
Take It Slow

    The past 10 months have been confusing to Irene. It wasn't the bad kind of 'confusing' though, it was the good kind. The way Seulgi made her feel was just so different. Seulgi was like the sun to her. She didn't only brighten Irene's day, she also brighened her life. To Irene, Seulgi was the warmth you needed when everything was cold. She was like sunlight, you didn't have to look at her but you could feel her. 

    Irene never thought that letting Seulgi in would turn out this way. She knew Seulgi was a friend, she never thought it could be more. She tried to stop herself from feeling whatever she felt for Seulgi, but she knew you can't just control your feelings like that. It just happens. But she was grateful that she had Seulgi. Seulgi was the only one she was comfortable with. She was shy around everyone, except for Seulgi. Seulgi treated her children right too and she knew how much her children loved "Gigi Unnie". 

    The two girls were walking slower than the last time, fingers still intertwined. Irene couldn't help but smile. She has never felt this happy for a long time. Sometimes she would squeeze Seulgi's hand over again just to remind her that it's real and not a dream.

    Seulgi stopped walking, causing Irene to stop too. She looked at the younger girl. "Why'd  you stop?"

    "Are you sure about this?" Seulgi said, looking down at her feet. "I just don't want you to do something when you're not ready."

    "I don't think anyone's ever ready for anything, you know?" Irene smiled. "I was definitely not ready for you."

    "You mean a lot to me. You know that right?" Seulgi said. "I just can't lose you, as a lover or as a friend."

    Irene lifted the younger girl's face up. "Wherever this is going, whether I'm ready or not, I'm willing to go there as long as it's with you."

    Seulgi lifted her eyes to hers, she didn't say anything but she knew Irene understood. The two girls continued walking in silence. The silence was comforting to the both of them. They knew they wanted to say so much more but there weren't any words for what they wanted to say.

    As they reached Irene's doorstep, the two girls just looked at each other. They were still holding hands, both of them not wanting to let go.

    "I guess you should go now." Seulgi said.

    "Yeah." Irene held Seulgi's hand even tighter.

    "Joy and Yeri are waiting for you."

    "Yeah, you're right." Irene said, she didn't want to let go of Seulgi's hand. Not now. Not ever. "I guess this is goodbye."

    Seulgi held both of Irene's hands and intertwined their fingers. "I'll see you tomorrow?"

    Irene nodded. "Tomorrow."
    The older girl slowly let go of their intertwined fingers, allowing her fingers to trail over her palm. When she looked up, the younger girl was watching her fingers. She knew that she wanted Seulgi in her life. She was someone who was so sincere and whose warm hands she wanted to feel on her skin. She was someone who liked Irene for who she was, someone who thought she was beautiful.

    Seulgi's eyes met hers. They stared into each other's eyes without breaking eye contact. Seulgi pulled Irene into her arms, and held her tightly. Seulgi then planted a soft and gentle kiss on her forehead as she pulled away. "Goodnight Joohyun."

    "Goodnight Seulgi." Irene said as she stepped inside.


    Irene couldn't help but smile. She felt fuzzy all over. Her legs were turning into jelly and so were her arms. She could feel her cheeks burning. Irene bit her lip so she could stop herself from screaming like a little girl.

    "Wendy," Irene said, making her way to the living room. "I'm home."
    No one answered. She probably went home, Irene thought.

    "Wendy?" She called again. As she entered the living room she saw Wendy lying down on the couch. She shook the blonde softly, "Wendy?"

    Wendy let out a yawn and rubbed her eyes. "Oh crap, how long was I asleep?"

    "It's okay. I just got home." Irene checked the clock it was 12:15 am. Wow, we were out that long?. Irene thought.. "You can spend the night here, if you want to."

    "No, no. It's okay." Wendy said, sitting up and stretching. "My friends will worry if I don't come home. Why did you arrive so late, unnie?"

    Irene let out a yawn too. "Oh. I was just out with a friend."

    Wendy raised an eyebrow. "A friend, huh? Was this 'friend' a special 'friend'?" Irene didn't answer but you could tell from her face. Wendy screamed. "Oh my God, you went out on a date!"

    "Shh. You'll wake the girls up!" Irene said, putting her hand over the younger girl's mouth.

    "Oh my God. I can't wait to tell my sister about this!" Wendy said, keeping her voice down. "Who is it, unnie? Your boss? A co-worker? Someone from Tinder"

    Irene rolled her eyes, but she found Wendy amusing. It's funny how Wendy's eyes get so big whenever she's into something. "It's an owl."


    "Haha. That never gets old." Irene said, laughing.

    "Unnie, you have to tell me!" Wendy pouted. "Who is it?"

    The older girl looked at her watch. "It's getting late. Your friends might be looking for you."

    Wendy made a face and sighed. "What a great way to avoid the question." Wendy stood up, stretched and got her bag. "Goodnight, unnie."

    "Goodnight Seungwan." Irene said. Tonight is defintely a good night.


    Wendy kept yawning on her way home. Although what Irene said surprised her, all she wanted to do was go home, lie down on her bed and sleep. She couldn't help but think about Irene. She was curious. It's not like Irene ever showed signs of her being interested in someone. But this 'someone' was probably someone Irene met at the playground. It was probably the father of Joy and Yeri's "Gigi unnie", who they won't stop talking about, Wendy thought. As she was walking, she spots a familiar dark haired girl. "Seulgi-yah!"

    "Wan-ah!" Seulgi said, looking back at the blonde. "Why are you out so late?"

    "I should be asking you the same thing."

    Seulgi had a huge smile plastered on her face. She didn't have to say anything because Wendy knew. "Today was amazing, Wendy."

    Wendy linked her arm with Seulgi's. "You went out on a date?"

    Seulgi nodded. "It was amazing. She was amazing." Wendy couldn't help but smile. She knew how much Seulgi liked this girl and she was glad they finally got to hang out. "She's such a great person. I can't believe someone like her exists."

    "So does this mean you're going to introduce her to us?" Wendy said, wiggling her eyebrows.

    "Soon, but not now." Seulgi said. "Anyway, why are you only going home now? Went out on a date too?"

    "Yes, with my sister's friend's kids." Wendy replied. "We had so much fun. It was amazing. They were amazing."

    Seulgi rolled her eyes, the blonde obviously mocking her. "No but seriously though."

    "Sister's friend went out on a date too. Looked like she had an amazing time as well."

    They were finally home, Seulgi reached for the key and unlocked the door. "Pretty sure that her date was me, that's why she had such an amazing time."

    Wendy rolled her eyes, as she walked stepped inside. "And I'm pretty sure she wouldn't go for someone like you." She said. "She has taste. And she's straight."

    "Well, I can make a straight girl bend." Seulgi joked, winking at the other girl.


    As she lay down on her bed, Seulgi couldn't even close her eyes. Or when she does the only thing she sees is Irene. She replayed everything that happened in her mind over and over and over again. She was happy.

     She never knew that Irene would actually have feelings for her. Irene was out of her league, Seulgi told herself that a couple of times. She was beautiful on the inside and out and Seulgi was just so attracted to her. She knew (or she thought) that Irene was straight so she never expected this to happen. But you know what they say, the best things in life are unexpected. Seulgi knew she was going to sleep with a huge smile on her face tonight, and maybe even for the rest of her life.

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1061 streak #1
Chapter 9: Please comeback authornim! 😭
born10966 #2
Chapter 9: I like this storyline it feels fresh and I like how things go slowly. I'm waiting for when Seulgi and Wendy find out they both know Irene
zeroasinzero #3
Chapter 9: I'm looking forward to Seulgi and Wendy's encounter HAHAHAHA
seulrene_daze #4
Chapter 9: i reread this for the nth time and honestly this is one of the top 5 of my first seulrene fics :)

please comeback :')
Chapter 9: Please update this! It's one of the bets, if not the BEST rv story I have ever read and I really want to know how it ends!
Chapter 9: This is so fluffy uwu i wonder how will wendy react when she finally knew about seulrene lol.

I hope authornim will continue this cute story ?
Chapter 9: Mom Irene really makes me soft ;-;
Chapter 9: Plz update soon! This book is so cute!
salfiranty #9
Chapter 9: this story is sooooo good, great job author-nim!!!
Chapter 9: Little joyri r precious.Hopefully u will update it someday.I bet wendy gonna flip coz she thought irene is straight