Chapter Two: The Son and his Uncles and Aunties.

Painting your life Red.

Gikwang pulled into the driveway of Seohyun and Yonghwa’s small town house. Although it was considerably small, it was perfect for the couple and the family they wished to have. It was cozy with very soft pastel colors that covered the walls and most of their décor. Youngmi rang the doorbell and waited for Seohyun to answer knowing that Yonghwa would be out playing music in at the local café.

“You’ve never been here, have you?” Youngmi asked Gikwang.

“Well, no. I don’t know Seohyun and Yonghwa and I are kind of acquainted.” Gikwang answered.

“I see. Well, it’s really nice in there. It has that homey feeling to it, y’know?” Youngmi seemed in a daze. “I always wanted a home for my own. Just a house, not like the condo I live in right now. I want a house where I can call home and not have to share with tons of other attendants.”

Before Gikwang could really say anything, the door opened. “Unni! I didn’t expect you to be here so late so I put Hyunsu to bed already.” Seohyun answered, wiping her hands on her light green apron.

“Oh, sorry about that Hyunnie…I’ll pick him up from school tomorrow then. I’m so sorry. Your wedding is coming up so soon and you have to deal with me.” Youngmi sighed. “I guess you won’t get to meet him today, sorry AJ.”

“No problem, Unnie! I’ll always be happy to take care of Hyunsu, he’s one of the highlights to my life along with sweet potatoes and Keroro.” Seohyun said with a smile. “Oh, pardon my rudeness. I’m Seo Joohyun but I go by Seohyun. Nice to meet you…AJ?” Seohyun said, sticking her hand out.

“Nice to meet you Seohyun, I’m Lee Gikwang also known as AJ. Feel free to call me Gikwang. AJ is more of a work thing.” Gikwang said, shaking her hand firmly. “I suppose we’ll take another day to get better acquainted and we’ll leave you to…whatever you were doing. Tell Yonghwa I say hi.”

“I surely will!” Seohyun beamed. “Unni, call me later on tonight, we have to talk.”

“Alright then Hyunnie, good night!” Youngmi waved goodbye to Seohyun and walked back to the car with Gikwang.

“Do you need to bring extra clothing for Hyunsu?” Gikwang asked, checking his rear view mirror.

“No, I have extra clothes and toothbrushes left at each of the girls’ homes.” Youngmi said, checking emails on her phone.

“Girls?” Gikwang asked.

“Yeah. My best friends, you just met the youngest of nine.” Youngmi explained, her eyes still glued to the screen of her phone.

“Nine best friends? How do you keep track?” Gikwang chuckled.

“The eldest is Taeyeon. She works as a vocal coach out of town, so as you can imagine, she’s not here too frequently. She lives with her boyfriend Park Leeteuk. Really, we’ve all known each other since high school, me and the girls. But we only met the guys later on. Leeteuk was the last addition to our group.

There are our married girls, Jessica, Tiffany, Sooyoung and soon Seohyun. Tiffany, just a normal house wife, was the first of us to marry with none other than our own chief Choi Siwon. They’ve been together since middle school, impressive, right? Then there was Jessica, our ice princess lawyer, who has a kid the same age as Hyunsu, her name is Rayoun. Jessica and Heechul are…an interesting pair. Heechul is extremely caring though which is kind of reassuring for me since he’s the one at home most of the time. Sooyoung, our abnormally tall Shikshin and resident food critic, and Ryeowook have been together for a while too…both have a love for food, so I can be assured that Hyunsu is fed properly. You just met Seohyun, she’s still in med school getting her doctorate. She and Yonghwa really are something; Yonghwa would literally give the world to Seohyun.

Then there are our girls in a relationship and should really just get married but the guys are too flustered to propose, Sunny and Yoona. Donghae, you should know him, he lives in the same neighbourhood as you, has been with my choding Yoona for six years and the guy has been planning his method of proposing for two of the six years that they’ve been together. Yoona and Sunny work at the same school, only Sunny teaches music and Yoona teaches drama. Really, Sungmin isn’t any better. He and Donghae are in the same boat.

Finally there are the two single girls, Yuri and Hyoyeon. Yuri though should really just admit that she likes Yesung’s teasing, go out with him and stop complaining about being single. Hyoyeon is too focused on dancing to really go out on dates. The girl’s a dancing queen, I get it, but she needs a break from it. I’m actually surprised Yuri hasn’t killed Yesung, the girl is a personal trainer, she could kick some serious …Oh my god I’ve been ranting for so long!” Youngmi exclaimed, suddenly realizing how long she had been talking for.

Gikwang chuckled, his focus on the road hadn’t shifted. “It’s alright. It’d be great to meet them one day.”

Youngmi blushed. He made it seem like they were in a relationship, not that she really minded though. Gikwang pulled into the parking lot.

“Thanks for dinner.” Youngmi said, finally putting away her cellphone.

“Anytime, really just tell me when. Bring Hyunsu next time too.” Gikwang said with his signature eye smile.

“You know, you kind of remind me of Tiffany, not that you look like a girl or anything!” Youngmi quickly added. “It’s just that both of you have such a nice eye smile.”

“Thanks.” Gikwang said, rubbing the back of his neck. “Do you need me to go with you?”

“No, I think it’s enough that you drove me back and forth.” Youngmi said. “Thanks again, I’ll see you tomorrow. And by tomorrow it has to be all work no play, we have a serious case on our hands. I have a feeling that this case is more than it’s meant to be. Why would a killer from ten years ago just suddenly start killing again?”

“I don’t know…” Gikwang said sadly.

“Oh god, I’m so sorry! I completely forgot about your m–”

“It’s alright. It’s been a decade now. And you’re right, it doesn’t make sense and it is really serious, so personal problems shouldn’t affect my judgement. Goodnight Youngmi-yah.” He said. Youngmi gave him a quick surprise hug before running out of the car.


The next day came quicker than Youngmi wanted it to. She obviously didn’t want to work on this case. The pictures themselves were gruesome which wasn’t a problem since she’s seen worse, but actually having to deal with the case, she was mentally unprepared.

“Good morning.” Greeted a familiarly unfamiliar voice. Youngmi turned around to find Lee Joon smiling at her with his hands held behind him.

“Oh, it’s you. Good morning.” she mumbled.

“You look like you haven’t eaten yet, but lucky for you, I bought food.” He said proudly.

“I’m not hungry.” She said stubbornly. Suddenly a low rumbling noise came from her stomach. “Damn, betrayed again. What’d you buy?”

“Donuts and coffee.” He said, revealing two small paper bags. “I left the coffee at my desk if you’d just come with me.”

Youngmi hesitated, eyeing him. “Okay, but what kind of donut?”

“Vanilla dip, you know the one with rainbow sprinkles?” he asked, peering into the bags.

“How did you know that was my favourite? Are you stalking me?” she asked, suddenly paranoid and on the edge.

“No, they’re my favourite too, it’s just a coincidence, and you call yourself a detective. Are you alright?” he asked with genuine concern.

“Y-yeah, I’m fine. Let’s just go eat those donuts with the coffee. Thanks…for the breakfast.” She said.

Once they reached Joon’s desk, he pulled out the chair for her. “Hasn’t anyone ever told you chivalry’s dead?” she asked with a raised eyebrow.

“I guess I’m reviving it.” He said and grabbed himself another chair from someone else’s desk. “I didn’t know how you drank you coffee so I just got you a double double.”

“Oh, that’s fine, that’s the way I drink it anyways.” she said taking a sip out of the hot coffee. “Ow!” she exclaimed as the hot liquid burnt her tongue.

“Careful! I know you’re hungry but don’t hurt yourself!” Joon laughed. “Who knew that Bae Youngmi, cold hard detective was a glutton for Vanilla dip donuts and coffee?”

Youngmi shot a glare at him. “I just happen to have a certain liking for the colourful sprinkles, alright?” she took a bite out of the donut and carefully sipped her coffee. The unexpected act of kindness from Joon was a little strange, but she enjoyed the moment while it lasted.

“I couldn’t help but overhear the other day that you have a son.” Joon said, taking a sip out of his coffee. “You mind telling me what’s up with that?”

“I’ve barely known you for twenty-four hours and you’re already asking about my personal life?” Youngmi asked, quirking her eyebrow and eating her donut. Joon looked away and sipped his coffee again. “Well, since you asked, yes, I do have a son. His name is Hyunsu, he’s four years old. As for how he came to this earth…it’s complicated. Don’t ask.”

“Okay, I won’t. But what’s he like? Isn’t it a handful to have a four year old son while doing this job and on top of that being so young?” Joon asked.

“Of course it’s difficult, but it’s a hell of a lot easier when he’s calm and likes books over balls.” Youngmi explained. “He only likes one sport which is American Football. Really, he’s a bookworm and he’s kind of nerdy.”

Joon chuckled. “He sounds…fun.”

“He is, he knows how to play too, he just prefers to study, and do work and stuff like that.” Youngmi said, finishing up her donut. “He’s really caring and sweet though. And you don’t even know how thankful I am that he doesn’t hold it against me that I’m never there.”

“So, who does he stay with then?” Joon asked.

“Full of questions, aren’t we?” Youngmi giggled. She explained the whole situation between her and her girls.

“Bae Youngmi, you should know that office romance is restricted.” Siwon said. “Now stop flirting with the Busan kid and come with me, both of you. We’ve got new evidence on the killer.”

Youngmi’s face reddened as she tried to insist to Siwon that there was nothing going on between her and the ‘Busan kid’ with coffee in one hand and her bag in the other. Joon followed behind quickly, grabbing his uneaten donut and his half-finished coffee.

In the conference room, the air was heavy and the atmosphere was tense. Everyone seemed to be staring at Joon, which evidently made him feel uncomfortable.

“Okay, enough with the staring.” Siwon said. “We’ve discovered that the ‘Lady Killer’ was not a man in his early twenties, but a married man in his mid-thirties.”

“So that means…” Junhyung whispered.

“Our case has just taken a huge turn.” Youngmi finished. 

Here is my second chapter. I really hope you guys will Subscribe and Comment~ 'Cause it's a fact that comments make the author more motivated (:

The chapters aren't that long, I apologize, but the lengths will vary depending on the content.

I just wanted to say Rest in Peace to my Uncle who left our world recently. I realized that you really need to cherish life like he did. He lived life to the fullest and was extremely successful. I Love You, Uncle!

Please know that this isn't a long story. Well, I estimated it to be exactly 30 chapters but I could be wrong. So enjoy!

Next Chapter: Chapter Three: Progress in the Case

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Gonna start this up again! Being torn about wanting to add EXO & B.A.P but I won't since...well it wasn't part of the plan so too bad for me T__T


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you got me hooked on the description and foreword x_x!!
I'm subscribing! update soon :-)
Hey, your story is cool! Like it ^^<br />
Please update soon
pipihb #3
The only thing that came in my mind was, "But who's the dad?" .______. Have a feeling there will be a twist and i LOVE twist! 8)