Chapter III

Stop Annoying Me!


Jimin's POV

"Whaat? It's time already?" Chi Hoon whined as we packed our finshed bento boxes. I snickered, "It's okay Hoon-ah. Let's hangout afterschool! Let's eat ice cream?" I invited. He looked at me warily, and I know that look, I tell you, "But it's your treat." I added and winked. 

Chi Hoon frowned and threw his plastic fork on me, "YAH! You're the one inviting but I'll be the one whose paying? No fair." He pouted. I laughed and nodded, "Arraso arraso, I'll be paying. Let's head to class already." I said as we stood and proceeded to our locker to get the things we need for our next class. I closed my locker door with a soft bang and checked my schedule.

*Hm.. Home Economicsarrow-10x10.png. I'm with Junhae then.* I thought happily and went to the room with Chi Hoon.

As I sat at my place, I noticed a familiar tall, blond boy at the far front chatting loudly with his friends. I smirked, *Oh yes, maybe annoying him would fantastic.* I thought as I mentally planned how I can annoy the frog.

Just then our Home Economicsarrow-10x10.png teacher came inside and all the students rushed to their seats and behaved. *Heh.. The power of teachers..*  Mr. Han Bin cleared his throat and greeted us Good Afternoon, "Alright class, today we are going to do some laundry." He smiled.

The whole class groaned, "Whaat? Seonsaeng-nim! We aren't maids!" One complained, others agreed. I rolled my eyes, *Oh these students though..* Mr. Han Bin chuckled, "But it's for your grades. This project will give you major points for your card. Wouldn't you like that?" He smiled forming those crescents in his eyes.

This is why Mr. Han Bin is my favorite teacher here, he's so considerate and smiles often; something you won't see in teachers these days. The boy slumped and mouthed 'Arraso' and Mr. Han Bin continued.

"Alright. Today we are going to do some laundry for your project, and tomorrow, we are going to cook!" He said excitedly, "With partnersarrow-10x10.png ofcourse.. with the opposite ." Mr. Han Bin added. The class complained again but realized they had nothing to do with it.

As for me though, luckily my bestfriend is a guy.. with a soul of a sassy girl. "Alright! I willarrow-10x10.png be picking your partners and please stand up as I call your name." Mr. Han Bin started. I waited for my turn and doodled at my notebook.

"Lee Chi Hoon and.." My ears perked up and waited for my name to be called but then, "..Lee Eunae. Please stand up." My eyes widened, *What?* I looked at my bestfriend and he did the same too. I pouted and mouthed, "What is this?" He pouted and shrugged. I sighed and continued doodling.

"Choi Junhong and.." I yawned and honestly cared less and was about to nap when, "..Kim Jimin. Please stand up." I locked gazes with Junhong and narrowed my eyes, *Of all the people.. why him?!* I stood up and lowered my head. But an idea popped in my head, *Oh.. This is my chance to annoy him. Asa!* I smirked evilly.

"Okay class proceed to the garden with your partnersarrow-10x10.png because the materials are there. We will be doing this outside."

"You know how to do the laundries, right?" I asked Junhong as we sat at the little wooden chair. He shrugged, "I honestly use Washing Machine for this. This method is for losers." Junhong explained and sniffed. Without hesitating I smacked his shoulders and glared at him, "Aish, you're a coward." I muttered. "Bwoyah?" He frowned, I shook my head.

"You're gay, right? Here's your laundry gloves." I threw him a pair of baby pink gloves and I wore the baby blue one. "YAH!" He shouted, "I'm not gay! Give me the blue one! Yaaaah." Junhong whined as he tried to reach for my gloves, "Aish just wear it already! It's just gloves! No big deal." I said in frustration and he finally wore it.

We were cleaning the dirty clothes when an idea popped in my head, *Aha.. It's time.* I smirked and splashed the soapy water on his face. "U-Uwaaa my eyes! My eyes!" He wailed loudly and flapped his long arms, "I can't see! Jimin! Jimin! Jimin!" He smacked my shoulder. I couldn't help him because I was already on the grass laughing my heart off. The way his face frowned was just too funny to be serious.

Our other classmates just helped him while I was still trying to control my laughter. When he was fine already, Junhong glared at me, "YAH! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" He shouted, not minding the other students. I snickered, "Oh nothing~" I sang as I splashed more water on his polo and face. Junhong's face became red and splashed some at my polo too, "Payback's a beach, Beach!" He said victoriously, *Oh you're gonna get it..* I thought as I grabbed the water hose and splashed it on him making him soaked. "Hahaha! Y-Your face!" I stuggled breathing. 

Unfortunately he decided to grab the basin and pour the water on me. I shrugged it off and laughed, hey come on. This is fun alright. Even Mr. Han Bin was laughing!

"Alright cut it you two.." He smiled. "Go wash up and change. It's almost time." Mr. Han Bin instructed and we obediently followed.

As Junhong and I walked through the hall way, the brat boy pushed me all of a sudden. "YAH!" I shouted, "No pushing!" I said while patting my wet hair. Junhong frowned, "You started the water fight! I didn't want to change!" He complained and pushed me again. "YAAAH! I told you no pushing!" I struggled as I bump into the wall lightly.

"Ah really, you're a kid."

"Well, you're a giant."

"You're abnormal!"

"You think you're normal yourself? Ha!"

"Of course, I'm normal! Compared to you!"

"Horse dug!"


"Stop it, you two! God, your bickering can be heard throughout the whole hallway. It's hurting my diva ears!" Chi Hoon suddenly said at the end of the hallway while covering his ears with his scarf he always wear. Junhong shook his head, "Arraso, gay boy." He muttered. I. HEARD. THAT.

NO ONE. I repeat NO ONE do that to my bestfriend. "BWOH?! YOU LITTLE-" I grabbed his neck and strangled him, "Don't you dare say that!" I whined as I let go of him after seeing him all red and choking, which was funny to me, and messed his wet hair.

"Whaat? Stop annoying meee!" He whined and huffed. Heh, guess he's all worn out. "I'll see you in dismissal Hoon!" I shouted to him and he nodded while pouting. Ah really, I know that must've hurt him. "Even though he knows he's gay, you don't need to remind him that, okay?" I turned to Junhong as he casually put his hands on his pockets, "Arraso." He replied shortly and rubbed his nose. We separate ways as I go to the girls' washroom and he went to the boys'.

*Hm. Another day bickering with that boy. Aish really. I need to get a life.* I thought as I showered while humming. 


"Yay dismissed!" I skipped through the hall as I saw my bestie at his locker. "Come on come on!" I tapped his shoulders jumping up and down, "Let's go get Ice Cream!" I squealed. Chi Hoon smiled, "Arraso~ Wait a minute." He said fixing his scarf and applying a tad bit of-

"What? Why would you still put lip gloss? Oh come on already, we're gonna go eat!" I huffed. Chi Hoon batted his eyelashes, "I just bought this thing, and it's so fabulous on me! Omo! Do you want to try?~" He giggled while showing me his lip gloss, "Er.. No thanks. Come on!" I waved my hand and dragged him outside.

"Hey! Wait!" A guy shouted from behind. We looked back and saw Junhong panting, "C-Can I come too? I'm craving for Ice Cream!" He panted. Chi Hoon and I looked at each other, "Well..?" I asked him.

"ARRASO! KAJA KAJA!" He beamed at Junhong and dragged him with us. I rolled my eyes, *Great.*

We went inside the Ice Cream shop and my mouth instantly watered, "I want to have one already.." I complained, pouting. "You can wait, piggy." Junhong stuck his tongue out. My instinct is to smack him as hard as I can and it happened.


"Ouch! Watch it piggy!" He cried, rubbing his arm. I wasn't able to reach his head because he was tall, so..

"Stop calling me piggy!"

"But you are!"

"No, I'm not!"



"Guys, what in the actual unicorn and rainbows? Stop bickering! Ugh my ears, Mainhe ears mianhe." Chi Hoon scolded sassily and told us to order. "Me first." I smoothly told him as I faced the Ice Cream guy, "One-" Junhong pushed me all of a sudden, "Sorry but no can do, me first. One ch-" I yanked his hair and smiled at the ice cream guy, "Pecan Prali-" Junhong pushed me once again, "Chocolate Chip please."




"Here you go, sir." The poor ice cream guy gave Junhong his order and smiled, turning to me. "How 'bout you miss? What would you like?" I blushed and lowered my head, embarrassed. "O-One Pecan Praline please.." I muttered. He hand me my order and that got me thinking, who will pay?

I nudged Junhong, "Yah. Pay now." my ice cream and savouring the taste, Junhong nudged me back, "Bwoh? YOU pay!" He argued.

"YAH!" / "YAH!"

"Aish chincha.. I'll pay. You both are kids even when you are older than me."Chi Hoon shook his head and handed the ice cream guy the money. We went at the nearest park and strolled.

"Ah.. The weather's very pretty!" I gushed and smiled like a kid while tasting my ice cream. "Yeah, you need to be embarrassed because the weather's prettier than you." Junhong stuck his tongue out and his ice cream.

"This little devil-" I grunted as I lightly smacked his hand which was holding the ice cream, which led the ice cream to Junhong's chin. His eyes widened, "Y-Yah! This is the second time you're messing with me!" He shouted and looked at me, narrowing his eyes.

I stuck my tongue out and walked away with Chi Hoon. *Heh, serves him right.* And so, we strolled the park with big smiles and with Junhong chasing behind us.

Tch.. Choi Junhong.

Author's Note:

Annyeong annyeong~ New chapter update! What do you think? I thought of the laundry scene when I was watching B.A.P's old episode when Zelo was doing the laundry and he was so cute! :">

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Swag_21 #1
My friend recommended me this one! Wasn't disappointed :D Fighting author-nim! :)
Waa~ Nice story Authornim! ^^ Please update soon :)