Chapter I

Stop Annoying Me!


Jimin's POV

I slapped the alarm clock's button as I lazily rolled over the other side of my bed when-


ugghh. Curse this bed for being too small for a goddess like me. I climbed up and sat on the edge of my bed. I glanced at my clock and it read 6.30 am. *Class starts at 8 am.* I thought as I scratched my head and let out a yawn. 

"Yaaaaahh! Jimin!" I heard a familiar girly voice and loud footsteps outside. I rolled my eyes and prepared my uniform. *Wait for it.. he's coming.* I thought lazily. Just then, a guy wearing his bag on one shoulder with a hair like a bowl opened my door,

"Yaaah~ Lazy , faster! Let's eat breakfast umma prepared aing aing~" Chi Hoon said energetically. "Alright alright.. Get outta my room I need to clean up pabo." I replied nonchalantly which resulted to my gay best friend to pout and leave the room.

Yes, that guy right there is my best friend. We've known each other since diapers and he lives just a block away. And yeah, he's prefectly gay. He may be loud and might seem more of a feminine girl than me, but he is the perfect friend. He knows when to cheer you up and will always have your back.

Chi Hoon was in a rough situation because of his preference and that boys always bullied him for being fabulous. Fortunately, he endured all those hurtful words and kept being him; which believe it or not made people like him. He was loved by many now because of his kind heart and don't lie, it's fun having gay people around don't even try to argue with me.

And then there's me, I am Jimin. I would say my life is a so-so. Nothing too fancy and nothing too dramatic. I have a small circle of friends and I'm not popular with all the boys behind my heels. I keep it light and just go with a flow, you know, whatever happens, just happens. 

'Kay enough of this crappy introduction.

"Touch my body urin jogeumssik ppareuge
Oh everybody pureun haneul boda nopi
jigeum i rideumi joha tteugeoun taeyangarae neowana
My body body Touch ma body~


Touch my body, We're going quickly, little by little
Oh everybody, Higher than the blue sky
I like this rhythm, You & I in the hot sun

My body body Touch ma body"

Sistar -Touch My Body

*Oh, this song again..* I thought as I heard the kitchen booming with music. Definitely Chi Hoon's music taste. I walked down the stairs and greeted everyone Good Morning. Chi Hoon was munching on a waffle sitted next to my 2 year old little brother, Kang Joon. My dad is as usual sitted at his couch watching Morning News and Mom was feeding Kang Joon some goo-ey stuff I have no idea what.

"Jimin honey, have yourself some breakfast." My mom smiled as she saw me sit next to Chi Hoon. I nodded and grab myself some toast, "Yah Chi Hoon, you done with the project?" I asked casually and eyed him.

"Omo, ofcourse. Tomorrow's the deadline. How bout ya?" He blinked, confused. I shook my head and grin, who has time for that. "Aish, you better catch up." He said as he stood up and grabbed his bag. "Thanks for the food auntie~ I'm off~"

I stuffed the rest of my toast in my mouth and grabbed my bag too. I kissed my mom and Kang Joon's cheek and bid my dad farewell with a stuffed mouth.

"Yah! Chi Hoon! Wait up!" I shouted as I wear my black shoes and finger combed my still-dry hair. I ran next to Chi Hoon and wrapped my arm around his. "Aiyoo~ why do we still have to walk to school?"

"Jinjja.. Pabo~ The school's just near the housearrow-10x10.png. Ofcourse let's just walk. Such a lazy ." He said while looking at a vanity mirror he brings everywhere. We walked and before I knew it, we were in Kikwa High already.

"Alright, later. See you at Lunch. At the usual spot, okay?" I said as I approach my locker. "Arraso~ Bye bye I saw Jongup there oh my god!" He squealed excitedly and waved as he walk towards his class.

I shook my head and got all the things I need for Math class. I shut the locker door and began walking. Suddenly, I felt a slap at the back of my head. I closed my eyes and exhaled frustratingly, *Ugh early in the morning?!* I thought as I spinned and slapped the annoying person's stomach.

"Stop bugging me Junhong!" I shouted at him and groaned as I saw him smirk. "Aw, you missed me Jimin?" He stuck out his tongue and messed my hair. *And another reason why I wanted to kill this bastard..* I rolled my eyes.

"Damn it, Junhong. So early in the morning?" I huffed as I fixed my hair and started walking. 

"Ofcoooouursee~ I mean, why not? Ha, you look like a drowned rat just now. Look at your hair, oh and your shoes, pff hahha and those brows too." Junhong teased without stopping while walking beside me. I puffed and just rolled my eyes, this is gonna take forever.

"Ugghh, you smell!"

"Whatever, you gorilla."

"You look like an old man!"

"You look like a dried sea weed as well."

Finally, we reached the room and sat at our places. Good thing the teacher came right after that and started the lesson, I wouldn't want Junhong bugging me again. Heh, I'll annoy him just as much as he does.



I glared at Junhong and saw him snickering while making paper balls and throwing them at me. I stuck my tongue out and continued with what I'm doing. The throwing didn't stop though. That prick..

"Choi Junhong-sshi. Please stop that." The teacher coldly said, which made Junhong stop. I snickered and looked at him. *That's what you get you sore wimp.* I thought as I laughed at him silently and continued my work. He glared at me and drew a line at his neck saying I'm dead. Heh, who cares.

Oh well.. this is my daily life. With Chi Hoon barging towards my room, Kang Joon wailing loudly, and Junhong annoying me every single day. 

Welcome to my life.

Author's Note:

Halu haluu! Here is the first chapter~! This is kind of the introduction about all the stuff going on. B.A.P cameos coming soon and more characters to come! So watch out for that ;)

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Swag_21 #1
My friend recommended me this one! Wasn't disappointed :D Fighting author-nim! :)
Waa~ Nice story Authornim! ^^ Please update soon :)