Chapter One: A Stranger at the Door

Painting your life Red.

Unorganized papers were scattered across the oak wood desk, some of it on the ground. There was no way that she would finish all of this paperwork. There hadn’t been a new case in ages, well none that involved actual work. Although it seemed like hours, it was really just ten minutes of her signing papers. A knock sounded and she snapped her head immediately towards the black painted door.

“Come in!” she called towards the door, hoping that it was Siwon coming to give her a big case.

“Are you Bae Youngmi?” asked the dark haired stranger. He was tall with broad shoulders and an athletic build. The details of his strong masculine face shifted as he smiled mischievously at her.

“Yes, I am. Who’s asking?” she asked. The man looked at her with interest. Her light brown hair and dark brown almond shaped eyes are generic traits for your typical Asian but it was the glow of her lightly tanned skin and the fierce aura that emerged from her that was truly unique. She wasn’t the typical stick with her slightly wide rounded hips and long toned limbs.

“My name is Lee Joon. I was sent here from the Busan Unit.” He said, extending a strong arm towards her. Youngmi looked at it with a raised eyebrow. “I’m here regarding the ‘Lady Killer’ case. Didn’t your chief tell you?”

“No, wait, what ‘Lady Killer’ case?” she asked, ignoring his hand. She shuffled through her papers to find a thick folder buried under all of it. “The Lady Killer, twenty seven victims over the course of six months. Damn, they’re all women too…”

“Hence the name ‘Lady Killer’, you believe me now?” Joon asked. Just then, Siwon came in.

“Youngmi, did you re-open the Lady Killer case yet?” he asked, looking over his glasses. Youngmi shifted uncomfortably. “Well?” he asked again, scanning his eyes over the mess of papers.

“I did now!” she exclaimed, signing the forms to re-open the case.

“Good, now…who are you?” Siwon asked, looking Joon up and down.

“I’m Lee Joon from the unit in Busan.” He said lazily. Siwon just grunted and left the room.

“You can leave now.” Youngmi said, skimming through the files. When she looked up, he was still there, leaning against the door frame. “Is there anything else you missed?”

“Yeah, your number.” He winked. “You know, in case we needed to talk about the killer.”

“I don’t think so.” Came another voice from behind Joon.

“Hi there, AJ!” Youngmi exclaimed.

“AJ?” Joon grumbled.

“Lee Gikwang, nice to meet you…” he said, trailing off.

“He’s Lee Joon from the Busan unit.” Youngmi said. “Are you on the ‘Lady Killer’ case too?”

“Yeah, I came in here to tell you there’s a briefing later.” He said. “Then maybe we could you know, grab some dinner.”

Youngmi turned red. “Oh, so this lug asks you out and you say yes, but I ask you for work purposes and you refuse.” Joon said irritated.  

“Yeah, pretty much especially since you’re some random guy who just came into my office. Let’s go Gikwang.” Youngmi said, brushing passed Joon as she and Gikwang left the office.

Joon stared at the two as they left Youngmi’s office. No girl had ever resisted his charm. He was a cliché playboy, all cliché playboys had one goal, to make every girl fall for them. And in this cliché situation, Youngmi is the girl he wants because she doesn’t want him. Man, playing hard to get really does work.

Outside of Youngmi’s office, in the conference room, Gikwang and Youngmi watched as Siwon stuck pictures on the large white board. The gruesome bodies and faces of the victims made their stomachs churn. Soon enough, everyone including Lee Joon were gathered in and Siwon started the briefing.

“The killer we have on our hands, we believe is the Lady Killer from ten years ago. He kills victims between the ages of twenty to thirty with brown hair and brown eyes.” Siwon began.

“But chief isn’t that just everywoman in Korea?” Lee Jinki asked.

“Well Onew, if you just let me finish what I have to say, he targets women in relationships. He them and kills them.” Siwon said grimly. “His last victim was…” Siwon didn’t know how to say this, but he was the chief so what had to be done, had to be done. “Lee Hyeji”

Everyone’s attention turned to Gikwang to see how he’d react. “Why’s everyone looking at him?” Joon asked.

“Because the Lady Killer’s last victim was my mother.” Gikwang said darkly.

“We believe he’s back again, with the same aim and same MO.” Siwon explained. “He strangles the women while he them and then cuts them up beyond recognition. He takes a piece of the body with him and leaves the rest hanging off of a wall.”

“That’s just sick. What are we looking at here? Dark skinned male, light skinned male, tall, short, what is he?” Youngmi asked.

“The profile for the original Lady Killer was a dark skinned male in his early to mid-twenties at around 175cm, bald with coloured wigs and a scar on his jaw.” Siwon explained. “Now, we suspect that he is the same except he is in his mid-thirties.”

“How do you know all of this?” Joon asked. Everyone looked at him as if he were stupid.

“Are you sure you’re a detective?” Gikwang asked. “Isn’t it obvious? Back then he was quite amateur at what he did so it would explain the young age. His dark skin would explain why he would want to stand out with the bright hair because of being shunned for the colour of his skin. We know it’s colourful because one of the victims managed to pull some fibres off of the wig. He wasn’t very tall because he used a stool to hang the victims up high. He’s obviously in his mid-thirties if it’s been a decade since his last kills. The…the last victim managed to scrape some skin off of him, but his DNA wasn’t registered in our system.”

“Good job, AJ.” Siwon said. He tossed a folder onto the table. “This is Yeon Jihee. She fits the past victims and was killed the same way. Here’s Kim Shinyeong, she’s the same as well.” Siwon explained, tossing an open folder onto the table. The first picture was Yeon Jihee and the second was Kim Shinyeong.

“Now, if I may please take over from here, chief.” Asked agent Yong Junhyung. “The very first killing was on Saturday April 7th 2001 and the killings continued to happen on Saturdays from then on. For whatever reason, the killer only attacked women in relationships which show that perhaps he himself was married or in a relationship where the woman wasn’t faithful. After thorough investigation we found out that the women he killed weren’t too into steady relationships.”

“The most recent victims were also killed on Saturdays,” Siwon said, pointing to the dates marked under the pictures, Saturday July 2nd 2011 and Saturday July 9th 2011. “You see, what was different with the last victim from ten years ago was that she was a single mother.” Siwon said, avoiding Gikwang’s stare. “We also aren’t too sure why the killer stopped the killings after Lee Hyeji.”

“AJ, is there anything about your mother that you didn’t tell us about?” Onew asked softly.

“No, only that she was dating someone.” Gikwang said uncomfortably.

“What about your father?” Joon asked.

“My father…I never met him. My mom told me that he wasn’t too great so I have no idea who he is.” Gikwang said quietly. Youngmi put a comforting hand on his shoulder, earning an irritated glare from Joon. Junhyung noted this and took it in note to keep an eye on him.

“That’s all for now, but we need to put it out to the media to keep a close eye on wives and girlfriends.” Siwon sighed. “The next kill will be in three days. Be careful.” He said looking at Youngmi who fitted the physical description of the victims.

Everyone left but Junhyung pulled Youngmi back into the room. “What is it, Junhyung?” she asked.

“Watch yourself when you’re around that Joon guy.” He said solemnly. “He doesn’t seem like a good guy. He’s been watching you, I can tell and he seems suspicious. Not even Siwon remembers asking one of the Busan units to come.”

“Thanks, Junhyung.” Youngmi said. “He doesn’t fit the profile though. The killer is supposed to be reserved and quiet as well as 175cm and tanned.”

“You never know what could change, Youngmi-yah. Just be careful.” Junhyung repeated.

“Got it.” Youngmi said, now more cautious towards Joon. Junhyung was right, Joon was suspicious, but something inside her told her otherwise.

“Are we still up for dinner?” Gikwang asked, pulling Youngmi out of her thoughts, also catching the attention of Joon’s ears.

“Yeah, sure where do you want to go?” Youngmi asked.

“There’s this small Italian restaurant that just opened near my place, how about there?” Gikwang asked.

“Yeah, that sounds great. But I have to go by 8:00, have to pick up Hyunsu from Seohyun’s.” Youngmi sighed.  She looked at the clock. “That should give us enough time, I mean it’s only 6:00 right now.”

“You know, I have yet to meet that son of yours.” Gikwang laughed.

“You sure you want to meet him? He’s like a never ending bundle of energy.” Gikwang smiled and nodded. “Fine, if you say so. I warn you though, he’s more than a handful.”

The two of them left, leaving Joon sitting at the spare desk wondering, ‘Son?’

So here it is, the first chapter. For those of you who don't know what an MO is, it's an acronym for something in Latin (Modus Operandi) which means "Mode of Operation"

It's like the manner of operating, the way they function or do things. It addresses the methods criminals use to do what they do. So in this case, it's to address the method that the 'Lady Killer' uses to kill his victims. 

For further defining if you still don't get it:

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Next Chapter: Chapter Two: The Son and his Uncles and Aunties

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Gonna start this up again! Being torn about wanting to add EXO & B.A.P but I won't since...well it wasn't part of the plan so too bad for me T__T


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you got me hooked on the description and foreword x_x!!
I'm subscribing! update soon :-)
Hey, your story is cool! Like it ^^<br />
Please update soon
pipihb #3
The only thing that came in my mind was, "But who's the dad?" .______. Have a feeling there will be a twist and i LOVE twist! 8)