Banana Mania

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''Long time no see, mommy and daddy'', I whispered. I dusted the headstone with a tissue, before placing a bouquet of assorted white and yellow flowers near it. Krystal was shuffling behind me, quietly watching me speak to my parents. The soft summer breeze fluttered her light grey dress slightly up, her face was adorned with a pair of white Ray Ban sunglasses, and her feet were sporting my black low top All Stars.

I hadn't visited my parents' grave in almost three months now, being caught up in school work and rumors of the like. After that day in school, I had taken two days off. The school board had actually informed my aunt, but she wasn't mad at me, and after explaining what the situation was, she thought it would be best for me to just rest at home. Krystal had came in both days after school for movie marathons and face-stuffing, and I had felt a bit better, really.

''Something really weird happened to me. Some people at school spread some rumor that I had slept with a guy friend of mine. You're not mad at me, are you?'', I asked. ''Because I haven't, honestly. I don't even like him. I did almost kiss him at my birthday party, but I was intoxicated, and I felt a lot of pressure upon me, some weird feeling of wanting to fit in with my peers, I guess...''

I hugged my knees and looked at the graves before continuing. ''But I did loose my first kiss. To Krystal. Remember her? You've met her a couple of times before, I took her with me while visiting. She's super sweet and we just wanted to get it over with, I guess. Would you be mad at me if you knew? I don't think you would. You guys have always been supportive of everything I've done, and I remember you two having homoual friends as well. I don't think I'm doing anything wrong, and I don't know how I feel about girls, but I do know I don't regret anything...''

''Noa...'', Krystal voiced quietly. I looked up at her, and to my surprise, she had tears in her eyes. ''That's so incredibly sweet of you to say...''

''Hey, why are you crying? Come sit next to me,'' I said, patting the grass patch I was sitting on. My face adorned a sad smile, as I was feeling bittersweet, a little empty, but still glad I had someone by my side. I had felt alone for such along time, and for the first time in years, thanks to Krystal, I had found someone to share sadness and sorrow with. Although I felt in pain right now, I did not want to see Krystal cry or hurt. I don't know if this was because she was my best friend, my sister, my soul mate, or anything, but I wanted to voice these emotions without thinking about it twice.

''You know, after our kiss...'', she begun, sniffling a little. ''I felt incredibly confused. No, wait, not confused. More like... scared? I was scared you were going to hate me, or that things would be weird, which they were, but we fixed that. And I was scared of this... this feeling...''

She suddenly shut down, her face held in her hands. ''Look at me,'' I ordered. ''Krys, would you please just look at me?''

She lifted her head, struggling to meet my gaze. ''Now, I want you to realize something. I am Kang Noa. Your Noa. Your best friend. Always remember that. Carry on, please,'' I whispered.

''O... Okay... It's just, it felt like... Like the best thing I had ever done in my whole, entire life. I felt so happy, and so content. I could regret and hate anything, except for this. This feeling, this feeling of bliss, of belonging, of contentment, never have I ever felt the same way about anything in my life. When I think back about every happy moment I had, nothing compares to the night we shared that kiss on the top of your kitchen,'' she chuckled. ''And I just... I don't know what to do with it. I don't know if this is normal. I don't know if you feel the same way or not. I don't know where to go from here.''

We sat in silence, watching the trees move with the light summer breeze that hung around us. I felt every single fiber inside of me. Every single cell, every movement, the blood flowing through my veins, the Earth moving underneath my fingertips, the bees and the clouds, and above all, Krystal, when she tentatively touched my cheek, making me look up.

I felt electricity shoot through my flesh, I felt my body heath up, I felt my cheeks go rosy, I felt everything and anything, this undeniable connection, this undeniable realness, and we both knew it was right, and we both knew this was it.

I turned my face towards her. I took her face between two of my hands, feeling her sweet cheeks underneath my gentle hold, as if she was the softest thing on earth, the warmth emitting from her body, as if the sun herself was sitting in between my fingertips, her lips, oh those plum lips, parted slightly, and those brows, furrowed a little, expecting an answer, tears still lingering around the most beautiful eyes God had ever created.

''Go to my heart,'' I whispered, and when I kissed her, and I felt her tongue, and her sweet breath, I realized that this was the only place I could ever just be, the only place I'd ever want to be.

She tasted like the banana milkshake we had shared this morning, and I had to smile.

A/N:  I wanted to write a lighter chapter (I'm becoming SUCH a sap I almost wrote chappie) in between all the implied ~angst~ lol, so I hope this was OK. By the way pls don't expect a super happy ending bc I want this to be more slice-of-life/a coming of age story.. I'm not sure about the ending yet but it will be as realistic as possible, that I can promise. (Also, I got two confessions this month, one of them today actually. What the . I'm trash. How.) XO Laçin :)

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I updated with a new chapter the other day, thank you for the kind messages and new subs :)


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Sun-RY #1
Chapter 10: Oh my lord! Welcome back :D you have no idea how happy i was!
K-Reader28 #2
Chapter 9: author-nim i hope u update soon jebal ....
Chapter 9: Hope u update soon auth....
I really fall in love with this story
Chapter 1: Wow.... What a great prologue you have here auth
Chapter 9: Omg, i just read this story again and Im happy I did. Are you going to continue it maybe in the future? I wanna know who spread the rumor.
Chapter 9: Omg its so cute haha
I know that it's an angst story and all, but I was expecting a happy ending till I read your final notes... Well, I understand and even if they don't end up together (well, Krystal don't deserve her at all, anyway, from what I read in the prologue) the final it will be great, because the story itself it's already great! XD
I know it was a bad rumor about her, ughhh I already hate the jerk that spread that lie... I hope they know it wasn't true... And Key should back off even if he's that handsome and y and good looking... I still prefer Krytal~♡ hahaha! XD
AWESOMEEEE chapter author! I was so anxious for this chapter, and I'm glad you update ^^
You did an Awesome job!! I hope you update soon! See ya next! ;D
Chapter 2: Hey, I'm a new reader here '-'/
This is really good! I haven't read until the last chapter, but I really like it. The prologue was really nice, it got into my heart ,_,
Chapter 8: Kai's little spread the rumor didn't he? OR ONE OF HIS FRIENDS DID.
Chapter 8: I think it was Jongin, he acts like he don't care, but I don't believe in that handsome face, with those y lips and piercing eyes...
It seemd that Jessica's suspicious about their disappearence on the party, I have a strong feeling that she'll screw up with them two a lot...
Nice chapter author, I hope yoi update soon! ^^