dense sometimes. Good job =)
Chapter 4: pregress <3 feelsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss !!!!
Jaackk_Jaackk #6
Chapter 4: This is too cuteeee! <3
Favorite part is when Jackson said he found Mark first! <3
Why did you run away Mark! >.< Poor Jackson :(
Hopefully Mark realizes his feeling soon!
Can't wait for next update! Fighting <3
Chapter 3: Another harlot fan here :p I believe that author had influenced a lot of us >_<
But I must say your story is really interesting and cute! I kept smiling through all the
chapters xD poor dense Mark! He's so obvious!
Anyway please update soon! I am so curious about the upcoming party :p
dricasxx94 #8
Chapter 3: Chapter 3: I'll be simple and use just a hangeul word (written in english) joh-a :)
Chapter 3: Aww!! I WANY MORE!! i'm sorry i'm a bit demanding but this story is just too awesome i cannot!!!! HAHAHAHAH!! update soon~
Chapter 2: Oh my god i love it!!! I'm a business major too and i totally get mark's pain about exam as mine ended just yesterday...and i HATE ACCOUNTS! LIKE I HATE IT! and economics.. Just i cant seem to get it no matter how hard i try..i'm so sorry i dont really meet a lot of people from the same field like me so i got excited.. it btw!!