
Just Kids



I woke up in the morning to find Jimin’s arms wrapped tightly around me. His nose was pressed against my shoulder, his chest against my back. I shifted carefully so I could see his face.

His eyes were puffy from exhaustion and his hair was a complete mess, but I thought he looked beautiful. His pouty lips were parted slightly and I resisted the urge to kiss him. He looked so peaceful sleeping; I didn’t want to wake him up yet.

I admired his face for a few more moments before closing my eyes and trying to go back to sleep. I felt sure that the morning hadn’t passed yet and I was determined to sleep until the afternoon. We’d gone to sleep so early in the morning that I didn’t feel guilty about wanting to spend the day lazing around in bed. I breathed in deeply, the smell of Jimin’s sweat and cologne filling my nose.

“Yeah, I’m definitely falling in love with you.” I murmured, giving up on sleep. Jimin was too cute for me to sleep. I ran a hand through his hair. It had grown out since we’d first met back in April. I couldn’t believe the middle of July had already arrived. “In case you were worried it was just a post- confession.” I left a soft kiss on his cheek. “Not that you’ve heard any of this.”

A pucker appeared in between his eyebrows as I kissed the corner of his mouth gently. I didn’t want to wake him, but I wanted to kiss him. Really badly. I kissed along his jawline instead, hoping he’d stay asleep.

“I love the way you smell.” I whispered, trailing kisses down his neck. “I love your hair. And your hands. And your sweet voice. Mmm, I just love everything about you, Jimin.” I scooted down and left kisses down his bare chest.

I tugged at his boxers, just a little bit, before kissing back up his chest. I pulled away to study his face. He sure could sleep soundly. “Even your jealousy is a little cute. But stay away from Gemma. Because you’re mine.”

I kissed his forehead. “Hurry up and fall in love with me.”

I wrapped my arms around him and snuggled my face in his chest, soothed to sleep by the sound of his even breathing.




I woke up to the sound of her yawning. She sat up and stretched her arms above her head; a few curls escaped from her messy bun and framed her face in tendrils.

“Do you perm your hair?” I mumbled, still half-asleep.

“Oh my god.” She gasped. “You scared me. Are you awake?”

“Ah, kind of.” I rubbed my eyes. “Is your hair naturally curly?”

“It’s just the humidity.” She told me, laying back down and snuggling against me. She kissed my cheek. “Good morning.”

“Good morning.” I smiled at her. “Did you sleep well?”

“Yeah.” She whispered, reaching out and my cheek. “Did you?”

“Yeah.” I gave her a soft, sleepy kiss. “What time is it?”

“It’s like 10.” She ran her hands through my hair, a small smile on her face as she stared at me.

“What?” I asked, feeling self-conscious.

“Nothing.” She kissed the corner of my mouth. “I’m just happy you’re here.”


I wrapped my arms around her and held her close to me, leaning my forehead against hers. “How are you so pretty even in the morning?”

“How are you so cheesy even in the morning?” She laughed, rubbing our noses together.

“You’re awfully affectionate for the morning.” I teased. “You haven’t cursed at me once.”

“I’ve been up for a while.” She confessed. “And I’m in a good mood.”

“Who wouldn’t be in a good mood waking up next to me?” I kissed her forehead.

“I know, right?” She said, kissing my chest. “Best morning ever.”

“I want to wake up next to you every morning.” I whispered, tilting her chin up to kiss .

She threaded her fingers through my hair, pulling me closer.

We kissed for a long while before she drew back, smiling.


“Good morning.” She whispered.

“Good morning.” I whispered back.


She hopped out of bed and started rustling around in her dresser.

“What are you doing?” I mumbled, missing the warmth of her body against mine.

“Taking a shower.” She said quietly, smiling at me.

“Don’t bother.” I yawned and stretched. “I’m just gonna make you all sweaty again, baby.”

“How are you so ing greasy right after waking up?” She muttered, pulling out a pair of shorts.

“Come here.” I lifted the sheet to welcome her in. “Come on, baby. Snuggle with me. You’ve got nothing better to do today, right?”

She ignored me and continued pulling out more clothes. The outfit she picked out was cute, but I’d rather see her without anything on.

Frustrated by her inattention, I got out of bed and came up behind her, encircling my arms around her waist.

“Drop the clothes, baby.” I whispered, kissing along the edge of her ear. I held her earlobe in my teeth for a moment, playing with it. “You don’t need them for what I want to do today.”

She laughed. “Good one, Jimin. You can’t fool me anymore. I know you’re all talk and no action.”

“Was last night not sufficient for you?” I asked, my breath blowing against her ear as my hands strayed farther down her body. “I think you should have learned by now that I can deliver.”

“What a greasy bastard.” She leaned back against me. “Get your hand out of my shirt.”

I complied, instead bending down to a hickey onto her neck.

“Jimin, it’s the morning.” She reminded me.

“Sleepy morning is the best kind.” I coaxed, kissing my way down her body.

“How would you know?” She laughed.

“I don’t.” I whispered, lifting her shirt and kissing her back. “So you have to teach me, baby.”


She didn’t reply, so I scooped her up in my arms and laid her down in the bed, climbing on top of her.

“What do you wanna learn?” She asked quietly, reaching up to run a hand through my hair.

“What it’s like to sleep with you in the morning.” I bent my head and kissed her forehead. “I’ve been curious for a while now.”

“You’re so greasy.” She murmured.

“You love it.” I teased, dragging my lips down her neck.

“Mmm.” She snuck her hand down my . “I do.”




“I’m hungry.” I said quietly a couple of hours later. She sighed contentedly as she snuggled into my side.

“Wanna get takeout?” She suggested, yawning. She ran a hand through her hair. “I need to take a shower.”

“What do you wanna eat?” I asked, pulling the sheet over us.

“Sandwiches.” She said. “Egg salad sandwiches.”

“Where have you eaten that? Can you even get that from a takeout place?” I squinted, trying to remember the last time I’d eaten egg salad.

“I had it in America when I went with my family. I have a craving for it every once in a while.” She told me as she tiptoed her fingers across my chest. Cute.

“Let’s just make it. I don’t know how to make it. Do you?” I snatched her hand up and brought it to my lips.

She giggled. “Yeah, I do.” She pulled the sheet down and climbed over me and out of bed.

“Don’t leave.” I whined, grabbing her hand. I pulled her down to my level and kissed her softly.

“I thought you said you were hungry.” She smiled. I kissed her again, feeling her smile against my lips.

“Well, I thought of something else I’d like to eat in the meantime.” I smirked as she pulled away from me, blushing.

“So greasy.” She muttered, looking away from me, her cheeks stained pink. “Go take a shower while I’m cooking.”

“No.” I pouted. “Let’s shower together.”

“What is this side of you?” She demanded, startled. “I mean, I know you can be greasy, but this is like…overwhelming. Where is my shy, blushing Jimin?”

“Probably hanging out with my confident and sassy girl.” I laughed. “Don’t people say changes everything?”

She just looked at me for a moment before standing up and slipping into my boxers.

“If you’re not going to shower, then at least put on some pants and keep me company.” She grinned as her head popped through the collar of my undershirt.


She wandered off into the living room, throwing me one small, shy glance before she disappeared from view.

I let out a contented sigh and placed my hands behind my head. I could spend every day like this. A perfect, hot, lazy summer day spent in and out of bed with her. Could it get any better than this?

I heard her cursing in the kitchen and decided to go investigate. I found a pair of her sweatpants in a heap at the foot of the bed and pulled them on. Thankfully, she wasn’t that much shorter than me so I wouldn’t have to walk around in high waters all day. They were more like ankle pants. Skinny sweats as ankle pants were still kind of fashionable, right? I just didn’t want to look foolish in front of her.


I meandered into the living room to find her standing over the stove as steam blew from a pot into her face. Her bangs frizzed out and fell in soft curls over her eyes.

“You’re a mess.” I laughed, coming up behind her. “You can’t even boil water?”

“You can just go hungry.” She snapped. “I’ll enjoy my egg salad and you can eat nothing.”

I tousled her hair and immediately regretted it when she slapped my hand away. “Jimin, find me a hair tie, please.”

“Where would I find one?” I asked, reluctant to go hunting around her messy room. She was a bit of a slob. Who knows what I would find lurking underneath the pile of dirty clothes in the corner.

“In the bathroom. Top shelf on the left. Don’t get the elastic ones, get the ones that look like ribbons. And a hair bow to clip up my bangs.” She ordered, stepping away from the stove and opening the refrigerator.

“Your wish is my command, my queen.” I laughed, heading over to the bathroom. I rummaged through the shelves until I found a lone hair ribbon shoved behind a box of tampons. Where would a hair bow be?

“You’re a slob!” I called to her.

“ you!” She called back.

“Where are these damn hair bows?” I muttered to myself. I shifted a few things around, but everything was so messy that the box of tampons fell on my foot, the sharp cardboard edge hitting in between my toes. The whole box spilled out all over my feet. I sighed in irritation. I scooped them up and shoved them back into the box, surprised to find a hair bow lying in the bottom of the box. What the hell? How did she function like this?


I replaced the box and took my findings back to her.

“Took you long enough.” She grumbled ungratefully. “Can you put my hair up for me, please, baby?”

I always melted whenever she called me baby. She said it so infrequently, preferring me to call her that. But every once in a while, it’d slip out of and catch me by surprise.

“Sure.” I gathered her long hair in my hands and managed to somehow shove all of it into a messy bun on top of her head. “Your hair is so curly right now.”

“One of the many joys of summer.” She muttered. “I used to get teased for it as a kid. People still don’t believe that I have naturally wavy hair and think that I just get perms or something.”

“It’s gorgeous.” I said. I turned her attention away from the stove for a second so I could pin up her bangs. She blinked up at me, looking so sweet and innocent that I was almost fooled into believing that was actually her personality. I clumsily clipped her curls back. She smiled up at me, all dimples and white teeth. I kissed her nose.

“You’re so damn adorable.” I whispered, wishing I could just turn the stove off and carry her back to bed.

“You, too, Mr. Bedhead.” She ran her hands through my hair.

“Mr. Bedhead?” I raised an eyebrow. “You sound like a preschool teacher.”

“I was one for a little while, actually.” She told me, turning back to the stove.

“Seriously?” I stood behind her and placed my hands on her waist, tucking my chin into the space between her shoulder and neck. I kissed her cheek.

“Yeah, for like a couple of months, until they switched me back to high school literature. And I’ve been a nanny in the summer since college. So if I talk to you like a child sometimes, that’s why.”

“This isn’t bedhead.” I pointed out belatedly. “This is hair. I’m actually surprised I have any hair still attached to my scalp. You can get a little rough, you know.”

She blushed, a deep red color spreading all the way to her collarbone.


She stepped out of my grasp and set a timer for twelve minutes.

“You’d better do thirteen if you’re boiling eggs.” I told her and added another minute.

“You’re pretty handy to have around.” She turned and patted my cheek.

“I’m good at a variety of household activities.” I said, raising my eyebrows suggestively.

“Jimin, put a lid on the grease. Blush for me, hmm? Stutter a little bit?” She poked my cheek.

“Blush for me, baby.” I whispered huskily, drawing her close to me. I nibbled on her earlobe, remembering how she’d reacted to that this morning.

“Ah, Jimin!” She cried, pushing me away. “Stop it, it’s so embarrassing.”

I snickered. “This is so fun. I’m gonna tease you all the time now.”

“You better not.” She muttered, brushing past me to go sit on the couch.

I grinned to myself, loving this atmosphere. It felt so intimate and perfect.


I spotted a guitar in the corner of the room and went over to examine it.

“Whose is this?” I asked, glancing up at her. She looked up at me from her lazy position on the couch, one hand on her stomach, the other propped up behind her head.

“Daniel’s.” She said absentmindedly.

“Why is it here?” I picked it up and sat down on the floor by her head. She played with my hair as I tuned the strings.

“He plays it sometimes for Sul. It’s really sweet.” She hummed as she threaded her fingers through my locks.

“Should I play something for you?” I asked, leaning my head back and smiling at her. She bopped my nose with the tip of her finger.



I strummed a few chords before beginning Eddy Kim’s “Darling.”

“Oh, I love this song.” She said softly, still playing with my hair.

“I’m too lazy to do anything, darling. I just wanna cuddle with you, darling.” I sang. “That smile on your face, our love must’ve been good.”

She snickered at that line. I rolled my eyes and continued singing.

“Thanks for the icy drink, darling. Feel the breeze, it is all I need, darling. Sweet little juicy baby, my boom boom power for you.”

“What is boom boom power?” She giggled. “Your heartbeat or, uh, something else?”

Now it was my turn to snicker.

“Let’s raise our temperature way beyond now. This is all your fault, eenie meenie miney moe. There’s no part of you I can stay away from.”

“You got that right.” She chimed in. I stifled a laugh as I moved on to the next line.

“That’s what you mean to me, I must be crazy. I want to hug you, even in this heat, girl. You make me hot even on a hot day, darling.”

I sang the chorus again as she giggled and turned so she laid on her side. She gently kissed my ear as I serenaded her, teasing me.

“Let’s throw on something and go sit where I can show you off. Pina colada banana coconut, a sweet afternoon with you. Every time our eyes meet, darling, I can’t help but keep smiling. Don’t be shy, just drink this lemonade.”

She sighed sweetly and kissed my cheek.

“I love you, my sweet little darling. Darling. Oh, sweet little juicy baby. I’m too lazy to do anything, darling. I just wanna cuddle with you, darling. Mmm, every time our eyes meet, in love we’re falling. No matter how hot, we’re gonna keep going. I love you every day, my sweet little darling.” I hummed the last few notes and finished, a smile playing on my lips.


She sighed and laid back against the couch. “You’re perfect.” She whispered.

“Actually, I’m pretty hungry right now.” I said, placing the guitar on the floor.

“I know, you’ve mentioned it once or twice.” She laughed, running her hand through my hair.

“Ah, you know, I’m not that kind of hungry.” I whispered, standing up and climbing on top of her. She grinned up at me as I gazed into her eyes. “I’m hungry for you.”

She grasped my hair in her hands and pulled me down for a kiss. I eagerly obliged, tracing her lips with my tongue. She parted them and on my tongue as soon as I slipped it in. I let out a quick, soft moan against and slipped my hand under her shirt, hoping to return the favor.


Just then, the timer went off. We both ignored it for a few seconds, but the buzzing became so loud and irritating that I climbed off of her to go shut it off. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her let out a disappointed sigh as she adjusted her shirt. I smirked to myself.

I turned off the stove and left the eggs in the fridge to cool. I grabbed a couple of apples and wandered back into the living room, tossing one to her.

“Lunch won’t be ready for a while. Eat this now so you don’t starve.” I grinned and took a bite. I sat at her feet and tickled her toes while I ate. She giggled and almost kicked me in the face on accident.

“Sorry.” She apologized through a mouth full of apple. Gross. “I’m very ticklish.”

“Cuuuuute.” I crooned. “That’s adorable.”

“You’re adorable.” She sighed, almost like she felt upset about it.

“Is that a problem?” I raised an eyebrow at her.

She just looked at me for a long moment. “You’re cuter than me.” She muttered, almost inaudibly.

“No, I’m not.” I laughed. “Not even a little bit.”

“You are.” She whined. “My boyfriend is prettier than me, and younger than me, and can cook better than me. And you’re cleaner than me. I’m a failure as a woman.”

“This isn’t like you. Why are you talking like you’re an old-fashioned mother-in-law?” I asked her, pulling at her toe. “It’s fine that you can’t do any of those things. And stop telling me I’m prettier than you. I’m not.”

“How long until the eggs are cool?” She asked, changing the subject.

“Probably like a half an hour.” I took another bite of apple. “Why?”

“I wanted to know if I had time for a shower.” She said, finishing her apple. She even ate the core, including the seeds. I made a disgusted face at her. She threw her stem at me.

“Gross!” I cried. “You’re really gross.”

She giggled. “I’m gonna go shower.”


I got up and tossed the rest of my apple into the trash as she went into the bathroom.

I tiptoed over to the door and creaked it open a tiny bit.

“Hey! You , are you spying on me?” She shouted, spotting me.

“Nah, baby. I was just about to interrupt.” I slipped in and grinned at her. She frowned at me as she pulled her shirt over her head.

I went over to the bathtub and pulled the drain closed. I the water for a bath, making sure the temperature was not too hot and not too cold.

“What are you doing?” She came over and stood next to me, wearing only my boxers.

“Let’s take a bath.” I suggested, looking up at her with a cheeky grin.

“I share this bathroom, you know.” She pointed out as I tugged at her waistband.

“I’ll clean it later.” I promised. “When are your roommates coming home?”

“Tonight, probably.” She said, shedding the boxers.

“Good.” I smiled, pulling her down into my lap. “We can spend the whole day alone together.”

“Jimin, stop holding me when I’m .” She hissed, trying to get out of my grasp. I only held her tighter and kissed her shoulder.

“I don’t want to.” I said softly. “I just want to make love to you all day long.”

She sighed and leaned in to me. “I’ll be right back.” She whispered, kissing my cheek and pulling away. I rested my elbows on my knees and ducked my head down, wondering if I’d been too honest with her.


She came back dressed in a bra and underwear. She bent down and tossed my boxers to me.

“You can come in with me if you wear underwear.” She said, grabbing her shampoo and conditioner from the shelf and sinking down into the tub. “It’s not really made for two and we’re not having in here.” She pointed at me warningly. “And you’re still cleaning it when we’re done.”

“Agreed.” I said, eagerly changing into the boxers. She smirked at me as I lowered myself into the tub.

Our legs intertwined and we stared at each other. She looked so pretty with a few soft curls falling down around her face.

“Come here.” I said softly and beckoned her over. “I’ll wash your hair for you.”

She slid over and in between my legs. I gently took her hair down out of its messy bun and breathed in her scent as it tumbled down around her shoulders. I the shower for a moment to wet her hair, then turned it off and squirted some shampoo into my hands.

I gently massaged it into her scalp and felt a surge of pride when she hummed happily underneath my touch.

“I love when guys wash my hair.” She murmured. “There’s something about a man’s gentle touch that is just so nice.”

I tsked. “Who’s done this for you?”

“Hairdressers, .” She laughed. “I don’t take baths with guys.”

“So I’m your first?” I asked, feeling a little special.

“You’re the first for a lot of things, Jimin.” She told me. “I’ve never brought a guy home.”

“Not even Tae Joon?” I regretted mentioning him when she flinched a little.

“We dated when I was in college.” She said quietly. “He wasn’t romantic like you. We weren’t even really dating. He didn’t want to. I had another boyfriend after him, but mostly I just went on dates.”

“So how come your roommates used to catch you making out with guys in the elevator all of the time?” I ran the shampoo bubbles down to the end of her hair, making sure every strand was cleaned.

“, they told you about that? That damn Ji Eun.” She hissed.

“Yeah, so you better ‘fess up.” I laughed.

“It was just that. I sent them home afterwards. I actually haven’t really slept with a lot of people.” She admitted softly.

“Is that why you thought you were a tease?” I gathered her hair up at the top of her head, trying out different styles. Her hair was too long and heavy to hold a style for long. Eventually, I gave up and went back to massaging her scalp.

“Do you know how many times I’ve been called that?” She asked angrily.

“By your reaction, I’m guessing pretty frequently.” I the shower and rinsed out her hair, running my fingers through it to make sure all the soap got out.

“I was so upfront with them, too! I would specifically tell them that I just wanted to make out, but they’d always drop me off at home expecting something more. I got so many angry text messages from guys that eventually I just gave it up.” She hmphed.

“Good.” I said, turning off the shower. I turned her around so she faced me. “Don’t mess around with guys like that. You’ll get hurt. They could be dangerous. Do you know how many bad guys there are in the world?”

She smiled at me. “You only care about whether or not I’ll get hurt?” She asked shyly. I knew what she was getting at.

“How many guys have you dated like that?” I asked softly, gently tugging on a strand of her hair.

She looked up at me for a moment, biting her lip and thinking. “Three? Four? Somewhere between three and seven. Maybe less, maybe more. It all depends on how reliable Ji Eun’s memory is when she’s at the same party as me and I’ve been drinking. I really do turn into a kiss monster.”

“You seriously made it sound like such a big number.” I rolled my eyes. “I imagined like every weekend you were going out and hooking up with guys or something. Okay, so you’ve made out with three to seven guys. How many boyfriends have you had?”

“Ah…if you count Tae Joon, then two.” She said quietly. “And you.”

“You’re not even a player at all.” I laughed. “Why do you make yourself out to be like that?”

“I feel like one compared to you.” She mumbled.


I blushed, from the roots of my hair to my collarbone.

“Can you not bring up my inexperience, please?” I said, looking down.

“It’s not shameful, Jimin.” She held my hands. “It’s not shameful at all.”

“I’m already twenty and still like this.” I muttered, pulling my hands away and hiding my face. “It’s shameful to me.”

“Well, you’re not really inexperienced anymore.” She pointed out, taking my hands away. “Besides, I didn’t lose my ity until I was twenty. How old were you?”

“Eighteen. But still, I feel like a child compared to you.” I persisted. “Honestly, I’m supposed to be a man but you’re so much more experienced than I am.”

“Okay, first of all, having doesn’t make you a man.” She said. I could feel one of her rants about genders roles and expectations coming on. “And second of all, I love being with you. You’re good at , Jimin. I wouldn’t have even known you’d only had once or twice except for…” She blushed and looked down.

“Oh my gosh, what?” I asked nervously. “What the did I do wrong?”

“Nothing, honey.” She mumbled, looking at her hands.

“What? Please tell me!” I pleaded.

She glanced up at me, looking like she wanted to disappear out of embarrassment.

“You said something to yourself.”

“What did I say?” I thought furiously, trying to remember what kind of embarrassing I could have let slip in the moment.

“You said you didn’t know could feel this good.” She whispered, holding my hands again.

“Why does that make you embarrassed?” I asked, puzzled. I didn’t even feel embarrassed by that.

“Cause.” She mumbled, avoiding my eyes. “I stole your innocence.”

I burst out laughing.

“Baby, what the hell?” I giggled. “You didn’t even. I was a willing and eager participant. Nothing was stolen.”

“I just feel like a big compared to you!” She cried. “I’ve already slept with three guys and made out with a lot more and you’re like, an innocent flower and I’m corrupting you. , after just one time you were all over me this morning and now you’re greasy as hell.”

I just laughed and patted her back. “You’re not a , just relax. I don’t even care. I’m just glad you couldn’t tell that I was inexperienced. I was so nervous leading up to it; I wished I’d never even told you about my previous encounters with girls.”

“Yeah, well, I already knew. And still I feel like I pressured you into it! But, honestly, I kind of chalked up your behavior to you being slow, ‘cause listen, we both know you really wanted me.” She smirked up at me.

I snickered. “I am slow. You know how intimidating you are? You’re so y and you tease me like all the damn time. And your roommates acted like you were this huge player that was just going to mess around with me and then dump me. And like every boy we meet is in love with you. And then there’s me, this inexperienced guy who somehow managed to date this incredible girl. I was scared I was going to lose you.”

“.” She hugged me and buried her face in my chest. “I’m really not that great. That’s why you should date a nice girl. I’m still really afraid of hurting you. I really do just date guys and dump them. Pretty ruthlessly, actually.”

“It’s okay.” I said soothingly, patting her back. “You don’t need to protect your image in front of me. I know now that you’re not as cool as you seem.”

“ you.” She hissed, pinching me.

“Do it. me.” I snickered. “I dare you. Corrupt me some more.”

“Fine.” She said, yanking down my boxers. “I will.”


“H-Hey.” I stuttered, taken aback. “I thought you said not in the bath.”

“I did.” She gave me her signature impish grin. She climbed out of the bath and wrapped a towel around herself. Her long hair fell in ropes down her back. She squeezed the moisture out of it and I watched her, getting more by the second. She turned to me and smiled. The sight of her dimples set my heart racing. “I’m just going to put in some leave-in conditioner and then I’ll be waiting for you.” She winked, sending my heart careening against my chest.

“O-Okay.” I stammered, flushing.

“Ah, I missed my shy Jimin.” She crooned, bending down and kissing my cheek. “You’re so ing cute.” She whispered in my ear.

“I’m not a child.” I mumbled, looking down.

She laughed and tousled my hair like a kid’s.

“I hate you a little bit right now.” I muttered, knocking her hand away.

“You’re falling for me.” She said confidently as she strode out of the bathroom.


I sighed deeply and stood up, discarding my wet boxers and grabbing a towel. I pulled the plug on the bath and wandered into the bedroom. She was laid out on the bed, covered by a sheet.

“Come here.” She said softly.

I unwrapped the towel from around my waist and climbed into bed next to her, crawling under the sheet and snuggling with her.

“You’re nice, baby.” I whispered. “You’re the nicest girl. I only wanna date you.”

“I only want to date you, too, Jimin.” She murmured, kissing me sweetly. “Only you.”


I rolled over on top of her and buried my face in the crook of her neck. I whispered her name as my hands trailed down her body. She wrapped herself around me and turned to whisper in my ear.

“You’re special, Jimin. You’ve always been special.”

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Chapter 11: I've read "just kids, stay away from me and Day by Day" and I really liked your work but i've lost my account maybe like a year ago so I decided to come back and re-read them. and i had this idea why don't you make like a short or long story based on jimin and his children like the variety show the return of superman... that's if you're free or want to of course.
i think it's a good idea you should really think about it
love your work
jaymyn #2
Chapter 84: Gggggggggg
Chapter 106: Aghh where can I find a boyfriend as lovely as Jimin in this story? I really love your writing!! <3 Claiming for your stories to be featured! ^^ I started with SAFM, now done with JK, and heading to your SEQUEL
Chapter 84: Sometimes I get scared when they're starting to argue 'cause it feels like they're going to break up again, and I'm going to cry my heart out, AGAIN. Hahaha and no, I'm not sick of this story yet.
Chapter 1: I think you are already falling for her.. ;)
Chapter 106: Holy I am melting down this is such a beautiful fic ❤️❤️❤️❤️
machichrlak #7
Chapter 105: i am cryiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing goooooooooooooood this is beautiful i can t believe i spent most of summer reading this it is gorgeous ughhhhhhhhhh
and now summer s gone and i ll go back to my jiminless school life whyyyyyyy whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
can t i have this liiiiiiiiiiife it is perfect
and kuddos to you making sure to pass some feminist thoughts into this and not falling into the oh so shy easy to manipulate character
_Chiminie_808_ #8
Chapter 3: uh... can someone please tell me what does "y" means?