Teach Me A Lesson

I Don't Want to Be a Teacher

"Ah", Hongbin sighed, as his head fell graciously into his hands. Sanghyuk smirked.

"I'm really glad you joined our class, Bean."

Hongbin frowned at Sanghyuk's informalities. But dismissed it as there were more pressing matters at hand, such as Mr Jung's lesson.

"Quiet!" Mr Jung called. Though it sounded more like he was describing his voice rather than giving a command. Instead he held up a large hand and the entire classroom fell into a hush. He cleared his throat.

"Today we will be covering the subject of", he paused. "Reproduction."

An excited murmuring enveloped the class, causing Mr Jung to reluctantly wave his hand in the air again until silence replaced the hushed giggles. Perhaps silence wasn't the best option, as the room filled with an awkward atmosphere.

Beside Hongbin, Sanghyuk was jigging his leg up and down. So he's one of those people, Hongbin thought to himself, miserably, as his pen began to shudder across the desk because of the vibrations Sanghyuk was causing. A sigh escaped his lips as he resorted to the only method he could think of to get Sanghyuk to stop.

Placing his dainty hand atop Sanghyuk's jiggling thigh was not top of his bucket list, but Hongbin couldn't say he was dissatisfied. This was most likely an indication he needed to be more disciplined with his private thoughts, but nonetheless Sanghyuk put a halt to the brief earthquake in the corner of the lab. Curiosity washed across his face as his eyes flickered from his thigh, to Hongbin's face and then back again, and then to the mildly explicit picture currently displayed on the board.

Hongbin's hand flew away from it resting position and slapped himself, a little too hard, in the lower face area. Sanghyuk, however, sat up straighter and folded his arms on the desk, seemingly interested in what Mr Jung was now saying.

"And this here", Mr Jung gestured to the organ diagram on the board. "Is a uterus."

"Tae-Mr Jung?" Sanghyuk interrupted.

"Yes?" Mr Jung replied apprehensively.

"Apparently the uterus is very small, but I like to believe it's very womby", Sanghyuk said innocently.

Mr Jung retained his poker face, "and this is the ovary. Where the eggs are produced."

Sanghyuk's hand flew to his chest, "Wow! But if women have eggs then why do we eat the ones from chickens?"

Hongbin nudged him in the ribs, agitated. Was Sanghyuk an imbecile or was he putting on an act? Or both?

Mr Jung's shoulders slumped, "Sanghyuk, do you wish to leave?"

Sanghyuk's eyes widened. Then narrowed. Was Mr Jung playing games with him? Sanghyuk decided yes, he most likely was, and knew his only option was to fight back.

"No Sir, but I have a question."

Mr Jung hesitated before nodding, allowing Sanghyuk's question to tumble from his mouth.

"Is it true that women poop babies?"

"Ah...." Hongbin's head hit the desk wearily.



As you most likely noticed, I haven't updated in a while. Sorry about that, also this chapter is a little short, just so I can get back into the swing of things. Enjoy  ^.~

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Chapter 6: Jaehwan and Sanghyuk killed me
Iheartyou1004 #2
Chapter 6: This is good!
Chapter 5: I freaking love how the sentence structuring makes this entire fic more humorous in the intellectual sense(?)

"The use of big words and formal sounding narration in my head is still making the fic incredibly amusing and entertaining," is what I'm trying to say. You've gotten yourself a subscriber. Keep up the great work :)
g_gangles19 #4
Chapter 4: How did I overlook this? OuO
Hyuk is such a creeper Omg xD
I love it!!
Please do update soon author nim
And I wonder what Taekwoons gonna teach *raises eyebrows suggestively*
Nomnommonster #5
Chapter 1: Lol ken writing
jihyobias #6
Chapter 4: new reader here~~
this is new to me as me always read romance stories
great keep it up...!
g_gangles19 #7
Chapter 3: I was laughing so hard when Ken slapped Ravi with the salmon xD
'Salmon backhand' HAHAHAHAH xD
Chapter 3: Bless your existence and for creating this fanfic. Maybe someday I will die from all the laughing but at least I'll die happy XDD looking forward to the next update~
g_gangles19 #9
Chapter 2: Hakyeon blinded by the holy abs xD
This is great!! I absolutely adore Vixx crack fics and your is no exception, I want moore xD
Please do update soon :3