Chapter IV

Stop Annoying Me!

A/N: A little A/N corner here guyss. Alright

Lee Chi Hoon IS Park Junhae, arraso? Because I seek for a review for this story (since well.. I'm an amateur at these XD) and they said it's better to stick with the ulzzang's name; Lee Chi Hoon. So please don't get confused who is Chi Hoon or Hoon, because its the Sassy Queen! :) Chi hoon is a cute name, right? hihi.

Jimin's POV

It was after lunch again when we were in Home Economicsarrow-10x10.png class. Yesterday was unforgettable, to say the least. And I couldn't be more excited today, because why not? Cooking!

I love cooking so much. Although I would say I'm not a very good cook, it's fun for me and it helps me release stress. And come on, it's food. Who wouldn't want that?

Just then the usual Mr. Han Bin entered the room as he said an afternoon greeting and proceeded at his desk. "So, you all know what's the next project, right?" He asked with a toothy grin, "We're cooking!" He beamed which led everyone to smile.

"Alright once again, I'll be choosing your partnersarrow-10x10.png by the opposite ." Mr. Han Bin announced as he browse through his list of student names. He proceeded in announcing names and the certain students standing up; the usual. And I, of course, waited for my name, not minding who I got paired to, since I will be miserable again.

"Hm.. Kim Jimin and.." I stood up and waited for my partnerarrow-10x10.png's name to be called, "..Jang Hyun Jae." Ah great, partneredarrow-10x10.png up with the school's jerk. *Arraso..* Not gonna lie, I was pretty disappointed I wasn't partnered up with Chi Hoonie. We barely become partners for a project, bummer.

As we went to the school kitchen and proceeded to our station, I grabbed my apron and faced Hyun Jae, "Hyun Jae-sshi, fighting!" I cheered as I smiled and handed him his apron, "Neh." He muttered and I awkwardly removed my smile. *Uh.. Maybe I was too cheery. Oops?*

"Alright class, the dish you will be making would be.." Mr. Han Bin said as he lift up the silver cover of the tray, "Tenen! Chicken Bibimbap!" He beamed. *Hm.. not bad. I figured..* I thought as I looked at the ingredients placed on our stations. "Alright, you may now start."

"Cook rice.. cook rice.." I muttered repeatedly as I brought out the rice cooker, "Hyun Jae-sshi, can you cook the rice?" I asked politely and he nodded, "Arraso.. I believe it's three cups, right?" Hyun Jae smiled. I nodded, "Yeah. It says on the recipe." 

I looked around and saw Chi Hoon struggling to agree with her female partner. *Waa.. Poor Hoonie.* I laughed quietly and shook my head. At the corner of my eye, I saw Junhong flirting with his partner *Oh, as expected.* I thought as I diced the garlic, "Hyun Jae-sshi please heat the pan." I asked politely and he nodded. *Nice teamwork..*

I saw Hyun Jae seasoning the chicken and I proceeded to make the dressing. "Jimin-sshi, Let's start frying these chicken strips." Hyun Jae poked me and smiled. *Heh.. this guy isn't a jerk at all.* I thought as I smiled and took the bowl of seasoned chicken strips.

I glanced at Junhong once more and he stared back. I raised my brow and narrowed my eyes, only for him to look away and flirt once more. *Okay, why is this bothering me?* I chuckled and fried the chicken strips. Suddenly the oil leapt and ufortunately, I rolled my sleeves up to my elbows which cauased the oil to came in contact with my skin.

I tried not to make any noise since I wouldn't want to  partnerarrow-10x10.png. And once again the oil leapt multiple times basically frying my arm, too. I closed my eyes and huffed, *Too painful, oh god..* 

You know how all the cliché stories have those stories where the girl gets her wounds treated by a handsome guy? Well, unfortunately for me, it wasn't happening. Talk about Ugly Duckling's story.

Thankfully we finished it successfully and earned a high grade, "You did great, Hyun Jae-sshi!" I beamed. Hyun Jae smiled and nodded, "Neh, you too. See you around!" He bowed and went to his next class.

I looked at my arm and frowned, *Ah, I still need to bandage this..* I thought as I looked at my almost burnt arm. I looked for Chi Hoon but sadly he went to his next class already. "Ah really.. leaving me behind." I muttered as I started to walk to the infirmary.

Examining my arm, I cringed as I touched it. *This is bad. Why am I so careless?* Just then I bump onto someone. I was about to bow in apology when I realized it was Junhong whom I bumped. I raised my brow and looked at the girl he's with.

*Oh looks like from the other class.* I thought as I my cheek. "Excuse me." I grunted as I went to their side to pass. Junhong smirked, "Aw look at you being all injured and stuff." He teased. I huffed in annoyance, "Yah, move it. I need to go to the infirmary, continue flirting, you dimwit." I nudged him as I walk pass him only to hear him laugh and put an arm around the girl. *Ah, you need help. Flirt boy.*

I walked in the infirmary just to hear a smooching sound behind the curtains. I made a face *Gross..* I thought as I cleared my throat and heard panicked footsteps. 

"Yes, how can I help you, dear?" The school nurse greeted. I scanned her and noticed her almost exposedcleavage, *You nasty..* The nurse was beautiful, alright? If I'm not mistaken she's only twenty-three or twenty-four. But still, no need to be someone's face off while workingarrow-10x10.png, right?

"Um, I would like to treat my burnt arm?" I said as I sat down the chair opposite her table. "Hm let me see.." I showed her my arm. While she was examining it, I can't help but peek who was they guy she was kissing behind the curtain. Just then, the school nurse dabbed a little ointment at my stinging arm, "Ouch!" I yelped.

"Sorry, sorry. Just a minute." She apologized and I nodded. All of a sudden a guy came out behind the curtain, he was wearing a plain V-Neck shirt and stylish pants. Needless to say, he was hot- Ah, what am I thinking.

"Babe, I'll wait for you later." He said as he kissed the nurse's cheek and fixed her polo's buttons. *Woo, thank god. My eyes..* "Neh, be careful on your way." The nurse said without looking at him and focusing on my burn. I blinked a few times, *Is this how couples workarrow-10x10.png?*

"Oh, hello there." The guy smiled at me and I smiled in return, "And your name is?" He asked. "A-Ah.. It's Kim Jimin, sir. N-Nice to meet you." I stuttered and looked down, embarrassed. Aish why am I easily embarrassed at times like these?

I heard him chuckled, "Ah, arraso. I'm Yongguk by the way. Nice to meet you too, Jimin-sshi." He smiled and I noticed that his smiles are one of those gummy smiles that are just adorable. "Ah chincha, look at the both of you being too formal, I'm Hye Ri by the way, maybe you still don't know my name." The school nurse- or Hye Ri smiled. I nodded, "Ne- OUCH!" I yelped again as she tightened the bandage.

"Sorry sorry.. Okay, you're all done. Please fill up this form, Jimin-sshi." Hye Ri said and I obediently did. I stood up and bowed, "Thanks for taking care of me, I'll be heading to class." They nodded, "I'll be going too, babe. Take care of yourself, I love you." Yongguk told Hye Ri and kissed her cheek, "Love you, too." She sweetly replied.

"Aww so sweet~" I gushed, I realized what I did and turned crimson red, "A-Ah.. M-Mianhe. B-Bye!" I scratched my neck and went outside, I heard their laughter and it made me smile, *Whoa, their perfect together.*

Mr. Yongguk and Ms. Hye Ri.

Author's Note:

Heeey~ Here's another update! YONGGUK FINALLY APPEARED~! 4 more to go :) mehe. No annoying-ness this chapter! :< But an introduction of a handsome member ;) hihi.

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Ms. Hyeri:

Ah so pretty c: creditsarrow-10x10.png to owner. 


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Swag_21 #1
My friend recommended me this one! Wasn't disappointed :D Fighting author-nim! :)
Waa~ Nice story Authornim! ^^ Please update soon :)