
What Makes Us Similar
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“You okay, hyung?” Jungkook is leaning in concern coloring his voice.

Namjoon shakes his head.

“Remember the group of boys I was telling you about?”

Yeah, what about them?” Jungkook asks.

“They’re here; they sent the drink,” Namjoon wishes he was cooler, wishes that high schoolers didn’t have this much power over his emotions.

“Is that all, hyung? I’ll help you deal with them. Come Monday morning you will be the most popular boy in that school.” Jungkook’s eyes sparkle with a plan and Namjoon is not sure he wants to know what it is.

Namjoon stares at the writer; the younger man was undeniably attractive when he took charge. Namjoon relaxed a bit; he decided to ignore the existence of S2K and focus his energy on enjoying his very first date.

“Now, hold up your glass acknowledge the drink, and then look at me as though I am the only thing in the world,” Jungkook instructs.

Namjoon does as he is told he turns to the table, raises the glass and nods his head towards the staring trio, takes a sip and turns his attention on Jungkook. The younger man’s eyes are bright, and a small smile plays on his lips.

“Now hyung, I had planned on doing this later, but who says it can only happen once?” Jungkook states as he leans forward.

Namjoon stares at him confused by the comment; the confusion is cleared right up when warm lips peck his own.

“Mmmm, they have good taste in drinks; your lips are delicious.”

Namjoon’s lids shut automatically the moment Jungkook’s lips met his, and they are still closed now. His heart is beating wildly against his chest that was his first kiss. He should be a little upset to have it stolen, but he is not.

He opens his eyes to see Jungkook staring at him; the boy looked worried.  As though he thought, he may have taken things too far. Namjoon is not sure what prompts him to commit the next act. Perhaps it was the fact that he didn’t look like himself, so he didn’t have to act like himself; maybe it was the alcohol in his system. Whatever it was Namjoon leans over and kisses the man back, this time adding a little more force.

“You’re right, no one said it had to happen just once,” Namjoon says, and he can feel himself turning red; he is unskilled at flirting.

The Jungkook gifts him with the biggest brightest smile he has ever seen, and he’d kiss the man every day if that smile would be the result.

“Wanna dance?” Jungkook asks.

“I like you too much to subject you to horrors of me on the dance floor.” Namjoon deadpans.

“You can’t be that bad.” The younger man laughs.

“Chanyeol’s friend Sungjong says I look like a baby deer learning to walk while high on crack, so yeah, I am thinking it is that bad.”

Jungkook is laughing hard at the statement, he knows Lee Sungjong, and can totally picture the cute petite man saying that to Namjoon. But despite the statement he wants to dance with the blonde man. He’d risk his toes getting crushed, or possibly losing an eye, just to spend time with Namjoon.

“Even so, I’d still like to dance with you.” Jungkook’s eyes are mesmerizing, and Namjoon nods in agreement.

“Don’t say I didn’t warn you, though.” Namjoon laughs as they make their way to the dance floor.

Jungkook is an exceptional dancer, hell Jungkook is great at everything, and for a moment Namjoon wonders why someone so perfect would be interested in him. 

The thought flies out of his mind when a hand snakes around his waist turns him around and pulls him close.

“Hello puppy,” Kai’s voice is slick, and it must be the alcohol because Namjoon finds it a bit y. He shakes his head to remove the errant thought.

He was about to push Jongin away when he finds himself being rescued by one angry Jeon Jungkook; the younger man gets in Jongin’s face. And Namjoon can’t help but notice how good they look together. Both men have lean dancers’ bodies, both are tall with very sharp distinct features, and Namjoon is beginning to believe he has stepped into an alternate universe one where everyone looks like a supermodel.

“What the hell,” Jungkook pushes Jongin away from the blonde man.

And yeah Namjoon is a wee bit impressed by the man’s protective nature. Not to mention he finds the fact that two very attractive people are fighting over him, y.

That’s it no more alcohol for the remainder of this night.

Jongin is not fazed, in fact, the boy seems almost excited, eyes have a glint as he takes in Jungkook’s form.

“Puppy, who’s your friend, he’s almost as pretty as you are,” the teenager says with a smirk.

“Well, you just proved there is nothing is wrong with your eyes, with that statement. So how is it you didn’t manage to see, that he was already with someone?” Jungkook asks voice matching Jongin’s in smoothness and Namjoon shudders, but he’s not sure why.

Something about the way the younger man keeps everything in check makes him both appealing and scary. Jungkook is like a volcano on the brink of eruption.

“Maybe I thought he shouldn’t settle. Plus I promised him a party. I always keep my promises.

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ashishi #1
Chapter 31: Chapter 29: Chapter 29: This is my first time reading a fanfic that has some unsual pairings (Except VMon and KookieMonster)
Bts member paired to a non-bts member? Can I just say wow?!!! I don't know who the non-bts characters here but wow (i only listen and watch bts, is why i don't know them)
Chapter 31: It was perfect! But you had me hanging on what happened with Jin-Mino and Kookie-Jongin!
Chapter 31: Please give us more...
I'm curious about what happened to MinoJin dan KaiKook????
Chapter 31: * groans* you're like, terrible in the best way possible! TuT
Like Vmon was so good and I loved Chanyeol's personality here! Like he's usually not portrayed like that, or at least from the docs I read XD, and so he was just great!
And omg Jongin and Jungkook <3
And lol I love how Jin handled himself with Mino XD like most of the time in a Student/teacher relationship type of thing, the teacher ALWAYS gives in but I'm glad to say that Jin paved a way aroundXD
But seriously, great story~~~
Chapter 25: Something about reading fictional characters falling in love with people they shouldn't be falling love with is just amusing and magical XD
Chapter 31: Lovely and nice story you wrote there !
I'm really a fan of your writing style (short or long it's always nice). It's a wonder how you study and do it all at the same time ^^
Thank you for that sweet and beautiful story !
xsasax #7
Chapter 31: Where can I find the other chapters with minoXjin and jungkookXjongin ??
I love all ur stories!!! Amazing work author-nim!!!!
nickos #9
Chapter 31: VMON fanfic! YAASSS!! Awesome VMON fanfic! YAAAAASSSSSSSS! I'm such a VMON trash! Thank you for the awesome story! I love you!
vcrazy95 #10
Chapter 31: Ghhhaaaaad the ending was amaaaazing!!! lol~ Pretty well done for the whole story authornim tysm<33 I soo love them... Namtae need to sail more often~ ㅠㅠ haha:))