Chapter 04


'Good morning, Mr.Park.'

'Good morning.' Yoocun greeted his secretary and entered his office. His office was a huge room with equally huge windows that gave it a lot of sunlight and a beutiful view of the entire Seoul. He sank into his comfortable chair. The only thing he could think of was Hee. How beautiful she was, how her voice sounded, her clothes, the look in her eyes. He didn't care much about the things she told him. He didn't care about her telling him how she loved Jaejoong, or how she wouldn't give up on her son. The only thing that mattered was that he actually saw her. It was really her, not a dream. Why did I leave her back then?, he thought. The phone rang and woke him up from his thoughts.

His mother called.


'Yoochun-ah, did you check the contract I sent you yesterday? Mr.Han is coming today to sign it.'

'Contract? Of course I did.' He looked at the pile of papers that was lying on his desk.

'Great. The meeting is at 3 o'clock. I'll see you there, my son.'

'Alright.' The sighed and looked at the papers. He  completely abandoned his work since his encounter with Hee.

He searched through the papers and found Mr.Han's contract. He started reading it. From time to time he would correct something or add something. He finished with the contract in fifteen minutes. After tossing it aside he called his secretary to bring him a coffee.

11 years ago

'Hey, Heeya!' Jaejoong shouted. She didn't hear him because she was so immersed in a book.

'Ya!' he shouted, but she still didn't reply.

He sneaked right behind her and couldn't help but to smile. He was so close to her and he desperately wanted to hug her. She wasn't just a girl he knew or his friend who went to the same college. She was the woman he loved and she didn't know that.

'Heeya!' he shouted once again, this time right into her ear.

'You scared me, Jae!' She slightly jumped.

'I came to tell you that a party is going to be held tonight in the club near the university. Would you like to come with me? we can bring Changmin, too.'

'I don't think I'll come', she said, 'I have nothing nice to wear.' Hee looked to the ground, feeling ashamed.

'I'll buy you a dress', Jaejoong said. Hee looked at him and blushed.

'I agree only if you promise me that you won't buy an expensive one,' she said.

'I promise', he said, crossing his fingers behind his back.

'And thank you',she said.

Jaejooong took Hee to a shop she had never been to. Everything in the shop glittened, or maybe that was how she saw it.

'Pick one', he said. 

She took one of the dresses and went to change. After a few minutes she came out. Jaejoong couldn't take his eyes off her.

'Marry me', he said.

'What did you say, Jae!'

'N-nothing', he said. Thank God she didn't hear it right, he thought.

'I'll go and change', she said.

Jaejoong paid for the dress. They both went out of the shop.

'And how much was the dress? I was so excited about it that I forgot to check the price.' 

'I don't know', he said, not looking her in the eyes. 'I got it for free. My friend owns the shop, so...'

'Don't lie to me! How much was it? If you don't tell me, I won't go to the party', Hee said.

Jaejoong sighed. 'OK. It was 500 000 won.'

Hee was shocked. 'I know your parents are rich, but you didn't have to spend so much money on me.'

'You are my best friend, Heeya. I want you to look good and to be happy', he said. 'And don't thank me.'


The club was filled with students. Hee and Jaejoong slowly went through the crowd to their table. Jaejoong booked a table for Hee, Changmin and himself. They sat and ordered some drinks.

'Where's Changmin?' Jaejoong asked.

'He is probably out there looking for girls', Hee said.

After they had a couple of drinks, they went to the dance floor. They danced together. Many students were watching them. Girls envied Hee, while boys noticed that Hee has become more beautiful.

At one point they got tired of dancing so they went to their table.

'I'm so thirsty!' Hee said to Jaejoong. He immediately ran to bring her something to drink.

Suddenly a glass of water was on the table in front of her. She turned to her left and saw a tall guy in a white shirt. He smiled at her.

'You said you were thirsty. So I brought you water.'

'Thank you', she said.

'What's your name?' he asked.

'Hee. Shim Hee', she said looking him in the eyes.

'I'm Park Yoochun. Nice to meet you, Heeya', he said and disappeared into the crowd. 

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My first story :-D.


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Chapter 4: I really the story so far