Chapter 2

Calling You Sarang ; {TF}

By now , everyone would have gathered at the entrance . Shawols would have had butterflies in their stomach already , anticipating the live meet and watching the concert performed by the idols . Tears dripped slowly down your cheeks -leaving a trail of wetness , your vision blurred ; couldn't be one of them . them thats waiting for the boys .

You decided to stop looking at the clock and proceeded to your bedroom on the second floor of the private property , trying to find something to busy yourself with to distract yourself . Like homework . or maybe calling Wenhao . or maybe clean up the messy study table . or maybe cal-

no , your cant call him .

You remembered that first day that you received a call ... 

"Aish , what am i doing right now  ?!" you told yourself .

But you couldn't .

You couldn't push away the thought that Taemin and the rest of SHINee are performing , here in your own homeland , and you cant go . You couldn't push away the thought that you could have been there if Appa didn't have to use your money on the electricity bills . You couldn't push away the thought that hundreds of fangirls are going to cheer for Taemin and you , his "wife" , couldn't be one of them .  

Frustrated with the flooding of thoughts , you roughly pulled out your homework from your bag under the table and a card fell out . Its the cartoonised picture of Tae .

You stared at the picture and tears that dried up a few minutes ago , started to slowly flow again ; leaving a path of pethetic dampness . Thinking that you'e far too distracted to do your homework anyway , you switched off your bedroom light , got into bed , pulled up your blanket to cover your body till the neck , stared at the ceiling and waited for sleep to sink in .

~ ~

wYou were woken up by the ringing of your handphone on the table beside your bed . Lazily , you pushed away your blanket , wondering how long have you slept since its still dark outside , wondering if its Veronica or Sara calling to "inform u about how amazing the concert was , and how hot Taemin was . How y . How manly . How devilishly good-looking he was on stage .  

You were tempted to not answer the call but when you saw an all-too-familiar number , your eyes freshen up as you pressed the green button .  

It was very quiet over at the other side , but you knew who the caller was . Your heart beated wildly and it amazed you at how he could affect you without talking , even tho you've been together for a year already .

silence .

"...taemin-ah ." you whispered , unable to bear the silence that was too loud .  

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Chapter 4: aigooo so cute!!!
ukissmekevin16 #2
aw! that was great! i think you should continue it
chas_ssmentrok #3
awwww...glad they still end up together in the end :3
lisa_desu #4
y taemin at the end...i love it ;) you've done a great job! keeeeep writing~fighting!!!
mineshinee18 #5
ohhh.. So cute! the story is so cute///////