
Just Kids



I woke up in the morning with Jimin’s sleeping body sprawled halfway over mine. His thick lips were parted and almost pressed up against my shoulder as his arm lay across my chest. His brow furrowed as I turned to the side and ran my thumb across his cheek.

“Good morning, my beautiful boy.”


I played with his hair and whispered sweet nothings into his ear as he slept on.

“You’re so pretty. I’m so in love with you.”

I pressed kisses against the shell of his ear.

“You’re the ing cutest. A precious cinnamon roll.”

My hands slid across his skin and explored his chest as Jimin slept on.

“So ing beautiful.” I murmured, sliding down to leave kisses on his arms.

“ert.” A husky voice said above me. I stiffened.

Jimin pulled me up so we were eye to eye. “Must you molest me so early in the morning?”

I felt my face heat up from the roots of my hair to my neck.

He smirked at me before leaning in to whisper in my ear. “I don’t know whether to you or report you to the police, you big ert.”

I let out a small gasp as his hands found their way under my shirt. I’d forgotten I’d slept under his shirt.

Jimin rolled over on top of me, a naughty gleam in his eye. “I guess I’ll let you off easy this time and you. I prefer to steer clear of the police.”

“I don’t think ing me is letting me off easy.” I whispered as Jimin struggled to take off my shirt. A first for him, really. He normally had me on the bed and out of my clothes in about a minute. I thought about timing him one of these days.

“Don’t be coy. I heard the things you whispered in my ear not five minutes ago.” The collar of the shirt refused to cooperate with him, so he ripped it down the middle, both terrifying me and .

“Jimin! What the hell are you trying to do?”

“I’m trying,” He huffed, tugging my shirt with his teeth, “to get you .”

“You could just ask me to sit up instead acting like an animal.” I pointed out, flicking his forehead. “Where did you learn to rip clothes like this? It’s kind of scary.”

Jimin looked up at me, a concerned gleam in his eye despite the shred of fabric hanging from his mouth.

“You didn’t really scare me.” I assured him, ruffling his hair. “To be honest, it’s kind of hot.”

He winked at me and resumed undressing me, tearing fabric here and there until the shirt lay in shreds on the bed.

“Now we can get down to business.” He told me, sounding both satisfied and smug.

Jimin roughly pressed his mouth against mine, prying it open so he could slide his tongue in. He held himself up on his arms, hands pushing down deeply into the mattress. I let my hands wander across his body as he moaned into my mouth, sending shivers down my spine. 

“Uninterrupted making out,” Jimin panted into my ear, “is the best thing about living alone with you.”

“I should say uninterrupted would be the best thing.” I disagreed.

“Well, let’s find out, shall we?” Jimin winked greasily at me before pushing me flat against the mattress, fingers curling into my hair.


We took a shower together afterwards. Jimin had always begged me to let him in my old apartment, but I’d refused because I shared the bathroom with Ji Eun. But now, I only shared it with Jimin.

“Can you pass me the shampoo?” I asked, pointing behind Jimin.

He squirted some into his own palm before tossing the bottle to me.

“You’re hogging all the water.” He complained, stepping closer to try and between me and the shower spray.

“I told you it would be like this.”

Jimin huffed. “This isn’t y at all. I thought we’d be making out and fooling around, but we’re literally just washing ourselves.”

I had to laugh at the pout on his face. “Honey, this is what a shower is.”

He threw the loofah at me in a playful fit of temper. It hit me in the eyes.

“Augh, Jimin! You got soap in my eyes!” I wailed, pressing my palms against my eyes.

“Oh, I’m so sorry, baby!” Jimin apologized, hands fluttering anxiously around my face. “Let me wash it out for you.” He pulled my hands away and tilted my chin upwards so the water streamed into my eyes. I started to choke as the water poured into my mouth.

Jimin started to laugh. “Close your mouth, .”

I spat the water out at him, spraying it across his face.

“That’s so nasty!” He shrieked. “You’re filthy!”

I shrugged. “Revenge.”

“I’ll revenge you, miss.” Jimin reached over and turned the hot water off. He stepped out of the flow in the nick of time. I screamed as I was doused in freezing cold water.

“Jimin, you !” I reached out to smack him, but he easily stepped back, giggling evilly. “T-Turn the water off.” I begged. I stepped closer to him and pressed myself against his warm body.

“It’s right there. Turn it off yourself.”

“I’m too cold.” I whined, snuggling closer to him as the cold water sprayed my back.

“See, this is the kind of thing I had in mind when I suggested showering together.” Jimin said as he tucked my hair behind my ear. “Your body pressed up against mine.”

“Come step under the water. I don’t think your grease has washed off yet.”

He laughed and shifted past me to adjust the temperature. “There. Are you happy now?”

“No. Can you pass me the conditioner?”

Jimin tossed it to me with a sour look on his face. “I feel like your servant.”

I let out a tinkling laugh. “You are. Show some respect for your queen.”

He sighed resignedly. “I’ve spoiled you by calling you my queen.”

“I am your queen.” I hummed contentedly as I applied conditioner to my hair. “And you’re my loyal Jimin.”

Jimin leaned over and placed an innocent kiss on my lips. “Like a faithful dog.”

I giggled. “I wouldn’t go that far.”

He grabbed my comb and started singing into it, putting on a show.

I snickered as he tried to make up a song for me on the spot and failed.

“What are you even saying? Those aren’t words.” I teased, running my hand through his hair.

Jimin shrugged. “I just can’t express my love for you in words.”

“Nice save.” I let him envelop me in a hug.

“I can tell you with my body, though.” He nibbled at my earlobe.

I rolled my eyes. “Of course.”


Yukon was lying next to his bowl and whining for food by the time we made it out into the living room. Jimin made a beeline for him and scooped him up into his arms, cooing softly.

“Jimin, we have to unpack today. I can’t live like this.”

“That’s fine, baby. Let’s shop for some decorations, too, hmm?” He filled Yukon’s bowl and went over to the fridge, foraging for food.

“I’m so hungry.” I whined, slumping myself against him. “I’m about to pass out.”

The doorbell rang.

“Delivery’s here!” Jimin cheered, tugging at my hand.

“When did you order delivery?”

“While you were getting changed.”

Jimin opened the door only to slam it shut when he saw who waited on the other side.

I peeked out from behind him, shocked.

“Jimin! How can you just slam the door in someone’s face? That’s incredibly rude.”

I tried to push past him, but he blocked me.

“They are not coming here today.” He hissed.

“They brought food.” I pointed out. “You’ve failed in your duty to feed me. I must find sustenance elsewhere.”

“The delivery is on its way.” Jimin pleaded. “Please, I have to see them all the time. If we let them in, they’ll never leave.”

“We can hear everything you’re saying!” Jin called from the other side of the door.

I started to giggle as Jimin rolled his eyes.

“Just let them in, baby.” I kissed his cheek to try and convince him. “Please? Pretty please?”

“Fine.” Jimin sighed. “But don’t complain to me later when they won’t leave.”


Six hours later, I pulled Jimin aside in the kitchen and gave him my best puppy-dog eyes. I’d never tried this on Jimin before, but it had worked all the time on past boys. I had Jimin wrapped around my little finger.

“No.” He said firmly before I even opened my mouth.

“Please?” I pleaded, jutting out my lower lip. “Can you please ask them to leave?”

“Don’t look at me like that.” Jimin covered his hands with his face. “What is that face? It’s too cute; I can’t say no to it.”

“Please, Jiminie?” I begged, tugging on his arms. “Please get rid of them?”

He groaned from underneath his hands. “Don’t use that nickname.”

“What is this adorable act?” A voice asked, stepping into the kitchen. I looked over to see Jungkook grinning at me. “You’re really cute.”

He reached out to my hair, thumb running through the strands.

Jimin uncovered his face to glare at Jungkook. Jungkook ignored him and kept his attention on me.

“I didn’t know Jimin had such nice taste in girls. You seem a little too cool for him. You’ve got too many piercings.”

“I’ve only got five.” I shrugged noncommittally.

“Jimin doesn’t usually go for girls with these.” He tapped my industrial ear piercing.

“What kind of girls does Jimin go for?” I asked interestedly. “He never tells me.”

“Alright, that’s enough.” Jimin interrupted, pointedly ignoring my pout. I let Jungkook continue to play with my hair as retribution. I didn’t care for being ignored.

 “Jimin likes sweet girls.” Jungkook continued. “You know, the fluffy type. With long hair and pink sweaters. Tiny girls.”

I fixed Jimin with a glare. He smiled sheepishly. “As soon as I saw you, I know you were my type, baby. The best type.”

Jungkook snickered and rested his arm across my shoulders. “You’re too cool for Jimin. You should just date me instead.”

“I’m too old for you.” I laughed. “You’re only nineteen.”

“I’m a mature nineteen.” He whispered in my ear. “A very mature nineteen.”

“Kookie, your anime is on!” Hoseok called from the living room. Jungkook immediately let go of me and ran into the living room, too excited.


Jimin glared at me.

“You’re too flirty.” He said accusingly.

“You’re too jealous.” I shrugged. “Besides, if I was going to cheat on you, I wouldn’t do it with Jungkook.”

“First of all, don’t cheat on me.” Jimin stepped closer and slung an arm around my waist. He faced the living room and watched the boys. Jungkook and Taehyung were wrapped up in the anime, Yoongi and Hoseok were playing with Yukon, and Jin and Namjoon were reading a couple of my books. “Second, if you weren’t with me and you had to be with someone from BTS, who would it be?”

“Jin.” I answered immediately. Jimin looked a bit put out.

“Have you given thought to this?”

“Not really. But Jin and I get along the best, so duh. Of course it would be Jin.”

“If I die, you’re only allowed to date Jin.”

“If you die, I don’t think I’ll be dating anyone for a while. And why only Jin?”

“Because,” Jimin tightened his grip around my waist, “at least I know he’ll take care of you. He’ll definitely feed you. He might not like that you can’t cook.”

“How about you just don’t die?” I leaned my head against his shoulder. “Just stay alive forever.”

“What about you? Are you gonna stay alive forever?” Jimin turned to kiss the top of my head.

“I can’t. But you can’t die before me.”

“You’re going to leave me alone?” Jimin demanded indignantly. “Alone and alive forever?”

“Yeah.” I whispered. “You can’t die. I don’t like thinking about it.”

“If you die, I’m dying, too.” Jimin vowed.

“That’s very cheesy. This isn’t a movie.”

“I don’t want to live without you.” He murmured, pulling me in for a warm hug. “Nothing is good without you.”

I kissed him, too touched by his words to say anything of value.

“I love you.” Jimin said in the softest tone.

I kissed him once more. His hands played with the hem of my shirt, lifting it teasingly.

“Get a room!” Yoongi called from the living room.

Jimin broke away from the kiss to glare at him. “We own all of these rooms, so you can just get out.”

“Jimin, be polite.” I scolded.

“They’re uninvited guests. They’re the rude ones here.”

Jin looked up from his book. “Don’t forget we brought you food.”

“Don’t forget we practically raised you.” Yoongi added.

“Don’t forget I gave you my last one time.” Namjoon chimed in, making both Jimin and I blush as all the boys’ heads swiveled towards us.

“Fine.” He surrendered, sounding weak and defeated. “You can stay for a little while longer.”

“Your girlfriend said I could sleep over.” Taehyung smiled widely at the pair of us.

“That’s not fair! I wanna sleep over, too!” Jungkook cried, looking wounded.

“Why don’t we have a giant sleepover?” Hoseok suggested with a bright smile.

Jimin groaned.

“I feel like I’m babysitting.” I said quietly to him.

“This is why I told you not to open the door.” He pinched my waist.


I cleared my throat loudly, calling the attention of the bickering boys.

“All of you can sleep over if, and only if, you help us unpack and you leave before eight tomorrow.”

“Agreed!” Taehyung jumped up, ready for action. The rest of the boys rather unwillingly followed, except for Jin, who came into the kitchen to help Jimin prepare dinner.

After telling the boys what needed to be done, I lounged on my bed and read a book, feeling thoroughly regal.

Jimin came in after an hour or so and curled up next to me.

“How’s your book?” He asked softly, playing with the belt loops on my jeans.

“Mysterious.” I replied. I was in the midst of an Agatha Christie novel. “I’ll never be able to figure out the murderers in her books. I could almost always do it with Nancy Drew books, but not with these.”

“Here’s a mystery I can’t solve.” Jimin snatched the book from my hands and rolled over on top of me. “Why did you invite all my bandmates over?”

“Because,” I smiled sweetly at him, “someone needed to unpack. Are they done yet?”

“Yup. And dinner’s all ready if you wanna come eat.” He kissed my nose.

“You wanna drink tonight?”

“Yeah. TaeTae’s so cute when he’s drunk.”


At dinner, Jimin pulled out a bottle of wine and poured generous amounts for everyone. An hour later, Jungkook lay stretched out on the couch with his head in my lap, giggling.

“Why do you wanna date Jimin? You should date me instead.” He whined and wrapped his arms around me.

Jimin just laughed, his amused eyes meeting mine.

“Should I?” I carded my fingers through his hair. “I love Jimin, though.”

“I’m taller than him. And I sing better than him.”

Jimin huffed.

“You don’t. Jimin is a beautiful singer.” I disagreed.

“He is.” Jungkook sighed. “Jimin is just great.”

Taehyung came and sat at my feet. “Hey, why’d you make Jiminie so sad that time? Hmm? Why’d you break up with him?”

“TaeTae.” Jimin called, beckoning him over. “Leave her alone and come hang out with me.”

“Don’t worry, TaeTae.” I said softly. “I won’t do it again.”

He nodded once before standing up and going next to Jimin. He sat in his lap and Jimin patted his back.

Jin and Namjoon had already fallen asleep on our other couch, their heads touching. Yoongi lay curled up on the air mattress, slowly petting Yukon. Hoseok leaned against Jimin’s shoulder with Tae’s feet in his lap.

Jungkook brought my attention back to himself when he pinched my nose.

“Hey.” He giggled. “Jimin loves you. He won’t shut up about you.”

“Good. I’m his precious girlfriend; he should love me.”

“I like you, too.” He whispered, snuggling up against my stomach. “Let’s be friends.”

“Okay. We can be friends.”

“Don’t tell Jimin.” He mumbled as he closed his eyes.

“Why not?”

“That guy is too jealous.” He yawned. “I don’t wanna get hit.”

I glanced over at Jimin to find him staring at me. I smiled and he grinned back, fingers knuckle deep in Tae’s hair. Hoseok had fallen asleep on him.

“He won’t hit you.” I patted Kookie’s head. “He loves you too much. He always talks about you guys.”

“He loves you the most.” Jungkook whispered before falling asleep.

“Me too.” I murmured, blowing a kiss to Jimin. He caught it and winked. “He’s my favorite.”

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Chapter 11: I've read "just kids, stay away from me and Day by Day" and I really liked your work but i've lost my account maybe like a year ago so I decided to come back and re-read them. and i had this idea why don't you make like a short or long story based on jimin and his children like the variety show the return of superman... that's if you're free or want to of course.
i think it's a good idea you should really think about it
love your work
jaymyn #2
Chapter 84: Gggggggggg
Chapter 106: Aghh where can I find a boyfriend as lovely as Jimin in this story? I really love your writing!! <3 Claiming for your stories to be featured! ^^ I started with SAFM, now done with JK, and heading to your SEQUEL
Chapter 84: Sometimes I get scared when they're starting to argue 'cause it feels like they're going to break up again, and I'm going to cry my heart out, AGAIN. Hahaha and no, I'm not sick of this story yet.
Chapter 1: I think you are already falling for her.. ;)
Chapter 106: Holy I am melting down this is such a beautiful fic ❤️❤️❤️❤️
machichrlak #7
Chapter 105: i am cryiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing goooooooooooooood this is beautiful i can t believe i spent most of summer reading this it is gorgeous ughhhhhhhhhh
and now summer s gone and i ll go back to my jiminless school life whyyyyyyy whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
can t i have this liiiiiiiiiiife it is perfect
and kuddos to you making sure to pass some feminist thoughts into this and not falling into the oh so shy easy to manipulate character
_Chiminie_808_ #8
Chapter 3: uh... can someone please tell me what does "y" means?