Sanghyuk Enters the Scene

I Don't Want to Be a Teacher

"Ah, but I don't want to." 

The quiet guy looked extremely uneasy as the eyes of everyone in the room turned to him.

"Taekwoon it's a biology lesson, it's not as if we're asking you to single handedly send him to the moon in a hot air balloon", Wonshik replied with impatience.

Taekwoon shuffled around on the spot, his eyes darting from one person to another, and eventually coming to rest on Hongbin's face.

"I don't want to teach him today."

"He's only going to be in your class for one day a week, don't give me that", Hakyeon scoffed.

"Let's wai-" But nobody found out what Taekwoon was about to say for Mr Lee swept into the room, a smug grin on his face.

"I heard you all talking and I must say, it couldn't be any more tense in here if the past present and future were all to make an appearance." This analogy earned him 3 glares and a piece of gravel flicked at his forehead. However, such a small physical injury inflicted no damage to his ego. "But in all seriousness, Taekwoon, I think you need to be a little more flexible." Mr Lee smirked as he dodged a dictionary launched from Wonshik's direction. It may have left a dent in the wall but his ego remained untouchable.

Eyes fixed on the floor, Taekwoon scuttled out of the 'hub'. Jaehwan mouthed a short countdown, 3..2...1...

"HYU-I mean-MR JUNG!" A voice screamed from the hallway. Not a girl's voice though, this voice had a deep tone that resonated through the hallways. It wasn't the most pleasant sound Hongbin had ever heard, he had to admit, but he was in no place to judge as he was currently the New Guy Who Fell Through The Window On His First Day.

"Go", Hakyeon hissed in his ear. Hongbin frowned, confusion twisting his features. Hakyeon jabbed a finger in the firection Taekwoon had gone in. "Go."

Hongbin's mouth formed its familiar donut shape and he followed in pursuit of Taekwoon who was being harrassed by the same tall student that kept appearing at awkward times. Hongbin kept his distance the whole way to the science lab where Taekwoon shook the tall student off his arm. The student then fell to the ground in exaggerated manner, clutching his arm.

"Mr Jung, I think you broke my pelvis..." The student groaned, caressing his elbow.

"That's not your pelvis, that's your funny bone." Taekwoon mumbled.

"SIKE", the student leapt to his feet, creasing over in laughter, though Hongbin couldn't tell whether it was genuine or not.  His laughter rang in Hongbin's dainty ears louder than the school bell which was summoning fleets of students to the corridor.

The lab door popped open with a squeak, as did the tall student's mouth when he appeared to remember something. Still, Hongbin maintained the 12 metres of safety between him and the goofball.

Taekwoon entered the room with the student on his heels, almost literally. A couple of other students filtered out from the crowd in the hallway and Hongbin decided he would risk entering the same room as the tall student as he had heard there was safety in numbers.

There wasn't much to be said about the lab. There were rows of benches, the tall student obviously sat at the very back, on his own. At the front, an interactive whiteboard displayed the time, date and the topic of the lesson. But it was written in such a tiny font that without the help of his spectacles, Hongbin couldn't read it. Just what was Mr Jung planning on teaching?

"Mr Bean, you may sit next to Sanghyuk", Taekwoon called softly from the front of the room. A snigger passed around the class but did not latch onto Hongbin for he had let his jaw hang open with disbelief. He noted a small twinkle in Taekwoon's eye and began to scheme. But sadly, as it was Hongbin, he did not get very far into his plans.

A hand grabbed his arm, violently pulling him to the side. (not so) Surprisingly, it was the tall student, Sanghyuk? Was that his name?

Hongbin stumbled over his own feet as a result of being dragged across the room by Sanghyuk, who him down onto a stool just as a child would discard of a toy they no longer wanted to play with. As Hongbin regained his balance atop the stool, Sanghyuk plonked himself on the seat nextdoor and opened his mouth, presumably to dribble out a string of words, but was interrupted by Mr Jung who clapped his hands loudly to obtain the class' attention.

He cleared his throat and spoke, noticeably louder than before, "We have a new student today, Mr Bea-"

"That's not his name", Sanghyuk chirped. The class turned in their direction. Hongbin smiled apologetically and aggressively nudged Sanghyuk's foot beneath the bench, receiving a satisfying 'oomf' as a result.

"Mr Hongbin", Taekwoon continued, "Will be with us until next Summer, where he will attempt to finally pass a biology cl-"

This was interrupted by a snort that rattled the room. Again, all eyes returned to Sanghyuk, who wore a shocked expression and covered his lower face with his unusually large hands.

Taekwoon continued with his introduction which, to be honest, nobody was listening to.

"That really hurt", Sanghyuk mumbled as he rubbed the bridge of his nose. His lower lip was sticking out and his eyes were blinking frantically. Hongbin almost drowned in the self-pity Sanghyuk had for himself.

But this changed in a matter of moments as Sanghyuk, who had not been listening to a word Taekwoon was saying, called across the room excitedly, "TAEKW-MR JUNG-! Tell Mr Hang Bean what we're going to be learning today-!"

Panic flashed across Taekwoon's face but he quickly regained his pokerface.


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24/5 I updated :3


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Chapter 6: Jaehwan and Sanghyuk killed me
Iheartyou1004 #2
Chapter 6: This is good!
Chapter 5: I freaking love how the sentence structuring makes this entire fic more humorous in the intellectual sense(?)

"The use of big words and formal sounding narration in my head is still making the fic incredibly amusing and entertaining," is what I'm trying to say. You've gotten yourself a subscriber. Keep up the great work :)
g_gangles19 #4
Chapter 4: How did I overlook this? OuO
Hyuk is such a creeper Omg xD
I love it!!
Please do update soon author nim
And I wonder what Taekwoons gonna teach *raises eyebrows suggestively*
Nomnommonster #5
Chapter 1: Lol ken writing
jihyobias #6
Chapter 4: new reader here~~
this is new to me as me always read romance stories
great keep it up...!
g_gangles19 #7
Chapter 3: I was laughing so hard when Ken slapped Ravi with the salmon xD
'Salmon backhand' HAHAHAHAH xD
Chapter 3: Bless your existence and for creating this fanfic. Maybe someday I will die from all the laughing but at least I'll die happy XDD looking forward to the next update~
g_gangles19 #9
Chapter 2: Hakyeon blinded by the holy abs xD
This is great!! I absolutely adore Vixx crack fics and your is no exception, I want moore xD
Please do update soon :3