Wait. What?

What Makes Us Similar
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Namjoon watches in awe and disbelief as Jungkook makes his way towards him. 

"Jungkook, w-what are you doing here?" Namjoon asks the shock of seeing the other man still lingers in his tone.

"Hey hyung, did you miss me?" The boy winks and gives Namjoon a mischievous smile.

Namjoon blushes.

"W-what are you doing here?" He whispers the question as the man takes a seat next to him.

"I, said I wanted to get to know you better, didn't I?" Jungkook answers as though pretending to be a high school student to know Namjoon better was the most logical action in the world.

"So you enrolled in high school?" Namjoon can't hide his amazement.

"Uh-huh," Jungkook answers as he sits down, and takes out his books. "Plus I like school," and Namjoon smiles because he can tell the man isn't lying.

Jungkook, Mr. Sauve is a secret nerd?

Namjoon smiles despite himself.

He stares at the man with a new found awe and settles himself back in his seat.

Class continues with Namjoon taking small peeks every once in a while to his right as though to verify Jungkook was not just in his imagination. He has conflicting feelings about the man being here, but he is not sure why. Had this happened last year or even the beginning of this year Namjoon would not have been able to contain his joy at having his feeling reciprocated. But for some unknown reason, he feels a tiny bit of trepidation rising within him. He likes Jungkook, likes him a lot and will not deny his attraction to the man. He feels safe when Jungkook is around, and he finds the confidence the man oozes y as hell.


The "but" he won't allow his mind to consider. The "but" is underaged and still in high school. The "but" is the leader of a pretty boy gang, whose goal in life seems to be to make Namjoon as uncomfortable as possible. The "but" is sitting two seats behind him, and Namjoon wants to know what the boy's reaction was to Jungkook's appearance.

He shakes his head; no he does not wish to know Taehyung's reaction to Jungkook's being there.

Taehyung is NOT and option, but Jungkook is.

With that Namjoon makes a grown up decision.

The bell rings signaling the end of class.

"What class do you have next?" Jungkook asks as they pack up their things.

"Econ," Namjoon replies, "What about you?"

"Gym," Jungkook says almost gleefully, "I forgot how much fun school is."

Namjoon smiles again, yup, total nerd.

"Hey want to meet up after school?" Jungkook asks.

"I can't today. I am meeting my sociology partner after school today." Namjoon answers. Jungkook's face falls but brightens again when Namjoon adds, "maybe we can meet up after that."

"Yeah, sure. We could get dinner or something."

"Sounds, like a plan."

Jungkook smiles as they walk out the door. "It's a date," he yells in Namjoon's direction.

The blonde man blushes again and turns to and head to his next class. He is shocked to see Taehyung standing in front of him.

"We still on for after school today?" There is something in the boy's tone that Namjoon can't place. 

"Nae," Namjoon feels suddenly shaky and apprehensive at the thought of spending time alone with Taehyung. His glasses slip as though feeling the same, and it takes several tries to get them back into place.

"Good, I was thinking the library. But I dislike being locked inside," The boy starts. "How about we meet at the library and decide where to go after that?"

Namjoon knows he is staring, he also knows he should give some form of an answer. But all he can do is stand there dumbfounded because it feels like Taehyung just asked him out.

"Yes or no?" Taehyung is looking at him, and again Namjoon sees something in the boy's eyes that he can't quantify.

"Uhmm, yeah that should be okay, he needs to get away. Taehyung is causing his brain not to work. 

"I have to go I don't want to be late for class," he starts walking down the hall, "I'll see you after school." 

Taehyung doesn't respond as he walks away, and Namjoon wonders if he imagined the flicker in the boy's eyes.


"So who's the hottie?" Jimin asks as he sits down next to Namjoon dropping his backpack to the ground with a thud.

"Hottie?" Namjoon plays dumb. Jungkook was indeed hot. The collective gasps of the female students at his introduction was enough validation.

"Seriously, you're going to play dumb?" Jimin gives a look that screams, 'really'?!

"You mean Jungkook? He's a friend from my last school," Namjoon lies.

"Not to be mean hyung, but you were friends with someone that looks like that?"

"Not really. Our friendship is a recent development.

"Ohhh," Jimin says.

"What do you mean by, oh?" Namjoon asks.

"Well, you're sorta different now. I don't know how exactly. But you're different from how you were when you first started."

Jimin doesn't get to expound because the teacher called the class to attention. 

As he sits through economics his mind wonders to what Jimin just said, Hoseok had said something similar about Namjoon being different. He doesn’t feel any different, not really. But a part of him knows he has changed.

The day continues without much incident, and Namjoon had all but forgotten about his study date with Taehyung. But as he sits in his final class of the day he can't ignore the fact that his heart rate has started to rise. The closer it gets to the end of the class the hotter he begins to feel and the more he starts to sweat. 

Namjoon is nervous.

He contemplates calling Chanyeol, but that would only get him teased.

He wills for time to stand still, but it doesn't and as the bell rings announcing the end of class Namjoon's heart triples in speed. He slowly packs up his desk and makes his way to the library.

He gets to the library first and looks around, but does not see Tae

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ashishi #1
Chapter 31: Chapter 29: Chapter 29: This is my first time reading a fanfic that has some unsual pairings (Except VMon and KookieMonster)
Bts member paired to a non-bts member? Can I just say wow?!!! I don't know who the non-bts characters here but wow (i only listen and watch bts, is why i don't know them)
Chapter 31: It was perfect! But you had me hanging on what happened with Jin-Mino and Kookie-Jongin!
Chapter 31: Please give us more...
I'm curious about what happened to MinoJin dan KaiKook????
Chapter 31: * groans* you're like, terrible in the best way possible! TuT
Like Vmon was so good and I loved Chanyeol's personality here! Like he's usually not portrayed like that, or at least from the docs I read XD, and so he was just great!
And omg Jongin and Jungkook <3
And lol I love how Jin handled himself with Mino XD like most of the time in a Student/teacher relationship type of thing, the teacher ALWAYS gives in but I'm glad to say that Jin paved a way aroundXD
But seriously, great story~~~
Chapter 25: Something about reading fictional characters falling in love with people they shouldn't be falling love with is just amusing and magical XD
Chapter 31: Lovely and nice story you wrote there !
I'm really a fan of your writing style (short or long it's always nice). It's a wonder how you study and do it all at the same time ^^
Thank you for that sweet and beautiful story !
xsasax #7
Chapter 31: Where can I find the other chapters with minoXjin and jungkookXjongin ??
I love all ur stories!!! Amazing work author-nim!!!!
nickos #9
Chapter 31: VMON fanfic! YAASSS!! Awesome VMON fanfic! YAAAAASSSSSSSS! I'm such a VMON trash! Thank you for the awesome story! I love you!
vcrazy95 #10
Chapter 31: Ghhhaaaaad the ending was amaaaazing!!! lol~ Pretty well done for the whole story authornim tysm<33 I soo love them... Namtae need to sail more often~ ㅠㅠ haha:))