Tomato On The Tree?

I Don't Want to Be a Teacher

"Ah," Hongbin sighed as he craned his neck to get a better look at the queue of people at the salad bar. He estimated there was about 5000 people waiting in line, but he was never the smart kid and hadn't yet discovered there was only 1000 students at the school. His foot tapped the floor to create some strange sort of beat to which he hummed completely out of time with. Eyes shut and head bopping horribly out of sync with the beat, he was oblivious to the fact people were starting to stare and giggle- something that was not made any better when he began to jerk his hand around like the wannabe rapper he really was at heart.


Of course, this reputation damaging act did not go unnoticed by the table of teachers sat at the edge of the cafeteria, though no one felt it was necessary to intervene. Mr Jung stared silently at the scene, pokerfaced apart from a slight twitch of the upper lip every couple of seconds. Hakyeon sat stunned with a face of pure horror for almost a minute before turning and placing his hand next to his face in embarrassment so he would not have to watch any longer. Mr Lee and Sanghyuk (who had somehow managed to sit at the teachers' table unnoticed...again) were beside themselves with laughter.

"He's gotten himself in such a pickle", Mr Lee chuckled, wiping non-existant tears from his eyes.

"It's like he just doesn't carrot all", Sanghyuk replied, slamming his hand on the table with the delivery of such an amazing pun.

"Lettuce go and help him", Mr Lee said, biting off a chunk of banana and making no attempt whatsoever to aid the hopeless Hongbin.

"I donut understand why we would do such a thing", Sanghyuk smirked, waiting for approval from the master of godlike puns. All he received, however, was a pitiful arm round the shoulders from Mr Lee.

"Sanghyuk, my boy", he patted the large student's lapel. "We could've made a good pear but what kind of morally acceptable salad bar serves goddamn donuts?!"

This was enough for the tears to brim in the young apprentice's eyes. He had waited for as long as he could remember (around 3 hours) for this moment to come in his life- the moment where he could prove his worth to Mr Lee- but he had blown it at the last hurdle. The comforting arm lifted itself mercilessly from his shoulders, giving Sanghyuk the freedom to sprint out of the cafeteria before he ruined his (non-existant) bad boy image.

The only one who was making any sort of attempt to end Honbin's cringe-fest was Mr Kim. He reluctantly rose from his seat, straightened his drooping beanie and marched over to Hongbin, parting the crowd of students like the Red Sea. 

Hongbin sensed a strange presence in the atmosphere, causing him to open his eyes and terminate all embarrassing actions at once. A tall figure was stood before him and he couldn't figure out if the infatuated sighing was the groups of girls stood behind him or the voice in his head. Probably both. But there was no time for this whimsical sighing as it quickly turned to uncontrollable squealing as Mr Kim grasped Hongbin's wrist with a firm grip and dragged him swiftly away from the scene, causing the poor red-faced manchild to drop his food tray and almost slip on the floor covered in what was previously his cup of mango juice. 

The red from his face drained into his hand as Mr Kim adjusted his grip, not letting go until they were out of the cafeteria and safely hidden behind a tree in the corner of the currently empty playground. Hongbin finally managed to wrestle his hand from Mr Kim's almost iron grip and was about to flee to the "Hub" when he actually realised something for once,

"Why did you bring me here?", he asked curiously, flexing his hand to relieve it of the tension Mr Kim had inflicted.

"Well you see", Mr Kim's voice was hushed and he looked cautiously around the tree before continuing. "You're gonna have to go."

"Go?" Hongbin's voice squeaked before he was able to control it. He cleared his throat and whispered, "Go?"

"Get on a boat, a train, a plane- whatever it takes to escape the country", Mr Kim was deadly serious.

Wide eyed, Hongbin couldn't comprehend the situation. "W-why?"

"What do you mean why?! You can't go back in there after that circus act just happened!" Mr Kim spat, accidentally of course, causing himself to laugh before he could stop the urge.

"So I'm in d-d-danger?" Hongbin stammered as he wiped the saliva from his cheek and held it in a fist in front of his chest. Mr Kim simply continued to laugh and patted Hongbin's shoulder playfully.

"It's a joke."

"I know I must have seemed like a joke but what am I su-"

"Dude", Mr Kim looked directly into Hongbin's eyes, even though their gaze kept fleeting around everywhere except at Mr Kim. He placed his other hand on Hongbin's other tensed shoulder. "You don't need to leave", he chuckled, finding it hard to believe Hongbin fell for such an absurd lie and feeling a little guilty for deceiving him.

"B-but why are we out here?" Hongbin stuttered, finally daring to meet Mr Kim's intense stare.

"Because your face kinda gave away the fact you were getting hot in that cafeteria and I thought you wouldn't take too badly to having a little fresh air", Mr Kim smiled, not half-heartedly for once.


"Oh sweet Jesus that was loud," Mr Lee cursed under his breath, ing the camera into Sanghyuk's hands and disappearing instantly behind the corner of the wall. Sanghyuk was oblivious to the situation and used the camera as his opportunity to get a front row seat in the newly developed "love story" between Mr Kim and the bean man. 

As he zoomed in on the scene about 100 metres away from where he was stood, Sanghyuk was met with Mr Kim's angry face glaring directly into the camera lens with an exhausted looking, red-faced Hongbin still stood helplessly between his arms. The camera was lowered as a smirk developed across Sanghyuk's face.

Ducking behind the wall and out of sight, he and Mr Lee flicked through the photos on the camera. Each was more scandalous than the last and the two paparazzis stood chortling until a seething Beanie-clad man stepped around the corner, staring daggers into the two of them.

Mr Lee was the first to respond, with a worried,




Sorry I haven't updated in so long I've had no inspiration whatsoever but I'll try my best in future ^.~

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24/5 I updated :3


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Chapter 6: Jaehwan and Sanghyuk killed me
Iheartyou1004 #2
Chapter 6: This is good!
Chapter 5: I freaking love how the sentence structuring makes this entire fic more humorous in the intellectual sense(?)

"The use of big words and formal sounding narration in my head is still making the fic incredibly amusing and entertaining," is what I'm trying to say. You've gotten yourself a subscriber. Keep up the great work :)
g_gangles19 #4
Chapter 4: How did I overlook this? OuO
Hyuk is such a creeper Omg xD
I love it!!
Please do update soon author nim
And I wonder what Taekwoons gonna teach *raises eyebrows suggestively*
Nomnommonster #5
Chapter 1: Lol ken writing
jihyobias #6
Chapter 4: new reader here~~
this is new to me as me always read romance stories
great keep it up...!
g_gangles19 #7
Chapter 3: I was laughing so hard when Ken slapped Ravi with the salmon xD
'Salmon backhand' HAHAHAHAH xD
Chapter 3: Bless your existence and for creating this fanfic. Maybe someday I will die from all the laughing but at least I'll die happy XDD looking forward to the next update~
g_gangles19 #9
Chapter 2: Hakyeon blinded by the holy abs xD
This is great!! I absolutely adore Vixx crack fics and your is no exception, I want moore xD
Please do update soon :3